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194 results sorted by ID

2024/1225 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-31
SIGNITC: Supersingular Isogeny Graph Non-Interactive Timed Commitments
Knud Ahrens
Public-key cryptography

Non-Interactive Timed Commitment schemes (NITC) allow to open any commitment after a specified delay $t_{\mathrm{fd}}$ . This is useful for sealed bid auctions and as primitive for more complex protocols. We present the first NITC without repeated squaring or theoretical black box algorithms like NIZK proofs or one-way functions. It has fast verification, almost arbitrary delay and satisfies IND-CCA hiding and perfect binding. Additionally, it needs no trusted setup. Our protocol is based on...

2024/1219 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-30
Foldable, Recursive Proofs of Isogeny Computation with Reduced Time Complexity
Krystal Maughan, Joseph Near, Christelle Vincent
Cryptographic protocols

The security of certain post-quantum isogeny-based cryptographic schemes relies on the ability to provably and efficiently compute isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves without leaking information about the isogeny other than its domain and codomain. Earlier work in this direction give mathematical proofs of knowledge for the isogeny, and as a result when computing a chain of $n$ isogenies each proceeding node must verify the correctness of the proof of each preceding node, which...

2024/1180 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-22
Fast computation of 2-isogenies in dimension 4 and cryptographic applications
Pierrick Dartois

Dimension 4 isogenies have first been introduced in cryptography for the cryptanalysis of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) and have been used constructively in several schemes, including SQIsignHD, a derivative of SQIsign isogeny based signature scheme. Unlike in dimensions 2 and 3, we can no longer rely on the Jacobian model and its derivatives to compute isogenies. In dimension 4 (and higher), we can only use theta-models. Previous works by Romain Cosset, David Lubicz and Damien...

2024/1120 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-09
A Fast and Efficient SIKE Co-Design: Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Accelerators with Custom RISC-V Microcontroller on FPGA
Jing Tian, Bo Wu, Lang Feng, Haochen Zhang, Zhongfeng Wang

This paper proposes a fast and efficient FPGA-based hardware-software co-design for the supersingular isogeny key encapsulation (SIKE) protocol controlled by a custom RISC-V processor. Firstly, we highly optimize the core unit, the polynomial-based field arithmetic logic unit (FALU), with the proposed fast convolution-like multiplier (FCM) to significantly reduce the resource consumption while still maintaining low latency and constant time for all the four SIKE parameters. Secondly, we pack...

2024/880 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-14
Extending class group action attacks via pairings
Joseph Macula, Katherine E. Stange

We introduce a new tool for the study of isogeny-based cryptography, namely pairings which are sesquilinear (conjugate linear) with respect to the $\mathcal{O}$-module structure of an elliptic curve with CM by an imaginary quadratic order $\mathcal{O}$. We use these pairings to study the security of problems based on the class group action on collections of oriented ordinary or supersingular elliptic curves. This extends work of of both (Castryck, Houben, Merz, Mula, Buuren, Vercauteren,...

2024/869 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-01
On cycles of pairing-friendly abelian varieties
Maria Corte-Real Santos, Craig Costello, Michael Naehrig

One of the most promising avenues for realizing scalable proof systems relies on the existence of 2-cycles of pairing-friendly elliptic curves. Such a cycle consists of two elliptic curves E/GF(p) and E'/GF(q) that both have a low embedding degree and also satisfy q = #E and p = #E'. These constraints turn out to be rather restrictive; in the decade that has passed since 2-cycles were first proposed for use in proof systems, no new constructions of 2-cycles have been found. In this paper,...

2024/778 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-06
Ideal-to-isogeny algorithm using 2-dimensional isogenies and its application to SQIsign
Hiroshi Onuki, Kohei Nakagawa
Public-key cryptography

The Deuring correspondence is a correspondence between supersingular elliptic curves and quaternion orders. Under this correspondence, an isogeny between elliptic curves corresponds to a quaternion ideal. This correspondence plays an important role in isogeny-based cryptography and several algorithms to compute an isogeny corresponding to a quaternion ideal (ideal-to-isogeny algorithms) have been proposed. In particular, SQIsign is a signature scheme based on the Deuring correspondence and...

2024/561 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-23
SQIAsignHD: SQIsignHD Adaptor Signature
Farzin Renan, Péter Kutas
Public-key cryptography

Adaptor signatures can be viewed as a generalized form of the standard digital signature schemes where a secret randomness is hidden within a signature. Adaptor signatures are a recent cryptographic primitive and are becoming an important tool for blockchain applications such as cryptocurrencies to reduce on-chain costs, improve fungibility, and contribute to off-chain forms of payment in payment-channel networks, payment-channel hubs, and atomic swaps. However, currently used adaptor...

2024/538 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-07
A comment on "Comparing the MOV and FR reductions in elliptic curve cryptography" from EUROCRYPT'99
Qiping Lin, Fengmei Liu

In general the discrete logarithm problem is a hard problem in the elliptic curve cryptography, and the best known solving algorithm have exponential running time. But there exists a class of curves, i.e. supersingular elliptic curves, whose discrete logarithm problem has a subexponential solving algorithm called the MOV attack. In 1999, the cost of the MOV reduction is still computationally expensive due to the power of computers. We analysis the cost of the MOV reduction and the discrete...

2024/531 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-06
Avoiding Trusted Setup in Isogeny-based Commitments
Gustave Tchoffo Saah, Tako Boris Fouotsa, Emmanuel Fouotsa, Célestin Nkuimi-Jugnia
Cryptographic protocols

In 2021, Sterner proposed a commitment scheme based on supersingular isogenies. For this scheme to be binding, one relies on a trusted party to generate a starting supersingular elliptic curve of unknown endomorphism ring. In fact, the knowledge of the endomorphism ring allows one to compute an endomorphism of degree a power of a given small prime. Such an endomorphism can then be split into two to obtain two different messages with the same commitment. This is the reason why one needs a...

2024/509 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-31
Distribution of cycles in supersingular $\ell$-isogeny graphs
Eli Orvis
Public-key cryptography

Recent work by Arpin, Chen, Lauter, Scheidler, Stange, and Tran counted the number of cycles of length $r$ in supersingular $\ell$-isogeny graphs. In this paper, we extend this work to count the number of cycles that occur along the spine. We provide formulas for both the number of such cycles, and the average number as $p \to \infty$, with $\ell$ and $r$ fixed. In particular, we show that when $r$ is not a power of $2$, cycles of length $r$ are disproportionately likely to occur along the...

2024/146 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-01
Computing Orientations from the Endomorphism Ring of Supersingular Curves and Applications
Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Antonin Leroux
Public-key cryptography

This work introduces several algorithms related to the computation of orientations in endomorphism rings of supersingular elliptic curves. This problem boils down to representing integers by ternary quadratic forms, and it is at the heart of several results regarding the security of oriented-curves in isogeny-based cryptography. Our main contribution is to show that there exists efficient algorithms that can solve this problem for quadratic orders of discriminant $n$ up to $O(p^{4/3})$....

