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Kim, Nahee – Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 2022
Professor Glenn Fulcher's research has influenced language testing and assessment in two ways: in proposing a new understanding of data-driven speaking test design, and in drawing attention to the core identity of language testers. The former has had a powerful impact on practical speaking testing and assessment. The latter has asked a very…
Descriptors: Cheating, Test Preparation, Language Tests, Test Construction
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Kim, Minkyung; Nam, Yunjung; Crossley, Scott A. – Language Testing, 2022
This study investigated the effects of working memory capacity (WMC), first language (L1) syllogistic inferencing ability, and second-language (L2) linguistic knowledge on L2 listening comprehension for passages of different lengths. Participants were 193 Korean ninth-grade learners of English. A path analysis was used to examine multivariate…
Descriptors: Native Language, Short Term Memory, Listening Comprehension, Second Language Learning
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Smiljanic, Iskra – Journal of International Students, 2017
This study examined the relationship between attachment, travel experiences, and English proficiency and international students' acculturative stress and depressive symptoms. A total of 91 graduate international students completed online surveys. Pearson correlations showed that both attachment anxiety and avoidance were positively correlated with…
Descriptors: Foreign Students, Role, Attachment Behavior, Depression (Psychology)
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Crossley, Scott; Kyle, Kristopher; Salsbury, Thomas – Modern Language Journal, 2016
This study investigates relations between second language (L2) lexical input and output in terms of word information properties (i.e., lexical salience; Ellis, 2006a). The data for this study come from a longitudinal corpus of naturalistic spoken data between L2 learners and first language (L1) interlocutors collected over a year's time. The…
Descriptors: Language Usage, Language Research, Second Language Learning, Computational Linguistics
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Rahimi, Muhammad; Zhang, Lawrence Jun – Language Learning Journal, 2016
This study was designed to investigate the effects of incidental unfocused prompts and recasts on improving English as a foreign language (EFL) learners' grammatical accuracy as measured in students' oral interviews and the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) grammar test. The design of the study was quasi-experimental with pre-tests,…
Descriptors: English (Second Language), Second Language Learning, Statistical Analysis, Advanced Students
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Puspawati, Indah – TESOL Journal, 2014
For nonnative English speakers, taking a standardized English proficiency test seems inevitable, because the scores achieved play an important role in such life events as admission to a school, gaining a scholarship, or securing a job. Considering their importance, it is imperative that such tests be not only valid and reliable, but also fair.…
Descriptors: English (Second Language), Second Language Learning, Culture Fair Tests, Language Tests
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Crowther, Dustin; Trofimovich, Pavel; Isaacs, Talia; Saito, Kazuya – Modern Language Journal, 2015
The current study investigated task effects on listener perception of second language (L2) comprehensibility (ease of understanding). Sixty university-level adult speakers of English from 4 first language (L1) backgrounds (Chinese, Romance, Hindi, Farsi), with 15 speakers per group, were recorded performing 2 tasks (IELTS long-turn speaking task…
Descriptors: Second Language Learning, Language Fluency, Pronunciation, Language Rhythm
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Barkaoui, Khaled – ETS Research Report Series, 2015
This study aimed to describe the writing activities that test takers engage in when responding to the writing tasks in the "TOEFL iBT"[superscript R] test and to examine the effects of task type and test-taker English language proficiency (ELP) and keyboarding skills on the frequency and distribution of these activities. Each of 22 test…
Descriptors: Second Language Learning, Language Tests, English (Second Language), Writing Instruction
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Crossley, Scott; Clevinger, Amanda; Kim, YouJin – Language Assessment Quarterly, 2014
There has been a growing interest in the use of integrated tasks in the field of second language testing to enhance the authenticity of language tests. However, the role of text integration in test takers' performance has not been widely investigated. The purpose of the current study is to examine the effects of text-based relational (i.e.,…
Descriptors: Language Proficiency, Connected Discourse, Language Tests, English (Second Language)
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Alavi, Seyyed Mohammad; Akbarian, Is'haaq – System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 2012
This study aims to examine a) whether vocabulary knowledge, captured in the Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT), is related to the performance on the five types of reading comprehension items tested in TOEFL, i.e., Guessing Vocabulary, Main Idea, Inference, Reference, and Stated Detail; and b) whether EFL learners with different levels of vocabulary…
Descriptors: Knowledge Level, Test Items, English (Second Language), Reading Comprehension
Fazeli, Seyed Hossein – Online Submission, 2012
The present study aims to find out the role of personality traits in the prediction choice and use of the Compensatory English Language Learning Strategies (CELLSs) for learners of English as a foreign language. Four instruments were used, which were Adapted Inventory for Compensatory English Language Learning Strategies based on Compensation…
Descriptors: Personality Traits, Learning Strategies, Personality, Foreign Countries
Kaivanpanah, Shiva; Soltani Moghaddam, Majid – RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2012
Growing concerns have been voiced about strategies employed in L2 reading in general and dealing with unknown words in particular. Among other strategies, lexical inferencing has received attention in the literature. However, more research is needed to further clarify how different levels of L2 reading proficiency may affect the readers'…
Descriptors: English (Second Language), Second Language Learning, Language Proficiency, Inferences
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Baleghizadeh, Sasan; Shahry, Mohammad Naseh Nasrollahy – TESL Canada Journal, 2011
Investigations into the role of context have often failed to find a positive role for this in vocabulary learning. This study, following a line of research concerned with the role of context, adds to the literature by examining the effect of three consecutive context sentences instead of one. Thirty-three Iranian EFL learners were asked to learn…
Descriptors: Sentences, Second Language Learning, Vocabulary Development, English (Second Language)
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Mahvelati, Elaheh Hamed; Mukundan, Jayakaran – English Language Teaching, 2012
The differences in cognitive style between individuals and the effect these differences can have on second language learning have long been recognized by educators and researchers. Hence, this issue is the focal center of the present study. More precisely, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of participants' cognitive style…
Descriptors: Cognitive Style, Experimental Groups, Second Language Learning, Second Language Instruction
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Ghassemi, Mojtaba – English Language Teaching, 2013
Listening comprehension has gained more prominence in EFL/ESL classes. Due to this prominence, scholars have tried to shed light on different ways of improving learners' listening comprehension. One of these ways is using listening strategies. There is still a controversy over the effective role of these strategies in improving listening…
Descriptors: English (Second Language), Second Language Learning, Student Attitudes, Language Proficiency
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