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Slag Pile Annie

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Slag Pile Annie is the name of a ghost reputed to haunt the former Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation mill in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. According to the story, she appeared as an elderly woman working in a remote and hard-to-access part of the mill. The steelworkers who spoke to her did not know they were speaking to a ghost until their coworkers told them her story.

See also



  • Swetnam, G. 1988. Devils, Ghosts, and Witches: Occult Folklore of the Upper Ohio Valley. Greensburg, PA: MacDonald Sward Publishing. 117 pp. ISBN 978-0-945437-03-1.
  • Trapani, B.E. & C.J. Adams III. 1994. Ghost Stories of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. Reading, PA: Exeter House Books. 174 pp. ISBN 978-1-880683-05-7.