2024/056 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-15
Zero-Knowledge Proofs for SIDH variants with Masked Degree or Torsion
Youcef Mokrani, David Jao
Public-key cryptography

The polynomial attacks on SIDH by Castryck, Decru, Maino, Martindale and Robert have shown that, while the general isogeny problem is still considered unfeasible to break, it is possible to efficiently compute a secret isogeny when given its degree and image on enough torsion points. A natural response from many researchers has been to propose SIDH variants where one or both of these possible extra pieces of information is masked in order to obtain schemes for which a polynomial attack is...

2023/1618 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-01
Improved algorithms for finding fixed-degree isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves
Benjamin Benčina, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Miha Stopar, Charlotte Weitkämper
Public-key cryptography

Finding isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves is a natural algorithmic problem which is known to be equivalent to computing the curves' endomorphism rings. When the isogeny is additionally required to have a specific known degree $d$, the problem appears to be somewhat different in nature, yet its hardness is also required in isogeny-based cryptography. Let $E_1,E_2$ be supersingular elliptic curves over $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$. We present improved classical and quantum...

2023/1614 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-19
New proof systems and an OPRF from CSIDH
Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Robi Pedersen
Cryptographic protocols

Isogeny computations in CSIDH (Asiacrypt 2018) are described using a commutative group G acting on the set of supersingular elliptic curves. The commutativity property gives CSIDH enough flexibility to allow the creation of many cryptographic primitives and protocols. Nevertheless, these operations are limited and more complex applications have not yet been proposed. When calling the composition of two group elements of G addition, our goal in this work is to explore exponentiation,...

2023/1537 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-20
DEFEND: Towards Verifiable Delay Functions from Endomorphism Rings
Knud Ahrens, Jens Zumbrägel
Cryptographic protocols

We present a verifiable delay function based on isogenies of supersingular elliptic curves, using Deuring correspondence and computation of endomorphism rings for the delay. For each input x a verifiable delay function has a unique output y and takes a predefined time to evaluate, even with parallel computing. Additionally, it generates a proof by which the output can efficiently be verified. In our approach the input is a path in the 2-isogeny graph and the output is the maximal order...

2023/1506 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-26
IS-CUBE: An isogeny-based compact KEM using a boxed SIDH diagram
Tomoki Moriya
Public-key cryptography

Isogeny-based cryptography is one of the candidates for post-quantum cryptography. One of the benefits of using isogeny-based cryptography is its compactness. In particular, a key exchange scheme SIDH allowed us to use a $4\lambda$-bit prime for the security parameter $\lambda$. Unfortunately, SIDH was broken in 2022 by some studies. After that, some isogeny-based key exchange and public key encryption schemes have been proposed; however, most of these schemes use primes whose sizes are...

2023/1448 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-22
The supersingular endomorphism ring problem given one endomorphism
Arthur Herlédan Le Merdy, Benjamin Wesolowski
Public-key cryptography

Given a supersingular elliptic curve $E$ and a non-scalar endomorphism $\alpha$ of $E$, we prove that the endomorphism ring of $E$ can be computed in classical time about $\text{disc}(\mathbb{Z}[\alpha])^{1/4}$ , and in quantum subexponential time, assuming the generalised Riemann hypothesis. Previous results either had higher complexities, or relied on heuristic assumptions. Along the way, we prove that the Primitivisation problem can be solved in polynomial time (a problem previously...

2023/1409 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-19
Solving the Hidden Number Problem for CSIDH and CSURF via Automated Coppersmith
Jonas Meers, Julian Nowakowski
Public-key cryptography

We define and analyze the Commutative Isogeny Hidden Number Problem which is the natural analogue of the Hidden Number Problem in the CSIDH and CSURF setting. In short, the task is as follows: Given two supersingular elliptic curves \(E_A\), \(E_B\) and access to an oracle that outputs some of the most significant bits of the \({\mathsf{CDH}}\) of two curves, an adversary must compute the shared curve \(E_{AB}={\mathsf{CDH}}(E_A,E_B)\). We show that we can recover \(E_{AB}\) in...

2023/1399 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-08
The supersingular Endomorphism Ring and One Endomorphism problems are equivalent
Aurel Page, Benjamin Wesolowski
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The supersingular Endomorphism Ring problem is the following: given a supersingular elliptic curve, compute all of its endomorphisms. The presumed hardness of this problem is foundational for isogeny-based cryptography. The One Endomorphism problem only asks to find a single non-scalar endomorphism. We prove that these two problems are equivalent, under probabilistic polynomial time reductions. We prove a number of consequences. First, assuming the hardness of the endomorphism ring...

2023/1268 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-22
Finding Orientations of Supersingular Elliptic Curves and Quaternion Orders
Sarah Arpin, James Clements, Pierrick Dartois, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Péter Kutas, Benjamin Wesolowski
Public-key cryptography

Orientations of supersingular elliptic curves encode the information of an endomorphism of the curve. Computing the full endomorphism ring is a known hard problem, so one might consider how hard it is to find one such orientation. We prove that access to an oracle which tells if an elliptic curve is $\mathfrak{O}$-orientable for a fixed imaginary quadratic order $\mathfrak{O}$ provides non-trivial information towards computing an endomorphism corresponding to the $\mathfrak{O}$-orientation....

2023/984 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-21
Generating Supersingular Elliptic Curves over $\mathbb{F}_p$ with Unknown Endomorphism Ring
Youcef Mokrani, David Jao
Public-key cryptography

A number of supersingular isogeny based cryptographic protocols require the endomorphism ring of the initial elliptic curve to be either unknown or random in order to be secure. To instantiate these protocols, Basso et al. recently proposed a secure multiparty protocol that generates supersingular elliptic curves defined over $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$ of unknown endomorphism ring as long as at least one party acts honestly. However, there are many protocols that specifically require curves defined...

2023/640 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-05
A Direct Key Recovery Attack on SIDH
Luciano Maino, Chloe Martindale, Lorenz Panny, Giacomo Pope, Benjamin Wesolowski
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We present an attack on SIDH utilising isogenies between polarized products of two supersingular elliptic curves. In the case of arbitrary starting curve, our attack (discovered independently from [CD22]) has subexponential complexity, thus significantly reducing the security of SIDH and SIKE. When the endomorphism ring of the starting curve is known, our attack (here derived from [CD22]) has polynomial-time complexity assuming the generalised Riemann hypothesis. Our attack applies to any...

2023/106 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-20
Deuring for the People: Supersingular Elliptic Curves with Prescribed Endomorphism Ring in General Characteristic
Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Lorenz Panny, Jana Sotáková, Mattia Veroni

Constructing a supersingular elliptic curve whose endomorphism ring is isomorphic to a given quaternion maximal order (one direction of the Deuring correspondence) is known to be polynomial-time assuming the generalized Riemann hypothesis [KLPT14; Wes21], but notoriously daunting in practice when not working over carefully selected base fields. In this work, we speed up the computation of the Deuring correspondence in general characteristic, i.e., without assuming any special form of the...

2023/064 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-15
Computation of Hilbert class polynomials and modular polynomials from supersingular elliptic curves
Antonin Leroux
Public-key cryptography

We present several new heuristic algorithms to compute class polynomials and modular polynomials modulo a prime $p$ by revisiting the idea of working with supersingular elliptic curves. The best known algorithms to this date are based on ordinary curves, due to the supposed inefficiency of the supersingular case. While this was true a decade ago, the recent advances in the study of supersingular curves through the Deuring correspondence motivated by isogeny-based cryptography has...

