Lynn Fitch

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Lynn Fitch (born October 5, 1961) is an American lawyer, politician, and the 40th Mississippi Attorney General. She is the first woman to serve in the role and the first Republican since 1878. Previously, she was the 54th State Treasurer of Mississippi from 2012 to 2020.


  • "We want, we deserve, and we must have, a balanced budget amendment in our Constitution"
  • "But it is not only legitimate for women to have a space of their own in which to grow and thrive, it is good for society to carve out that safe space for women to engage with one another in athletics, education, fellowship, and sometimes even in healing"
    • [2] on women growth
  • "Robocalls are an unwanted intrusion on our privacy and often the gateway to fraud"
    • [3] on calls constantly ringing on the people's phone
  • Court has let loose its hold on abortion policymaking and given it back to the people. The focus now is to promote fairness in child support laws and improve foster care and adoption
    • [4] on abortion
  • Roe v. Wade is now behind us, consigned to the list of infamous cases that collapsed under the weight of their errors. This decision is a victory not only for women and children, but for the Court itself. I commend the Court for restoring constitutional principle and returning this important issue to the American people
    • [5] on Roe v Wade
  • When I took office, that case had been sitting at the Fifth Circuit and it needed to be appealed, we looked at it and said, absolutely, we wanted to appeal this case to the United States Supreme Court
    • [6] Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch said
  • Fifty years ago, professional women, they really wanted you to make a choice. Now you don’t have to. Now you have the opportunity to be whatever you want to be. You have the option in life to really achieve your dream and goals, and you can have those beautiful children as well
    • [7] Fitch told EWTN Pro-Life Weekly host Catherine Hadro
  • Today, adoption is accessible and on a wide scale women attain both professional success and a rich family life, contraceptives are more available and effective, and scientific advances show that an unborn child has taken on the human form and features months before viability
    • [8] On adoption and abortion
  • We must all work together to strengthen the safety net that women need not only for healthy pregnancies, but also as they build families where both they and their children thrive
  • We need our laws to reflect our compassion for these women and their children. It is time for an open and frank dialogue about the many actions that need to be taken in order to help women in need
    • [10] on laws concerning women
  • The affordability and accessibility of childcare, child support enforcement that requires fathers be equally responsible for their children, workplace policies like maternity and paternity leave, streamlining adoption, and improving foster care

Quotes about her

  • Because she is a Republican, Attorney General Fitch is probably cozier with the insurance companies than were her two predecessors
    • [12] said David Baria, a Bay St. Louis attorney and former Democratic state lawmaker who last week won $10 million in punitive damages against USAA insurance company in a similar case where the insurance company was accused of using deceptive practices to avoid or delay paying a claim.
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