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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë

Welcome to the EPALE Hall of Fame!
Meet our Community Heroes, the real people who make EPALE flourish. Get to know the community members who have shown exceptional engagement to EPALE, contributing with their ideas, reflections and participation!
Would you like to be featured in this section? Be active on EPALE and earn points, until you become a Community Hero, too! Find out more here.
I am the vice-chairwoman and project manager of a CA operating in the field of adult education, consulting, and project management. I participate in the creation and implementation of international innovative educational projects. At the same time, I serve as a regional ambassador for EPALE.
Join the EPALE community, as this platform is a valuable tool for everyone who wants to be part of the dynamic European educational space.
EPALE facilitates collaboration and exchange between experts on adult learning in Europe. It provides access to a vast array of materials, promotes partnerships and international projects, keeps abreast of new developments and trends, and creates opportunities for professional development.
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I like to think I am a multifaceted but humble professional with expertise spanning across formal and non-formal education, IT, project management and intermedia art production.
Let's exchange ideas, share best practices and explore new strategies to make adult learning more engaging and impactful.
I love EPALE for its comprehensive resources, community engagement and support for adult education professionals. The platform's user-friendly design and the ability to share experiences and best practices with peers across Europe also enhance its appeal.
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Secondary Teacher in Adult Education (at CEPA “Edrissis”) with a wide experience and intense participation in numerous European educational programs, awarded the “European Label” and the “Erasmus Project Quality” Award in adult education. I am also involved in Erasmus+ and EPALE Ambassador in Spain.
We must be like bees; great “connoisseurs” of our land, without fear of going out to bring the “precious nectar” to our educative "beehives".
EPALE helps you to be an updated professional, being in contact with colleagues all over Europe and creating professional networks; getting to know other realities to be implemented in our context. EPALE can be regarded as “a tool box that allows us to improve the internationalization process".
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I am a Language and Literature teacher at CEPA Carmen Conde Abellán in Melilla. Head of Studies. I believe in the importance of interdisciplinary and teamwork.
Let's work together for adult education! WE are EPALE!
Epale offers a platform for sharing experiences in the field of adult education. It is wonderful to have tools that allow the exchange of ideas and good practices, especially coming from a small city like Melilla, where we only have one adult education centre.
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Hi, I’m a PhD in Social Science with a focus on Pedagogy. I work as a researcher and trainer in civic education, and I also animate volunteering and pro-senior activities. I love sharing my knowledge with various groups – from students and youth to seniors, corporate employees, and inmates..
EPALE is an excellent place for sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices in adult education.
As an EPALE ambassador, I deeply value the platform for several reasons. EPALE provides a dynamic space for sharing innovative practices and research in adult education, which I find incredibly enriching. The platform’s resources help me stay informed about the latest trends and best practices.
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Meramo is one of the leading German specialist publishers providing journalistically curated information on topics related to education, study and career.
On EPALE we publish interesting news, events, and resources every month, focusing on the dynamic landscape of adult education. Enjoy reading!
The world of adult and continuing education is vast. EPALE provides a platform for everyone interested, consolidating and organising knowledge in the field of adult education. Additionally, EPALE creates a stage for exchanging ideas, discussions, and networking.
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I love being in the information flow. I am a manager in a small rural cultural institution, but I like to use the opportunities offered by the platform to learn and I encourage others to do the same. I like to get to know socially active people who aim to make this world a better and smarter place.
There are no big or small dreams and goals. There are just motivated, curious and open-minded people who are ready to achieve them!
What I like most about EPALE is that I can find about current affairs and opportunities in Europe. The most important thing is to read it in my own language. It is very important to be able to publish my own information and to let other users of the platform know what is happening in my community.
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I work in English language education. I love meeting new people, travelling and sharing ideas. Currently I work in our Erasmus+ office, run the summer school, Centre manager for multiple exams, teach and drink a lot of coffee ;) I enjoy the dynamics of education and the people we meet.
Starting with a small idea between friends we can grow to shape an entire world. What's the meaning of life? Stop thinking about it and live it!!
I love the EPALE unending inspiration, positivity and hope. There are so many opportunities and so many people are accessing them thanks to Erasmus+.
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I am responsible for writing, organizing, and implementing various projects at Public Open University Čakovec, a widely recognized and Erasmus+ accredited adult education provider from Croatia. I am highly motivated and interested to join forces with others in forging new partnerships. Do reach out!
Together we can add so much more to championing and innovating in the field of adult education. Let's connect!
EPALE is not just a platform with tools attached, it is a network of similar-minded individuals and organizations whose common goal is the advancement of adult education throughout the whole Europe! I’m glad to be a part of it and am looking forward to create new connections and exchange insights.
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I have master's degree as a librarian,. urrently, I am working in the National Institution University Library North Macedonia, I am the president of the Association for development of the Roma community -SUMNAL.. My newest recognition is the first place of the 2021 EU Award for Roma Integration
Let's continue to inspire and support one another on this journey. Share your insights, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions.
Here are some aspects that users often appreciate about EPALE: networking opportunities, resource sharing, professional development, community engagement, multilingual support. Overall, EPALE serves as a valuable resource for professionals working in the field of adult learning, offering opportunity
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I have developed my career in the field of Education for about 20 years, including diverse roles in different educational stages. Thus, I have worked as a class teacher, a remedial teacher and English teacher, in Pre-primary and Primary Education. Now I am a VET teacher and an EPALE ambassador.
Don't miss an opportunity to read EPALE and to get in contact with professionals all around Europe and beyong!
I like sharing information which may be useful for professionals and students anywhere in Europe and around the world. And I love reading other ambassadors' contributions, as they are very interesting and enriching. Accessing all those ideas no matter where you are is the magic of EPALE!
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I am a project manager dedicated to the preparation and implementation of projects in the field of adult education. I work at AEI Studium, an adult education institution in Croatia where I'm responsible for the internationalization and development of new partnerships and opportunities
I'm motivated to explore new partnership opportunities, share knowledge, and keep building new skills.
What I love the most about EPALE is the opportunity to collaborate and connect with experts and institutions from all over the world. It is a unique platform that helps us build our capacities and skills through international cooperation.
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