2023/037 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-02
Efficient Isogeny Proofs Using Generic Techniques
Kelong Cong, Yi-Fu Lai, Shai Levin
Cryptographic protocols

Generating supersingular elliptic curves of unknown endomorphism ring has been a problem vexing isogeny-based cryptographers for several years. A recent development has proposed a trusted setup protocol to generate such a curve, where each participant generates and proves knowledge of an isogeny. Thus, the construction of efficient proofs of knowledge of isogeny has developed new interest. Historically, the isogeny community has assumed that obtaining isogeny proofs of knowledge from...

2022/1469 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-24
Supersingular Curves You Can Trust
Andrea Basso, Giulio Codogni, Deirdre Connolly, Luca De Feo, Tako Boris Fouotsa, Guido Maria Lido, Travis Morrison, Lorenz Panny, Sikhar Patranabis, Benjamin Wesolowski
Public-key cryptography

Generating a supersingular elliptic curve such that nobody knows its endomorphism ring is a notoriously hard task, despite several isogeny-based protocols relying on such an object. A trusted setup is often proposed as a workaround, but several aspects remain unclear. In this work, we develop the tools necessary to practically run such a distributed trusted-setup ceremony. Our key contribution is the first statistically zero-knowledge proof of isogeny knowledge that is compatible with any...

2022/1325 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-05
Efficient and Complete Formulas for Binary Curves
Thomas Pornin
Public-key cryptography

Binary elliptic curves are elliptic curves defined over finite fields of characteristic 2. On software platforms that offer carryless multiplication opcodes (e.g. pclmul on x86), they have very good performance. However, they suffer from some drawbacks, in particular that non-supersingular binary curves have an even order, and that most known formulas for point operations have exceptional cases that are detrimental to safe implementation. In this paper, we show how to make a prime order...

2022/1259 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-22
Horizontal racewalking using radical isogenies
Wouter Castryck, Thomas Decru, Marc Houben, Frederik Vercauteren
Public-key cryptography

We address three main open problems concerning the use of radical isogenies, as presented by Castryck, Decru and Vercauteren at Asiacrypt 2020, in the computation of long chains of isogenies of fixed, small degree between elliptic curves over finite fields. Firstly, we present an interpolation method for finding radical isogeny formulae in a given degree $N$, which by-passes the need for factoring division polynomials over large function fields. Using this method, we are able to push the...

2022/1026 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-25
An attack on SIDH with arbitrary starting curve
Luciano Maino, Chloe Martindale
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We present an attack on SIDH which does not require any endomorphism information on the starting curve. Our attack has subexponential complexity thus significantly reducing the security of SIDH and SIKE; our analysis and preliminary implementation suggests that our algorithm will be feasible for the Microsoft challenge parameters $p = 2^{110}3^{67}-1$ on a regular computer. Our attack applies to any isogeny-based cryptosystem that publishes the images of points under the secret isogeny, for...

2022/990 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-02
Efficient Computation of (2^n,2^n)-Isogenies
Sabrina Kunzweiler

Elliptic curves are abelian varieties of dimension one; the two-dimensional analogue are abelian surfaces. In this work we present an algorithm to compute $(2^n,2^n)$-isogenies of abelian surfaces defined over finite fields. These isogenies are the natural generalization of $2^n$-isogenies of elliptic curves. Our algorithm is designed to be used in higher-dimensional variants of isogeny-based cryptographic protocols such as G2SIDH which is a genus-$2$ version of the Supersingular Isogeny...

2022/975 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-15
An efficient key recovery attack on SIDH
Wouter Castryck, Thomas Decru
Public-key cryptography

We present an efficient key recovery attack on the Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman protocol (SIDH). The attack is based on Kani's "reducibility criterion" for isogenies from products of elliptic curves and strongly relies on the torsion point images that Alice and Bob exchange during the protocol. If we assume knowledge of the endomorphism ring of the starting curve then the classical running time is polynomial in the input size (heuristically), apart from the factorization of a small...

2022/900 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-01-30
On the key generation in SQISign
Hiroshi Onuki
Public-key cryptography

SQISign is an isogeny-based signature scheme that has short keys and signatures and is expected to be a post-quantum scheme. Its security depends on the hardness of the problem to find an isogeny between given two elliptic curves over $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$, where $p$ is a large prime. For efficiency reasons, a public key in SQISign is taken from a set of supersingular elliptic curves with a particular property. In this paper, we investigate the security related to public keys in SQISign. First,...

2022/880 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-26
Efficient supersingularity testing over $\mathbb{F}_p$ and CSIDH key validation
Gustavo Banegas, Valerie Gilchrist, Benjamin Smith
Public-key cryptography

Many public-key cryptographic protocols, notably non-interactive key exchange (NIKE), require incoming public keys to be validated to mitigate some adaptive attacks. In CSIDH, an isogeny-based post-quantum NIKE, a key is deemed legitimate if the given Montgomery coefficient specifies a supersingular elliptic curve over the prime field. In this work, we survey the current supersingularity tests used for CSIDH key validation, and implement and measure two new alternative algorithms. Our...

2022/870 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-03
Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman with Legendre Form
Jesse Elliott, Aaron Hutchinson
Public-key cryptography

SIDH is a key exchange algorithm proposed by Jao and De Feo that is conjectured to be post-quantum secure. The majority of work based on an SIDH framework uses elliptic curves in Montgomery form; this includes the original work by Jao, De Feo and Plût and the sate of the art implementation of SIKE. Elliptic curves in twisted Edwards form have also been used due to their efficient elliptic curve arithmetic, and complete Edwards curves have been used for their benefit of providing added...

2022/654 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-06-01
Torsion point attacks on ``SIDH-like'' cryptosystems
Péter Kutas, Christophe Petit
Public-key cryptography

Isogeny-based cryptography is a promising approach for post-quantum cryptography. The best-known protocol following that approach is the supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman protocol (SIDH); this protocol was turned into the CCA-secure key encapsulation mechanism SIKE, which was submitted to and remains in the third round of NIST's post-quantum standardization process as an ``alternate'' candidate. Isogeny-based cryptography generally relies on the conjectured hardness of computing an...

2022/650 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-26
Supersingular Non-Superspecial Abelian Surfaces in Cryptography
Jason T. LeGrow, Yan Bo Ti, Lukas Zobernig
Public-key cryptography

We consider the use of supersingular abelian surfaces in cryptography. Several generalisations of well-known cryptographic schemes and constructions based on supersingular elliptic curves to the 2-dimensional setting of superspecial abelian surfaces have been proposed. The computational assumptions in the superspecial 2-dimensional case can be reduced to the corresponding 1-dimensional problems via a product decomposition by observing that every superspecial abelian surface is non-simple and...

2022/562 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-04
Orientations and cycles in supersingular isogeny graphs
Sarah Arpin, Mingjie Chen, Kristin E. Lauter, Renate Scheidler, Katherine Stange, Ha T. N. Tran
Public-key cryptography

The paper concerns several theoretical aspects of oriented supersingular $\ell$-isogeny volcanoes and their relationship to closed walks in the supersingular $\ell$-isogeny graph. Our main result is a bijection between the rims of the union of all oriented supersingular $\ell$-isogeny volcanoes over $\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p$ (up to conjugation of the orientations), and isogeny cycles (non-backtracking closed walks which are not powers of smaller walks) of the supersingular $\ell$-isogeny...

