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Rotha, Ian – Journal of International and Comparative Education, 2019
This paper compares the SAT and "juken." It does this at three levels of analysis: structure, function, and participant communications. While the prior two rely on publicly available information and established theories, the latter is based on the analysis of data collected from social media. The findings of this paper are that, while…
Descriptors: Comparative Education, Comparative Analysis, Social Media, College Entrance Examinations
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Negrete, Andrea; Griffith, Aisha N.; Hurd, Noelle M. – Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 2018
The current study examined characteristics of natural mentoring relationships (NMRs; i.e. mentoring relationships that develop organically with adults in one's pre-existing social network) among underrepresented college students as contributors to NMR retention across the first year of college. The sample consisted of 209 underrepresented college…
Descriptors: Mentors, Interpersonal Relationship, College Freshmen, Disproportionate Representation
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Stewart, John C.; Murphy, Cheryl; DeVore, Seth – AERA Online Paper Repository, 2016
The Big Five Inventory (BFI) measuring the 5-factor personality model was given to 440 science and engineering students in introductory physics classes at a large US university. Science and engineering students showed similar personality characteristics as would be expected from measurements of the general population, with women scoring…
Descriptors: Role, Personality Traits, Gender Differences, Science Education
West Virginia Department of Education, 2020
West Virginia uses multiple state assessments to measure student achievement and inform program decision-making. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 requires participation of students with disabilities in statewide assessments to be consistent with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 2001 and current with…
Descriptors: State Standards, Standardized Tests, Federal Legislation, Equal Education
West Virginia Department of Education, 2019
West Virginia uses multiple state assessments to measure student achievement and inform program decision making. States are required to provide guidance for appropriate participation of all students, including those with English Learners and those with disabilities, in required state assessments. The West Virginia Department of Education has…
Descriptors: State Standards, Standardized Tests, Federal Legislation, Equal Education
Lange, Tyana – ProQuest LLC, 2016
Institutions of higher education (IHEs) are competing to recruit students in a crowded market with the number of colleges on the increase and the number of high school seniors declining. IHEs are looking for effective ways to recruit students and increase retention and graduation rates. Relationship marketing (RM) is an approach from business that…
Descriptors: Role, Marketing, Higher Education, Student Recruitment
West Virginia Department of Education, 2018
West Virginia uses multiple state assessments to measure student achievement and inform program decision making. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) requires participation of students with disabilities in statewide assessments to be consistent with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 2001…
Descriptors: State Standards, Standardized Tests, Federal Legislation, Equal Education
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Park, Julie J. – American Educational Research Journal, 2012
Ethnic economies promote interclass contact among East Asian Americans, which facilitates the exchange of information and resources through social capital networks. However, low-income Korean Americans are more likely than low-income Chinese Americans to take SAT prep, although both communities have extensive ethnic economies. In the analysis of a…
Descriptors: Socioeconomic Status, Low Income, Asian Culture, Korean Americans
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Yeh, Yi-Fang – Journal of Multilingual Education Research, 2012
In this article, the author explores the idea that reading proficiency in a second language involves comprehending the second culture and using it to interpret the world view of the second language. Using cognitive theory, the author examined the relevance of prior knowledge of Chinese language and idioms to understanding text written in Chinese.…
Descriptors: Prior Learning, Chinese, Second Language Learning, Second Language Instruction
Kobrin, Jennifer L.; Shaw, Emily J. – College Board, 2012
It is well-documented that students' prior knowledge, cultural background, and language proficiency play a role in how they read, interpret, and respond to writing tasks (Barkaoui, 2007; Connor & Kramer, 1995; Hinkel, 2002). Essays written by students from different language backgrounds often differ in their linguistic, stylistic, and…
Descriptors: Bilingualism, English (Second Language), Second Language Learning, Scores