Automated Permit Processing for Solar (APPS) Grant

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The Automated Permit Processing for Solar (APPS) program is a non-competitive grant program offering financial assistance to local and Tribal governments to implement automated online solar permitting software, such as SolarAPP+ or Symbium. This type of software instantly verifies the code compliance of solar systems and issues permits, which saves staff processing time, enables solar businesses to install systems more efficiently, and ensures Coloradans who have invested in rooftop solar panels can start benefiting from them as quickly as possible.

Sign up to receive updates about the APPS grant

Contact information

[email protected]

Informational Webinar

APPS hosted an informational webinar on Wednesday, April 3, 2024. The webinar recording and slides are linked below.

Watch APPS Informational Webinar recording

View APPS Informational Webinar slides

Demo Webinars

CEO hosted demo webinars with SolarAPP+ and Symbium. The webinar recordings and slides are linked below.

SolarAPP+ Demo Webinar

Watch SolarAPP+ Demo Webinar recording

View SolarAPP+ Demo Webinar Slides

Contact: [email protected]

Symbium Demo Webinar

Watch Symbium Demo Webinar recording

View Symbium Demo Webinar Slides

Contact: [email protected]


Type: Grant

For: Local and tribal governments 

Amount: $1 million total 

Match: None

Program Length: until June 30, 2028 or until funding is expended

Application: The next round of applications will open in the fall. 


Eligible applicants

Applicants for the APPS program must be the local entity with the authority to approve the building permits and/or inspections for solar installations. These entities vary by location but typically include local governments (a statutory or home rule municipality, county, city & county or special district in the State of Colorado) and tribal governments.

Eligible project costs

APPS grant funding may cover the costs incurred to adopt an automated permitting software, including: 

  • In-house staff time or training
  • Training for installers or developers
  • IT or consultant time
  • Maintenance or subscription costs for up to three years
  • Hardware or Equipment
Grant award amounts

CEO anticipates awarding a total of nearly $1 million. The maximum award amounts are based on the population size in an applicant’s jurisdiction.

Maximum award available based on population size

Population size

Maximum award amount

Less than 50,000


50,000 to 99,999


100,000 to 199,999


200,000 or more



Actual grant funding awards may be lower than the maximum funding award. CEO will determine funding amounts based on the allowable proposed costs in the applicant’s APPS Budget File.

How to apply

The second round of applications will open this fall.

Frequently asked questions

Click the link below to view responses to questions submitted during the APPS program informational webinar. 

View APPS program FAQ

Additional Resources


SolarAPP+ is an automated permitting platform designed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory that can run compliance checks and process building permit approvals for eligible rooftop solar and storage systems.


Symbium is an automated permitting platform that checks for code compliance and automates the issuance of permits for residential solar energy and storage systems, as well as other residential decarbonization projects. 


SolSmart is a national program offering Colorado local governments free technical assistance to implement solar best practices by streamlining their permitting processes. Adoption of an automated permitting platform is one of the eligibility criteria required to achieve a Solsmart Platinum designation level. Learn more about how to achieve a platinum designation with automated permitting.