2022/528 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-02
On Random Sampling of Supersingular Elliptic Curves
Marzio Mula, Nadir Murru, Federico Pintore
Public-key cryptography

We consider the problem of sampling random supersingular elliptic curves over finite fields of cryptographic size (SRS problem). The currently best-known method combines the reduction of a suitable complex multiplication (CM) $j$-invariant and a random walk over some supersingular isogeny graph. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for numerous cryptographic applications because it gives information about the endomorphism ring of the generated curve. This motivates a stricter version...

2022/518 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-19
Failing to hash into supersingular isogeny graphs
Jeremy Booher, Ross Bowden, Javad Doliskani, Tako Boris Fouotsa, Steven D. Galbraith, Sabrina Kunzweiler, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Benjamin Smith, Katherine E. Stange, Yan Bo Ti, Christelle Vincent, José Felipe Voloch, Charlotte Weitkämper, Lukas Zobernig
Public-key cryptography

An important open problem in supersingular isogeny-based cryptography is to produce, without a trusted authority, concrete examples of "hard supersingular curves" that is, equations for supersingular curves for which computing the endomorphism ring is as difficult as it is for random supersingular curves. A related open problem is to produce a hash function to the vertices of the supersingular ℓ-isogeny graph which does not reveal the endomorphism ring, or a path to a curve of known...

2022/357 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-13
An Effective Lower Bound on the Number of Orientable Supersingular Elliptic Curves
Antonin Leroux
Public-key cryptography

In this article, we prove a generic lower bound on the number of $\mathfrak{O}$-orientable supersingular curves over $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$, i.e curves that admit an embedding of the quadratic order $\mathfrak{O}$ inside their endomorphism ring. Prior to this work, the only known effective lower-bound is restricted to small discriminants. Our main result targets the case of fundamental discriminants and we derive a generic bound using the expansion properties of the supersingular isogeny graphs....

2022/234 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-06
New algorithms for the Deuring correspondence: Towards practical and secure SQISign signatures
Luca De Feo, Antonin Leroux, Patrick Longa, Benjamin Wesolowski
Public-key cryptography

The Deuring correspondence defines a bijection between isogenies of supersingular elliptic curves and ideals of maximal orders in a quaternion algebra. We present a new algorithm to translate ideals of prime-power norm to their corresponding isogenies --- a central task of the effective Deuring correspondence. The new method improves upon the algorithm introduced in 2021 by De Feo, Kohel, Leroux, Petit and Wesolowski as a building-block of the SQISign signature scheme. SQISign is the...

2022/196 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-25
Generalising Fault Attacks to Genus Two Isogeny Cryptosystems
Ariana Goh, Chu-Wee Lim, Yan Bo Ti
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we generalise the SIDH fault attack and the SIDH loop-abort fault attacks on supersingular isogeny cryptosystems (genus-1) to genus-2. Genus-2 isogeny-based cryptosystems are generalisations of its genus-1 counterpart, as such, attacks on the latter are believed to generalise to the former. The point perturbation attack on supersingular elliptic curve isogeny cryptography has been shown to be practical. We show in this paper that this fault attack continues to be practical...

2022/098 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-19
Orienteering with one endomorphism
Sarah Arpin, Mingjie Chen, Kristin E. Lauter, Renate Scheidler, Katherine E. Stange, Ha T. N. Tran
Public-key cryptography

In supersingular isogeny-based cryptography, the path-finding problem reduces to the endomorphism ring problem. Can path-finding be reduced to knowing just one endomorphism? It is known that a small endomorphism enables polynomial-time path-finding and endomorphism ring computation (Love-Boneh [36]). An endomorphism gives an explicit orientation of a supersingular elliptic curve. In this paper, we use the volcano structure of the oriented supersingular isogeny graph to take...

2021/1681 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-12-24
On the security of OSIDH
Pierrick Dartois, Luca De Feo
Public-key cryptography

The Oriented Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman is a post-quantum key exchange scheme recently introduced by Colò and Kohel. It is based on the group action of an ideal class group of a quadratic imaginary order on a subset of supersingular elliptic curves, and in this sense it can be viewed as a generalization of the popular isogeny based key exchange CSIDH. From an algorithmic standpoint, however, OSIDH is quite different from CSIDH. In a sense, OSIDH uses class groups which are more...

2021/1604 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-01
The most efficient indifferentiable hashing to elliptic curves of $j$-invariant $1728$
Dmitrii Koshelev

This article makes an important contribution to solving the long-standing problem of whether all elliptic curves can be equipped with a hash function (indifferentiable from a random oracle) whose running time amounts to one exponentiation in the basic finite field $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$. More precisely, we construct a new indifferentiable hash function to any ordinary elliptic $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$-curve $E_a$ of $j$-invariant $1728$ with the cost of extracting one quartic root in...

2021/1583 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-05
Orientations and the supersingular endomorphism ring problem
Benjamin Wesolowski

We study two important families of problems in isogeny-based cryptography and how they relate to each other: computing the endomorphism ring of supersingular elliptic curves, and inverting the action of class groups on oriented supersingular curves. We prove that these two families of problems are closely related through polynomial-time reductions, assuming the generalised Riemann hypothesis. We identify two classes of essentially equivalent problems. The first class corresponds to the...

2021/1488 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-06-21
Accelerating the Delfs-Galbraith algorithm with fast subfield root detection
Maria Corte-Real Santos, Craig Costello, Jia Shi
Public-key cryptography

We give a new algorithm for finding an isogeny from a given supersingular elliptic curve $E/\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$ to a subfield elliptic curve $E'/\mathbb{F}_p$, which is the bottleneck step of the Delfs-Galbraith algorithm for the general supersingular isogeny problem. Our core ingredient is a novel method of rapidly determining whether a polynomial $f \in L[X]$ has any roots in a subfield $K \subset L$, while crucially avoiding expensive root-finding algorithms. In the special case when...

2021/1421 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-21
Revisiting Meet-in-the-Middle Cryptanalysis of SIDH/SIKE with Application to the $IKEp182 Challenge
Aleksei Udovenko, Giuseppe Vitto
Public-key cryptography

This work focuses on concrete cryptanalysis of the isogeny-based cryptosystems SIDH/SIKE under realistic memory/storage constraints. More precisely, we are solving the problem of finding an isogeny of a given smooth degree between two given supersingular elliptic curves. Recent works by Adj et al. (SAC 2018), Costello et al. (PKC 2020), Longa et al. (CRYPTO 2021) suggest that parallel "memoryless" golden collision search by van Oorschot-Wiener (JoC 1999) is the best realistic approach for...

2021/1289 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-11-09
Verifiable Isogeny Walks: Towards an Isogeny-based Postquantum VDF
Jorge Chavez-Saab, Francisco Rodríguez Henríquez, Mehdi Tibouchi
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we investigate the problem of constructing postquantum-secure verifiable delay functions (VDFs), particularly based on supersingular isogenies. Isogeny-based VDF constructions have been proposed before, but since verification relies on pairings, they are broken by quantum computers. We propose an entirely different approach using succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs), but specifically tailored to the arithmetic structure of the isogeny setting to achieve good asymptotic...

