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“Writing with Style”

An excerpt from the latest edition of The Economist’s style guide

February 15th 2024

Mr Greene is behind a new edition of The Economist’s style guide, which is issued to all its journalists and, since the 1980s, available for the public to buy. Released in June this year by Profile Books, “Writing with Style” elucidates and explores the principles for producing informative, persuasive and entertaining prose. In doing so, it offers tools and techniques to help readers write simply, clearly and compellingly. 

Both the guide and our business writing course examine pitfalls to avoid if you want to write well. One scourge of bad writing is professional jargon, which often simply serves to confuse readers. Here is an excerpt from the book, covering the ”use and abuse” of jargon and specialist terms.


Professional jargon has a technical function. You can’t be a doctor if you don’t know the names of the parts of the body, or of the processes and diseases it undergoes. But learning the jargon is not only a way to master knowledge. It is also a way to show off—both to people inside the group (fellow doctors) and to those outside it (patients).

Avoid the following pitfalls:

Meetings or conferences are dressed up as summits. Granular is edging out in detail. Brainstorming has become ideation, and at one of those ideation sessions it was decided that learnings were more valuable than lessons and optics classier than appearances. None of these improves on the older, more common word; nothing has been added except novelty.

There is nothing inherently wrong with verbs formed from nouns. English is full of them. Shakespeare was a master verber (Grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncle). Some verbed nouns settle into the language over time: contact and host were considered horrible as verbs not long ago.

But unless you are Shakespeare you are more likely to annoy than entertain with novel verbings. It may be only a matter of time before no one is bothered by to impact or to access, but they still annoy enough readers that you should write to have an impact on or to gain access to. Similarly, find alternatives for to showcase, to source, to segue and to target. Newer verbings are even more noxious to readers: the likes of to action, to gift, to interface and to whiteboard should never escape the office meeting-room.

Many jargon words seem designed to obscure. When companies merge, they inevitably promise synergy—that the two partners can do more together than apart. Scratch the surface and this usually means that they can do more with fewer workers. But then matters take their course. The company detects issues (never “problems”). These might entail a cyclical downturn (a recession, so nobody is buying their product at the moment) or a secular downturn (which means that their industry is shrinking, and people won’t buy the product tomorrow, either). Soon begins the talk of reallocation of resources, refocusing, downsizing (even rightsizing) and so on. Call these things what they are.

Most writers, especially in business, finance, economics and science, will need to use specialised words on occasion. You should first identify those terms you will re-use often enough in your writing that they are worth keeping. They are best, in effect, taught to your reader. Explaining an unfamiliar concept in terms of a familiar one (a metaphor) is an effective way to do this (see next chapter).

The terms you need to define may be fewer than you think. Some examples from grammar show how you can phrase a term of art in words that everyone knows. Syntax, for example, is how words are combined into bigger units like phrases, clauses and sentences. If you don’t plan to linger on syntax, you don’t need to use it at all: you can simply talk about how words are combined. An even rarer term for a common thing is morphology: putting words and bits of words together to make longer words, like the three pieces of “un-lady-like”. Linguists love morphology, but when talking to wider audiences they’re better served by talking about building words out of smaller pieces. When you will not be re-using terms frequently, rephrasing is your best strategy. 

Acronyms and initialisms are common in technical writing, but they are wearying to a reader who is not familiar with them, and  deadening even to one who is. You may think that, having defined “hyperemesis gravidarum” once, you can simply go on to refer to HG throughout your writing. But this forces the reader to recall the unfamiliar phrase behind the initials; it saves you a few keystrokes at the expense of the reader’s ease.

Instead, consider short forms and simple synonyms. Hyperemesis gravidarum can be the condition on later mentions, or something general like nausea where precision is not crucial. A bit of work to vary your vocabulary, rather than monotonously repeating strings of capital letters, will do wonders for keeping your reader’s attention.

To purchase the style guide, visit the Profile Books website. If you're interested in exploring Economist Education's writing course, click here.

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