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Heather Carroll – ProQuest LLC, 2022
It is not known how ninth-grade regular education teachers perceive the unique stressors and challenges for students with autism spectrum disorders transitioning from middle school to high school. In addition, it is not understood how ninth-grade regular education teachers perceive their role integrated in the overall support system from parents…
Descriptors: Grade 9, Stress Variables, Teacher Attitudes, Barriers
Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, 2020
Teachers do much more than instruct children in the classroom. They also play an important role in supporting learning across settings: at school, home, and throughout the community. The Families Learning Across Boundaries (FamLAB) Project surveyed 407 library professionals, 1,550 parents, and 600 pre-K through grade 8 teachers in the United…
Descriptors: Teacher Role, Preschool Education, Elementary Schools, Middle Schools
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Hamamoto, Nobuhiko – Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, 2023
Recently, "Team School" (School as a Team) has been proposed as a new image of schools in Japanese educational reform. Team School is an organizational model where teachers and non-teaching professionals (e.g., school counselors and school social workers) collaborate in order to respond to the increasingly complex and diverse issues the…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Teamwork, Cooperative Planning, School Personnel
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Gündogan, Selim – Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 2023
School burnout is a common problem in students. Therefore, it is a situation that negatively affects students. This study aimed to investigate the mediating role of psychological resilience (PR) in the relationship between quality of school life (QSL) and school burnout (SB). The data of the study were collected by using the "QSL Scale",…
Descriptors: Middle School Students, Burnout, Resilience (Psychology), Quality of Life
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Plumb, Allison M.; Moates, Ashley E.; Piazza, Lindsey I.; Mauldin, Erin Ofe – Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 2022
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' perceptions of bullying of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their views of the speech-language pathologist (SLP) as a source of support regarding bullying management. Method: A web-based survey was created and distributed through e-mail and Facebook. One hundred…
Descriptors: Bullying, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Students with Disabilities, Allied Health Personnel
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Kishimoto, Tomoko; Ji, Xiaoning; Ding, Xinfang – School Mental Health, 2023
Previous studies that examined the associations among bullying experiences, psychological disturbances, and executive functions showed mixed results. They focused on certain subcomponents of the three sets of variables and did not reflect the comprehensive relationship. The present study explored these associations through regularized generalized…
Descriptors: Multivariate Analysis, Bullying, Student Experience, Executive Function
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Jenkins, Lyndsay N.; Tennant, Jaclyn – Contemporary School Psychology, 2023
The purpose of the current study was to investigate differences in social-emotional skills between active and passive bystanders. Data were collected on a sample of 352 middle school students using self-report of bullying role involvement and social skills and teacher reports of social/emotional competence and executive functioning skills. Using…
Descriptors: Social Emotional Learning, Individual Differences, Bullying, Student Reaction
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Al-Adeimi, Shireen; Baumann, Jennie – Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2023
Dialogic talk affords students opportunities to share ideas and co-construct knowledge while developing various literacy skills such as perspective taking, text comprehension, and argumentative reasoning. In this study, we examine how seventh- and eighth-grade students in four classrooms discuss a controversial topic about changing a National…
Descriptors: Dialogs (Language), Controversial Issues (Course Content), Grade 7, Grade 8
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Seo, Mijung – International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2023
This study identified patterns of bullying roles in offline and cyber contexts among Korean adolescents and investigated their relationships with normative beliefs about offline bullying and cyberbullying. Four distinct latent classes of participant roles in offline bullying and cyberbullying emerged through a person-centered latent profile…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Bullying, Computer Mediated Communication, Adolescents
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Yarnoff, Ben; Wagner, Laura Danielle; Honeycutt, Amanda A.; Vogt, Tara M. – Journal of School Nursing, 2023
The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of time elementary and middle-school students spend away from the classroom and clinic time required to administer vaccines in school-located vaccination (SLV) clinics. We conducted a time study and estimated average time away from class and time to administer vaccine by health department (HD),…
Descriptors: Elementary School Students, Middle School Students, Immunization Programs, Time
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Gabriella Franza – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
The COVID-19 school shutdown took students out of the school building and into the virtual classroom. With this, students lost opportunities to connect with their peers and school members. With students reentering the schools, there is a great need for structures built within the school day for community building. Restorative circles are safe…
Descriptors: Restorative Practices, Sense of Community, Peer Relationship, High School Students
Alexis B. Peirce Caudell – ProQuest LLC, 2021
This dissertation examines how children make sense of the boundaries of technology and nature through a case study of thirty students in the sixth through seventh grade, attending a public charter school in the Ohio River Valley region of the United States of America (US). Using data collected via a range of ethnographic methods including…
Descriptors: Grade 6, Grade 7, Charter Schools, Student Attitudes
Ellen F. Warden – ProQuest LLC, 2024
This non-experimental quantitative casual comparative survey study surveyed a sample (n=186) of public elementary (n=90), middle (n=69), and high school (n=57) school administrators (n=57), educators (n=62), and librarians (n=67) from 38 school districts across the state of Tennessee, regarding their perceptions of school librarians' roles defined…
Descriptors: Public Schools, Elementary School Teachers, Middle School Teachers, High School Teachers
Williams, Jeanne – ProQuest LLC, 2022
Middle school is a time when adolescents struggle with social challenges, self-identity, and self-esteem. Social workers are critical stakeholders to support families in schools; these professionals serve in a unique capacity to assist with attendance, provide medical and behavioral support and connect families with resources to mitigate barriers…
Descriptors: Middle School Students, Early Adolescents, Social Isolation, Caseworkers
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Logan N. Riffle; Michelle L. Demaray – International Journal of Bullying Prevention, 2022
Bullying-related behaviors have been a problem in schools for decades. Unfortunately, engagement in such behavior is associated with a variety of poor outcomes, and thus, it is important to understand the mechanisms behind this phenomenon as well as associated variables, such as perceived teacher support and classmate support. Importantly,…
Descriptors: Bullying, Social Support Groups, Correlation, Middle School Students
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