2021/1187 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-03-03
Post-Quantum Signal Key Agreement with SIDH
Samuel Dobson, Steven D. Galbraith
Cryptographic protocols

In the effort to transition cryptographic primitives and protocols to quantum-resistant alternatives, an interesting and useful challenge is found in the Signal protocol. The initial key agreement component of this protocol, called X3DH, has so far proved more subtle to replace - in part due to the unclear security model and properties the original protocol is designed for. This paper defines a formal security model for the original signal protocol, in the context of the standard eCK and CK+...

2021/1031 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-08-16
Commitment Schemes from Supersingular Elliptic Curve Isogeny Graphs
Bruno Sterner
Public-key cryptography

In this work we present two commitment schemes based on hardness assumptions arising from supersingular elliptic curve isogeny graphs, which possess strong security properties. The first is based on the CGL hash function while the second is based on the SIDH framework, both of which require a trusted third party for the setup phrase. The proofs of security of these protocols depend on properties of non-backtracking random walks on regular graphs. The optimal efficiency of these protocols...

2021/1023 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-11
SIDH Proof of Knowledge
Luca De Feo, Samuel Dobson, Steven D. Galbraith, Lukas Zobernig
Public-key cryptography

We show that the soundness proof for the De Feo-Jao-Plut identification scheme (the basis for supersingular isogeny Diffie--Hellman (SIDH) signatures) contains an invalid assumption, and we provide a counterexample for this assumption---thus showing the proof of soundness is invalid. As this proof was repeated in a number of works by various authors, multiple pieces of literature are affected by this result. Due to the importance of being able to prove knowledge of an SIDH key (for example,...

2021/955 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-07-22
Higher-degree supersingular group actions
Mathilde Chenu, Benjamin Smith
Public-key cryptography

We investigate the isogeny graphs of supersingular elliptic curves over \(\mathbb{F}_{p^2}\) equipped with a \(d\)-isogeny to their Galois conjugate. These curves are interesting because they are, in a sense, a generalization of curves defined over \(\mathbb{F}_p\), and there is an action of the ideal class group of \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-dp})\) on the isogeny graphs. We investigate constructive and destructive aspects of these graphs in isogeny-based cryptography, including generalizations of...

2021/919 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-10
The supersingular isogeny path and endomorphism ring problems are equivalent
Benjamin Wesolowski
Public-key cryptography

We prove that the path-finding problem in $\ell$-isogeny graphs and the endomorphism ring problem for supersingular elliptic curves are equivalent under reductions of polynomial expected time, assuming the generalised Riemann hypothesis. The presumed hardness of these problems is foundational for isogeny-based cryptography. As an essential tool, we develop a rigorous algorithm for the quaternion analog of the path-finding problem, building upon the heuristic method of Kohel, Lauter, Petit...

2021/850 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-06-22
Resistance of Isogeny-Based Cryptographic Implementations to a Fault Attack
Élise Tasso, Luca De Feo, Nadia El Mrabet, Simon Pontié
Public-key cryptography

The threat of quantum computers has sparked the development of a new kind of cryptography to resist their attacks. Isogenies between elliptic curves are one of the tools used for such cryptosystems. They are championed by SIKE (Supersingular isogeny key encapsulation), an "alternate candidate" of the third round of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process. While all candidates are believed to be mathematically secure, their implementations may be vulnerable to hardware...

2021/744 Last updated: 2021-09-02
Proofs of Isogeny Knowledge and Application to Post-quantum One-Time Verifiable Random Function
Antonin Leroux

In this paper, we introduce a new method to prove the knowledge of an isogeny of given degree between two supersingular elliptic curves. Our approach can be extended to verify the evaluation of the secret isogeny on some points of the domain. The main advantage of this new proof of knowledge is its compactness which is orders of magnitude better than existing proofs of isogeny knowledge. The principle of our method is to reveal some well-chosen endomorphisms and does not constitute a...

2021/372 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-03-22
Explicit connections between supersingular isogeny graphs and Bruhat–Tits trees
Laia Amorós, Annamaria Iezzi, Kristin Lauter, Chloe Martindale, Jana Sotáková
Public-key cryptography

We give an exposition of supersingular isogeny graphs, quaternion ideal graphs and Bruhat–Tits trees, and of their connections. Bruhat–Tits trees are combinatorial objects whose vertices and edges have a very simple representation as two-by-two matrices, which, as we show, is useful for understanding certain aspects of the corresponding elliptic curves and isogenies. Moreover Bruhat–Tits trees can be given an orientation and a notion of depth that we translate into the setting of...

2021/301 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-29
Indifferentiable hashing to ordinary elliptic $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$-curves of $j=0$ with the cost of one exponentiation in $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$
Dmitrii Koshelev

Let $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$ be a finite field and $E_b\!: y^2 = x^3 + b$ be an ordinary (i.e., non-supersingular) elliptic curve (of $j$-invariant $0$) such that $\sqrt{b} \in \mathbb{F}_{\!q}$ and $q \not\equiv 1 \: (\mathrm{mod} \ 27)$. For example, these conditions are fulfilled for the curve BLS12-381 ($b=4$). It is a de facto standard in the real world pairing-based cryptography at the moment. This article provides a new constant-time hash function $H\!: \{0,1\}^* \to E_b(\mathbb{F}_{\!q})$...

2021/282 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-03-07
One-way functions and malleability oracles: Hidden shift attacks on isogeny-based protocols
Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Charlotte Weitkämper
Public-key cryptography

Supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman key exchange (SIDH) is a post-quantum protocol based on the presumed hardness of computing an isogeny between two supersingular elliptic curves given some additional torsion point information. Unlike other isogeny-based protocols, SIDH has been widely believed to be immune to subexponential quantum attacks because of the non-commutative structure of the endomorphism rings of supersingular curves. We contradict this commonly believed misconception in this...

2021/153 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-23
On the Isogeny Problem with Torsion Point Information
Tako Boris Fouotsa, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Yan Bo Ti
Public-key cryptography

It has recently been rigorously proven (and was previously known under certain heuristics) that the general supersingular isogeny problem reduces to the supersingular endomorphism ring computation problem. However, in order to attack SIDH-type schemes, one requires a particular isogeny which is usually not returned by the general reduction. At Asiacrypt 2016, Galbraith, Petit, Shani and Ti presented a polynomial-time reduction of the problem of finding the secret isogeny in SIDH to the...

2021/115 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-02-01
Fast Strategies for the Implementation of SIKE Round 3 on ARM Cortex-M4
Mila Anastasova, Reza Azarderakhsh, Mehran Mozaffari Kermani

Abstract The Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation mechanism (SIKE) is the only post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism based on supersingular elliptic curves and isogenies between them. Despite the security of the protocol, unlike the rest of the NIST post-quantum algorithms, SIKE requires more number of clock cycles and hence does not provide competitive timing, energy and power consumption results. However, it is more attractive offering smallest public key sizes as well as ciphertext...

