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For the remainder of 2024, if you leave a message on my Talk page or contact me via email, it is highly probable that I will be very slow to respond. I have not retired or resigned but am notably busy IRL. I have given this project 16 years. I need some time to see what this project is becoming during it's next iteration. I think we are chest deep in a big pivot point around here. I hope good things result from that.--Bddpaux (talk) 14:44, 3 June 2024 (UTC)

News is the first draft of history.

Absolutely free advice for any new writers here:

[These are statements of opinion, wrought by many years of experience here and are NOT official policy.]

  • Always remember: We attempt to speak to an international audience. That doesn't mean that an event/story which occurred 4 blocks away from your house isn't valuable... it may be! But articles should appeal to a large scale of English speaking readers.
  • I live by this rule about articles/submissions here: Get it, write it, submit it, move on. You'll be helping yourself if you adopt that motto too. At times, an unpublished article might need to be refreshed with more up-to-date information (known as 'gatwicking'). No big deal. However, sometimes: it's just time to move on from a potential story. There is ALWAYS plenty of news to be published.
  • Lastly, are you trying to submit self-aggrandizing fluffery that gratifies you and exalts your name/interests/hobbies/business/accomplishments, or are you here to function as a journalist? We value the latter much more than the former.

Accreditation Details

Accredited reporter
Accredited reporter

Reporter: Paul Budd (bddpaux)
Location: Tyler, Texas
Email: Email via Wikinews |
Tel/Voicemail: 903-316-7698
Other contact methods:

Alternate Email address: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Accredited Wikinews reporters do not represent the Wikimedia Foundation; they are trusted contributors whom the Wikinews community has certified for the purposes of gathering information related to Wikinews articles.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
This user is a reviewer on Wikinews. (verify)

This user has written 72 articles on Wikinews.
This user thinks invented gender-irrelevant pronouns are ugly and stupid, and opposes their use in all situations.
This user is an administrator on Wikinews. (verify)

Things I dearly love:
Wikinews:For Wikipedians
Wikinews:Contributing Reporter Awards

My contributions


























My various sandboxes and archives


My Wall of False Humility


The reviewer hero

Thanks for your hard work reviewing this story, fact checking, cleaning the layout and clarifying the dates. This is amazing. Well done!!! --Gryllida (talk) 00:24, 5 September 2019 (UTC)