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How a writing course made me a better business communicator

Paul Watts, an adviser to industry on cyber-security, describes how Economist Education’s business-writing course improved his communication skills

March 6th 2024

Why did I enrol in Economist Education’s business-writing course? Years of dealing with non-technical stakeholders have shown me the importance of communicating in a way that is relatable and jargon-free, as well as engaging, informative and inspiring. This is particularly true when you’re trying to convey important but dry information, or seeking investment! However, technology professionals don't have a great record of doing this. It’s easy to fall into the trap of writing with assumed knowledge, which can frustrate the reader and reduce the impact of your writing. Moreover, in my current role I need to write material in a variety of formats for a diverse audience. 

With that in mind, I went looking for a course that would help me hone my writing and storytelling skills and reflect on my own areas of weakness. I wanted to complete it at my own pace, but with the support of peers and with chances to engage with tutors and subject-matter experts. Economist Education’s course and its method of delivery offered all this, and gave me a perfect way to learn, share and develop my skills. 

Also, during the six weeks of the course, participants work on a writing project. I was able to turn mine into an online opinion piece, drawing on what I’d learnt in the course—from how to visualise data to support an argument to using metaphors and storytelling to make a compelling case.

Overall I found the course insightful, inspiring, challenging—and thoroughly enjoyable, too. In fact, the Information Security Forum has been so impressed that we are in the process of making the course a part of the training we offer to our researchers.

If you’re interested in exploring Economist Education’s business-writing course, click here.

Find out more on this topic in our course...

Business writing and storytelling

The course explores the psychology, craft and purpose of writing with a focus on the choices writers must make—from words, phrases and metaphors to the sentences and paragraphs that make up creative expression.