2020/1532 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-12-08
Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions from Isogenies
Dan Boneh, Dmitry Kogan, Katharine Woo
Cryptographic protocols

An oblivious PRF, or OPRF, is a protocol between a client and a server, where the server has a key $k$ for a secure pseudorandom function $F$, and the client has an input $x$ for the function. At the end of the protocol the client learns $F(k,x)$, and nothing else, and the server learns nothing. An OPRF is verifiable if the client is convinced that the server has evaluated the PRF correctly with respect to a prior commitment to $k$. OPRFs and verifiable OPRFs have numerous applications, such...

2020/1240 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-01-19
SQISign: compact post-quantum signatures from quaternions and isogenies
Luca De Feo, David Kohel, Antonin Leroux, Christophe Petit, Benjamin Wesolowski
Public-key cryptography

We introduce a new signature scheme, SQISign, (for Short Quaternion and Isogeny Signature) from isogeny graphs of supersingular elliptic curves. The signature scheme is derived from a new one-round, high soundness, interactive identification protocol. Targeting the post-quantum NIST-1 level of security, our implementation results in signatures of $204$ bytes, secret keys of $16$ bytes and public keys of $64$ bytes. In particular, the signature and public key sizes combined are an order of...

2020/1125 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-08-04
High-Speed FPGA Implementation of SIKE Based on An Ultra-Low-Latency Modular Multiplier
Jing Tian, Bo Wu, Zhongfeng Wang

The supersingular isogeny key encapsulation (SIKE) protocol, as one of the post-quantum protocol candidates, is widely regarded as the best alternative for curve-based cryptography. However, the long latency, caused by the serial large-degree isogeny computation which is dominated by modular multiplications, has made it less competitive than most popular post-quantum candidates. In this paper, we propose a high-speed and low-latency architecture for our recently presented optimized SIKE...

2020/985 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-08-18
Orienting supersingular isogeny graphs
Leonardo Colò, David Kohel
Cryptographic protocols

We introduce a category of O-oriented supersingular elliptic curves and derive properties of the associated oriented and nonoriented $\ell$-isogeny supersingular isogeny graphs. As an application we introduce an oriented supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman protocol (OSIDH), analogous to the supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) protocol and generalizing the commutative supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman (CSIDH) protocol.

2020/660 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-07-09
Efficient Software Implementation of the SIKE Protocol Using a New Data Representation
Jing Tian, Piaoyang Wang, Zhe Liu, Jun Lin, Zhongfeng Wang, Johann Großschädl

Thanks to relatively small public and secret keys, the Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation (SIKE) protocol made it into the third evaluation round of the post-quantum standardization project of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Even though a large body of research has been devoted to the efficient implementation of SIKE, its latency is still undesirably long for many real-world applications. Most existing implementations of the SIKE protocol use the Montgomery...

2020/633 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-07-14
Improved torsion-point attacks on SIDH variants
Victoria de Quehen, Péter Kutas, Chris Leonardi, Chloe Martindale, Lorenz Panny, Christophe Petit, Katherine E. Stange
Public-key cryptography

SIDH is a post-quantum key exchange algorithm based on the presumed difficulty of finding isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves. However, SIDH and related cryptosystems also reveal additional information: the restriction of a secret isogeny to a subgroup of the curve (torsion-point information). Petit [30] was the first to demonstrate that torsion-point information could noticeably lower the difficulty of finding secret isogenies. In particular, Petit showed that "overstretched"...

2020/485 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-04-28
Edwards curve points counting method and supersingular Edwards and Montgomery curves
Ruslan V. Skuratovskii

We consider algebraic affine and projective curves of Edwards [3, 9] over the finite field ${{\text{F}}_{{{p}^{n}}}}$. It is known that many modern cryptosystems [11] can be naturally transformed into elliptic curves [5]. We research Edwards algebraic curves over a finite field, which are one of the most promising supports of sets of points which are used for fast group operations \cite{Bir}. We construct a new method for counting the order of an Edwards curve over a finite field. It should...

2020/431 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-04-08
x-only point addition formula and faster compressed SIKE
Geovandro Pereira, Javad Doliskani, David Jao

The optimization of the main key compression bottlenecks of the supersingular isogeny key encapsulation mechanism (SIKE) has been a target of research in the last few years. Significant improvements were introduced in the recent works of Costello et al. and Zanon et al. The combination of the techniques in previous works reduced the running time of binary torsion basis generation in decompression by a factor of 29 compared to previous work. On the other hand, generating such a basis still...

2020/262 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-02-25
A Note on the Ending Elliptic Curve in SIDH
Christopher Leonardi
Public-key cryptography

It has been suspected that in supersingular isogeny-based cryptosystems the two ending elliptic curves computed by the participants are exactly equal. Resolving this open problem has not been pressing because the elliptic curves are known to be isomorphic, and therefore share a $j$-invariant which can be used as a shared secret. However, this is still an interesting independent problem as other values of the elliptic curves may be valuable as shared information as well. This note answers...

2020/181 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-02-14
$L_1$-Norm Ball for CSIDH: Optimal Strategy for Choosing the Secret Key Space
Kohei Nakagawa, Hiroshi Onuki, Atsushi Takayasu, Tsuyoshi Takagi
Public-key cryptography

Isogeny-based cryptography is a kind of post-quantum cryptography whose security relies on the hardness of an isogeny problem over elliptic curves. In this paper, we study CSIDH, which is one of isogeny-based cryptography presented by Castryck et al. in Asiacrypt 2018. In CSIDH, the secret key is taken from an $L_\infty$-norm ball of integer vectors and the public key is generated by calculating the action of an ideal class corresponding to a secret key. For faster key exchange, it is...

2020/151 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-20
Breaking the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem for class group actions using genus theory -- extended version
Wouter Castryck, Jana Sotáková, Frederik Vercauteren
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we use genus theory to analyze the hardness of the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem for ideal class groups of imaginary quadratic orders acting on sets of elliptic curves through isogenies (DDH-CGA). Such actions are used in the Couveignes-Rostovtsev-Stolbunov protocol and in CSIDH. Concretely, genus theory equips every imaginary quadratic order $\mathcal{O}$ with a set of assigned characters $\chi : \text{cl}(\mathcal{O}) \to \{ \pm 1\}$, and for each such character and...

2020/040 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-06-25
A Compact and Scalable Hardware/Software Co-design of SIKE
Pedro Maat C. Massolino, Patrick Longa, Joost Renes, Lejla Batina

We present efficient and compact hardware/software co-design implementations of the Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation (SIKE) protocol on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). In order to be better equipped for different post-quantum scenarios, our architectures were designed to feature high-flexibility by covering all the currently available parameter sets and with support for primes up to 1008 bits. In particular, any of the current SIKE parameters equivalent to the post-quantum...

2020/021 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-01-14
eSIDH: the revenge of the SIDH
Daniel Cervantes-Vázquez, Eduardo Ochoa-Jiménez, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez
Public-key cryptography

The Supersingular Isogeny-based Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol (SIDH) was introduced by Jao an De Feo in 2011. SIDH operates on supersingular elliptic curves defined over quadratic extension fields of the form GF($p^2$), where $p$ is a large prime number of the form $p = 4^{e_A} 3^{e_B} - 1,$ where $e_A, e_B$ are positive integers such that $4^{e_A} \approx 3^{e_B}.$ In this paper, a variant of the SIDH protocol that we dubbed extended SIDH (eSIDH) is presented. The eSIDH variant ...

