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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fields of knowledge adequate enough to contribute



  • Mathematics
  • Linguistics
  • Art
  • Philosophy
  • Political science


  • Science Fiction
  • comic books
    • Japanese
    • Franco-Belgian
    • A little of American (Spider man, Silver Surfer, Spawn)

Skills useful for wikipedia

  • Expert knowledge of XML and SVG
  • Illustration and graphics art in general
  • Native speaker of Dutch
  • Advanced level of English
  • General understanding of German, French, Latin, Finnish and Old English, at least on a linguistics perspective.

Beliefs that could cause conflicts of interest

  • Psychiatry and (evolutionary) psychology are ultimately pseudo-sciences and not backed up by the rigour of true scientific criteria, any conclusion from them is met with scepticism by default unless it happens to be derived from proper channels.
  • There is no hard reason to believe that children are somehow 'damaged' by hearing words as 'fuck' on television or seeing pornography, it is believed that such censorship is purely a moral issue, and not backed up by true scientific evidence to protect children.
  • Similarly, there is no hard reason to assume that humans are the only mammals on the planet that would be mentally unfit to have sex the moment their sexual organs become ripe for reproduction, concepts such as 'the age of consent' are met with scepticism and it is believed that researches into it always involve rape to further a political or moral stance.
  • Intellectual property or any laws prohibiting the uncontrolled spread of information are absurd and lead to huge legal inconsistencies and contradictions, this includes 'offensive content'.
  • The human species and the scientific community is not interested in truth, but interested in results. The vast majority of scientific consensus is trivial to disprove, such an attack shall only be accepted though by the community if another theory is devised to take its place.
  • Wikipedia is ultimately biased to a western perspective and western morals.
  • Language præscription is a bad idea.



My creative portfolio can be found at http://nihilarchitect.net, I also draw political cartoons and niche comics on http://thisdomainisirrelevant.net, I am a member of Yes to Freedom, I can frequently be found on #linguistics on freenode IRC. I also author http://thewebisformachines.nihilarchitect.net, a resource for strategy of healthy web structures. My sanity is quite quæstionable and I don't believe in such concepts either of course.