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Jianqin Wang; Henry Otgaar; Mark L. Howe – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2024
When memories of past rewarding experiences are distorted, are relevant decision-making preferences impacted? Although recent research has demonstrated the important role of episodic memory in value-based decision making, very few have examined the role of false memory in guiding novel decision making. The current study combined the pictorial…
Descriptors: Decision Making, Memory, Preferences, Role
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Dahan, Delphine – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2023
The present study examined the role of hedges in a referential communication task. Pairs of participants received an identical set of cards, each card displaying a geometric configuration (a "tangram"). One participant, the director, instructed their partner, the matcher, to reproduce a series of predetermined tangram sequences using…
Descriptors: Language Usage, Interpersonal Communication, Task Analysis, Role
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Becker, Christoph K.; Ert, Eyal; Trautmann, Stefan T.; van de Kuilen, Gijs – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2021
Risky decisions are often characterized by (a) imprecision about consequences and their likelihoods that can be reduced by information collection, and by (b) unavoidable background risk. This article addresses both aspects by eliciting risk attitude, prudence, and temperance in decisions from description and decisions from experience. The results…
Descriptors: Risk, Decision Making, Attitudes, Personality Traits
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Peterson, Dwight J.; Decker, Reed; Naveh-Benjamin, Moshe – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2019
A fundamental question for human memory research relates to the role of attention during the binding of distinct components into an integrated representation. A number of important differences exist between the working memory and episodic memory literature in terms of methodological implementation and empirical outcomes. For instance, episodic…
Descriptors: Role, Attention, Repetition, Short Term Memory
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Trippas, Dries; Pachur, Thorsten – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2019
In judgment and categorization, the task is to infer the criterion value of an object based on cues. The cognitive mechanisms underlying such inferences are often distinguished in terms of whether they rely on an abstracted cue-criterion rule or on retrieving exemplars. The use of cue-based and exemplar-based strategies (and the associated…
Descriptors: Decision Making, Classification, Task Analysis, Cues
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Emmorey, Karen; Li, Chuchu; Petrich, Jennifer; Gollan, Tamar H. – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2020
When spoken language (unimodal) bilinguals switch between languages, they must simultaneously inhibit 1 language and activate the other language. Because American Sign Language (ASL)-English (bimodal) bilinguals can switch into and out of code-blends (simultaneous production of a sign and a word), we can tease apart the cost of inhibition (turning…
Descriptors: Bilingualism, Code Switching (Language), Task Analysis, Second Language Learning
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Zang, Chuanli; Du, Hong; Bai, Xuejun; Yan, Guoli; Liversedge, Simon P. – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2020
Two experiments are reported to investigate whether Chinese readers skip a high-frequency preview word without taking the syntax of the sentence context into account. In Experiment 1, we manipulated target word syntactic category, frequency, and preview using the boundary paradigm (Rayner, 1975). For high-frequency verb targets, there were…
Descriptors: Reading Processes, Chinese, Syntax, Word Frequency
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Dai, Haoyun; Kaan, Edith; Xu, Xiaodong – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2021
Counterfactuals describe imagined alternatives to reality that people know to be false. Successful counterfactual comprehension therefore requires people to keep in mind both an imagined hypothetical world and the presupposed real world. "Counterfactual transparency," that is, the degree to which a context makes it easy to determine…
Descriptors: Diagnostic Tests, Brain Hemisphere Functions, Semantics, Language Processing
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Forloines, Martha R.; Reid, Meredith A.; Thompkins, Andie M.; Robinson, Jennifer L.; Katz, Jeffrey S. – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2019
There are mixed results regarding the differentiation of neurofunctional correlates of spatial abilities. Previous studies employed complex environments or alternate memory tasks which could potentially add to inconsistencies across studies of navigation. To help elucidate the existing mixed findings, we conducted a study in a simplistic…
Descriptors: Computer Simulation, Brain Hemisphere Functions, Task Analysis, Cues
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Ivanova, Iva; Ferreira, Victor S. – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2019
Four picture-description experiments investigated if syntactic formulation in language production can proceed with only minimal working memory involvement. Experiments 1-3 compared the initiation latencies, utterance durations, and errors for syntactically simpler picture descriptions (adjective-noun phrases, e.g., "the red book") to…
Descriptors: Syntax, Short Term Memory, Correlation, Phrase Structure
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Rehder, Bob – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2015
Two experiments tested how the "functional form" of the causal relations that link features of categories affects category-based inferences. Whereas "independent causes" can each bring about an effect by themselves, "conjunctive causes" all need to be present for an effect to occur. The causal model view of category…
Descriptors: Role, Classification, Causal Models, Inferences
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He, Qiliang; McNamara, Timothy P.; Bodenheimer, Bobby; Klippel, Alexander – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2019
In the current study, we investigated the ways in which the acquisition and transfer of spatial knowledge were affected by (a) the type of spatial relations predominately experienced during learning (routes determined by walkways vs. straight-line paths between locations); (b) environmental complexity; and (c) the availability of rotational…
Descriptors: Transfer of Training, Spatial Ability, Computer Simulation, Retailing
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Huff, Markus; Maurer, Annika E.; Brich, Irina; Pagenkopf, Anne; Wickelmaier, Florian; Papenmeier, Frank – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2018
Humans segment the continuous stream of sensory information into distinct events at points of change. Between 2 events, humans perceive an event boundary. Present theories propose changes in the sensory information to trigger updating processes of the present event model. Increased encoding effort finally leads to a memory benefit at event…
Descriptors: Sensory Integration, Cognitive Processes, Memory, Reading Rate
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Barber, Sarah J.; Harris, Celia B.; Rajaram, Suparna – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2015
Although a group of people working together remembers more than any one individual, they recall less than their predicted potential. This finding is known as collaborative inhibition and is generally thought to arise due to retrieval disruption. However, there is growing evidence that is inconsistent with the retrieval disruption account,…
Descriptors: Cooperation, Inhibition, Memory, Recall (Psychology)
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Loaiza, Vanessa M.; Camos, Valérie – Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2018
Two main mechanisms, articulatory rehearsal and attentional refreshing, are argued to be involved in the maintenance of verbal information in working memory (WM). Whereas converging research has suggested that rehearsal promotes the phonological representations of memoranda in working memory, little is known about the representations that…
Descriptors: Role, Short Term Memory, Verbal Communication, Recall (Psychology)
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