2019/1498 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-30
Supersingular Isogeny-Based Designated Verifier Blind Signature
Rajeev Anand Sahu, Agnese Gini, Ankan Pal
Public-key cryptography

Recently, Srinath and Chandrasekaran have proposed an undeniable blind signature scheme (UBSS) from supersingular isogeny to provide signer’s control in a quantum-resistant blind signature. However, certain weaknesses of undeniable signature have already been observed and have been overcome by formalizing the designated verifier signature (DVS). In this paper, we explore the possibility of generic construction of a DVS from hard homogeneous spaces. Further, following this...

2019/1447 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-02-06
Benchmarking Post-Quantum Cryptography in TLS
Christian Paquin, Douglas Stebila, Goutam Tamvada

Post-quantum cryptographic primitives have a range of trade-offs compared to traditional public key algorithms, either having slower computation or larger public keys and ciphertexts/signatures, or both. While the performance of these algorithms in isolation is easy to measure and has been a focus of optimization techniques, performance in realistic network conditions has been less studied. Google and Cloudflare have reported results from running experiments with post-quantum key exchange...

2019/1404 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-01-31
CSIDH on the surface
Wouter Castryck, Thomas Decru
Public-key cryptography

For primes \(p \equiv 3 \bmod 4\), we show that setting up CSIDH on the surface, i.e., using supersingular elliptic curves with endomorphism ring \(Z[(1 + \sqrt{-p})/2]\), amounts to just a few sign switches in the underlying arithmetic. If \(p \equiv 7 \bmod 8\) then the availability of very efficient horizontal 2-isogenies allows for a noticeable speed-up, e.g., our resulting CSURF-512 protocol runs about 5.68% faster than CSIDH-512. This improvement is completely orthogonal to all...

2019/1387 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-01-27
The supersingular isogeny problem in genus 2 and beyond
Craig Costello, Benjamin Smith
Public-key cryptography

Let $A/\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p$ and $A'/\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p$ be supersingular principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension $g>1$. For any prime $\ell \ne p$, we give an algorithm that finds a path $\phi : A \rightarrow A'$ in the $(\ell, \dots , \ell)$-isogeny graph in $\widetilde{O}(p^{g-1})$ group operations on a classical computer, and $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{p^{g-1}})$ calls to the Grover oracle on a quantum computer. The idea is to find paths from $A$ and $A'$ to nodes that...

2019/1373 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-09
A note on the cost of computing odd degree isogenies
Daniel Cervantes-Vázquez, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez
Public-key cryptography

Finding an isogenous supersingular elliptic curve of a prescribed odd degree is an important building block for all the isogeny-based protocols proposed to date. In this note we present several strategies for the efficient construction of odd degree isogenies, which outperform previously reported methods when dealing with isogeny degrees in the range $[7, 2^{20}].$

2019/1329 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-03-20
Drinfeld modules may not be for isogeny based cryptography
Antoine Joux, Anand Kumar Narayanan
Public-key cryptography

Elliptic curves play a prominent role in cryptography. For instance, the hardness of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem is a foundational assumption in public key cryptography. Drinfeld modules are positive characteristic function field analogues of elliptic curves. It is natural to ponder the existence/security of Drinfeld module analogues of elliptic curve cryptosystems. But the Drinfeld module discrete logarithm problem is easy even on a classical computer. Beyond discrete...

2019/1291 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-20
SÉTA: Supersingular Encryption from Torsion Attacks
Luca De Feo, Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Tako Boris Fouotsa, Péter Kutas, Antonin Leroux, Christophe Petit, Javier Silva, Benjamin Wesolowski
Public-key cryptography

We present Séta, a new family of public-key encryption schemes with post-quantum security based on isogenies of supersingular elliptic curves. It is constructed from a new family of trapdoor one-way functions, where the inversion algorithm uses Petit's so called torsion attacks on SIDH to compute an isogeny between supersingular elliptic curves given an endomorphism of the starting curve and images of torsion points. We prove the OW-CPA security of Séta and present an IND-CCA variant using...

2019/1290 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-11-27
Trapdoor DDH groups from pairings and isogenies
Péter Kutas, Christophe Petit, Javier Silva
Public-key cryptography

Trapdoor DDH groups are an appealing cryptographic primitive where DDH instances are hard to solve unless provided with additional information (i.e., a trapdoor). In this paper, we introduce a new trapdoor DDH group construction using pairings and isogenies of supersingular elliptic curves. The construction solves all shortcomings of previous constructions as identified by Seurin (RSA 2013). We also present partial attacks on a previous construction due to Dent--Galbraith, and we provide a...

2019/1209 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-06-04
On collisions related to an ideal class of order 3 in CSIDH
Hiroshi Onuki, Tsuyoshi Takagi
Public-key cryptography

CSIDH is an isogeny-based key exchange, which is a candidate for post quantum cryptography. It uses the action of an ideal class group on Fp-isomorphic classes of supersingular elliptic curves. In CSIDH, the ideal classes are represented by vectors with integer coefficients. The number of ideal classes represented by these vectors de- termines the security level of CSIDH. Therefore, it is important to investigate the correspondence between the vectors and the ideal classes. Heuristics show...

2019/1202 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-03-09
Rational isogenies from irrational endomorphisms
Wouter Castryck, Lorenz Panny, Frederik Vercauteren
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we introduce a polynomial-time algorithm to compute a connecting $\mathcal{O}$-ideal between two supersingular elliptic curves over $\mathbb{F}_p$ with common $\mathbb{F}_p$-endomorphism ring $\mathcal{O}$, given a description of their full endomorphism rings. This algorithm provides a reduction of the security of the CSIDH cryptosystem to the problem of computing endomorphism rings of supersingular elliptic curves. A similar reduction for SIDH appeared at Asiacrypt 2016,...

2019/1121 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-08-04
Further Optimizations of CSIDH: A Systematic Approach to Efficient Strategies, Permutations, and Bound Vectors
Aaron Hutchinson, Jason LeGrow, Brian Koziel, Reza Azarderakhsh
Public-key cryptography

CSIDH is a recent post-quantum key establishment protocol based on constructing isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves. Several recent works give constant-time implementations of CSIDH along with some optimizations of the ideal class group action evaluation algorithm, including the SIMBA technique of Meyer et al. and the "two-point method" of Onuki et al. A recent work of Cervantes-Vazquez et al. details a number of improvements to the works of Meyer et al. and Onuki et al. Several...

2019/1070 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-23
Secure Delegation of Isogeny Computations and Cryptographic Applications
Robi Pedersen, Osmanbey Uzunkol
Cryptographic protocols

We address the problem of speeding up isogeny computation for supersingular elliptic curves over finite fields using untrusted computational resources like third party servers or cloud service providers (CSPs). We first propose new, efficient and secure delegation schemes. This especially enables resource-constrained devices (e.g. smart cards, RFID tags, tiny sensor nodes) to effectively deploy post-quantum isogeny-based cryptographic protocols. To the best of our knowledge, these new...

2019/1056 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-18
Adventures in Supersingularland
Sarah Arpin, Catalina Camacho-Navarro, Kristin Lauter, Joelle Lim, Kristina Nelson, Travis Scholl, Jana Sotáková
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we study isogeny graphs of supersingular elliptic curves. Supersingular isogeny graphs were introduced as a hard problem into cryptography by Charles, Goren, and Lauter for the construction of cryptographic hash functions. These are large expander graphs, and the hard problem is to find an efficient algorithm for routing, or path-finding, between two vertices of the graph. We consider four aspects of supersingular isogeny graphs, study each thoroughly and, where appropriate,...

2019/927 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-08-18
Isogeny-based hashing despite known endomorphisms
Lorenz Panny

The Charles-Goren-Lauter hash function on isogeny graphs of supersingular elliptic curves was shown to be insecure under collision attacks when the endomorphism ring of the starting curve is known. Since there is no known way to generate a supersingular elliptic curve with verifiably unknown endomorphisms, the hash function can currently only be used after a trusted-setup phase. This note presents a simple modification to the construction of the hash function which, under a few heuristics,...

2019/890 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-09-05
An Adaptive Attack on 2-SIDH
Samuel Dobson, Steven D. Galbraith, Jason LeGrow, Yan Bo Ti, Lukas Zobernig
Public-key cryptography

We present a polynomial-time adaptive attack on the 2-SIDH protocol. The 2-SIDH protocol is a special instance of the countermeasure proposed by Azarderakhsh, Jao and Leonardi to perform isogeny-based key exchange with static keys in the presence of an adaptive attack. This countermeasure has also been recently explicitly proposed by Kayacan. Our attack extends the adaptive attack by Galbraith, Petit, Shani and Ti (GPST) to recover a static secret key using malformed points. The extension...

2019/499 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-10-02
Dual Isogenies and Their Application to Public-key Compression for Isogeny-based Cryptography
Michael Naehrig, Joost Renes
Public-key cryptography

The isogeny-based protocols SIDH and SIKE have received much attention for being post-quantum key agreement candidates that retain relatively small keys. A recent line of work has proposed and further improved compression of public keys, leading to the inclusion of public-key compression in the SIKE proposal for Round 2 of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization effort. We show how to employ the dual isogeny to significantly increase performance of compression techniques, reducing...

2019/400 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-04-18
Degenerate Fault Attacks on Elliptic Curve Parameters in OpenSSL
Akira Takahashi, Mehdi Tibouchi
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we describe several practically exploitable fault attacks against OpenSSL's implementation of elliptic curve cryptography, related to the singular curve point decompression attacks of Blömer and Günther (FDTC2015) and the degenerate curve attacks of Neves and Tibouchi (PKC 2016). In particular, we show that OpenSSL allows to construct EC key files containing explicit curve parameters with a compressed base point. A simple single fault injection upon loading such a file yields...

2019/385 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-16
Miller Inversion is Easy for the Reduced Tate Pairing on Supersingular Curves of Embedding Degree Two and Three
Takakazu Satoh
Public-key cryptography

We present a simple algorithm for Miller inversion for the reduced Tate pairing on supersingular elliptic curve of trace zero defined over the finite fields with q elements. Our algorithm runs with O((log q)^3) bit operations.

2019/353 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-06-06
A Faster Constant-time Algorithm of CSIDH keeping Two Points
Hiroshi Onuki, Yusuke Aikawa, Tsutomu Yamazaki, Tsuyoshi Takagi
Public-key cryptography

At ASIACRYPT 2018, Castryck, Lange, Martindale, Panny and Renes proposed CSIDH, which is a key-exchange protocol based on isogenies between elliptic curves, and a candidate for post-quantum cryptography. However, the implementation by Castryck et al. is not constant-time. Specifically, a part of the secret key could be recovered by the side-channel Attacks. Recently, Meyer, Campos and Reith proposed a constant-time implementation of CSIDH by introducing dummy isogenies and taking secret...

2019/330 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-05-13
Practical Supersingular Isogeny Group Key Agreement
Reza Azarderakhsh, Amir Jalali, David Jao, Vladimir Soukharev
Public-key cryptography

We present the first quantum-resistant $n$-party key agreement scheme based on supersingular elliptic curve isogenies. We show that the scheme is secure against quantum adversaries, by providing a security reduction to an intractable isogeny problem. We describe the communication and computational steps required for $n$ parties to establish a common shared secret key. Our scheme is the first non-generic quantum-resistant group key agreement protocol, and is more efficient than generic...

2019/298 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-06-03
Improved Classical Cryptanalysis of SIKE in Practice
Craig Costello, Patrick Longa, Michael Naehrig, Joost Renes, Fernando Virdia
Public-key cryptography

The main contribution of this work is an optimized implementation of the vanOorschot-Wiener (vOW) parallel collision finding algorithm. As is typical for cryptanalysis against conjectured hard problems (e. g. factoring or discrete logarithms), challenges can arise in the implementation that are not captured in the theory, making the performance of the algorithm in practice a crucial element of estimating security. We present a number of novel improvements, both to generic...

2019/296 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-03-06
Hash functions from superspecial genus-2 curves using Richelot isogenies
Wouter Castryck, Thomas Decru, Benjamin Smith
Public-key cryptography

Last year Takashima proposed a version of Charles, Goren and Lauter’s hash function using Richelot isogenies, starting from a genus-2 curve that allows for all subsequent arithmetic to be performed over a quadratic finite field Fp^2 . In a very recent paper Flynn and Ti point out that Takashima’s hash function is insecure due to the existence of small isogeny cycles. We revisit the construction and show that it can be repaired by imposing a simple restriction, which moreover clarifies the...

2019/204 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-10-25
The Security of All Private-key Bits in Isogeny-based Schemes
Barak Shani
Public-key cryptography

We study the computational hardness of recovering single bits of the private key in the supersingular isogeny Diffie--Hellman (SIDH) key exchange and similar schemes. Our objective is to give a polynomial-time reduction between the problem of computing the private key in SIDH to the problem of computing any of its bits. The parties in the SIDH protocol work over elliptic curve torsion groups of different order $N$. Our results depend on the parity of $N$. Our main result shows that if $N$ is...

2019/166 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-10
Verifiable Delay Functions from Supersingular Isogenies and Pairings
Luca De Feo, Simon Masson, Christophe Petit, Antonio Sanso
Cryptographic protocols

We present two new Verifiable Delay Functions (VDF) based on assumptions from elliptic curve cryptography. We discuss both the advantages and some drawbacks of our constructions, we study their security and we demonstrate their practicality with a proof-of-concept implementation.

2018/1215 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-08-12
New Hybrid Method for Isogeny-based Cryptosystems using Edwards Curves
Suhri Kim, Kisoon Yoon, Jihoon Kwon, Young-Ho Park, Seokhie Hong

Along with the resistance against quantum computers, isogeny-based cryptography offers attractive cryptosystems due to small key sizes and compatibility with the current elliptic curve primitives. While the state-of-the-art implementation uses Montgomery curves, which facilitates efficient elliptic curve arithmetic and isogeny computations, other forms of elliptic curves can be used to produce an efficient result. In this paper, we present the new hybrid method for isogeny-based...

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