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Jenkins, Lyndsay N.; Canivez, Gary L. – International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 2021
The Bullying Participant Behavior Questionnaire is a 50 item self-report survey designed to measure engagement in five bullying roles: bully, victim, assistant to the bully, defender of the victim, and outsider. The goal of the current study was to examine the higher-order factor structure of the BPBQ in a large middle school sample of 784…
Descriptors: Questionnaires, Bullying, Role, Victims
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Zufiaurre, Benjamin; de Villarreal, Maider Pérez – Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 2018
Nurses as professionals of health, childhood education teachers, social workers and caregivers, join a group of "feminine professions" which grew through policies of a welfare state in postwar constructive period, or in times of postwar accords (Jones, 1983). These professions are under challenge because of neoliberal policies and…
Descriptors: Nurses, Gender Issues, Sex Stereotypes, Sex Role
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Hirsch, Jameson K.; Hall, Benjamin B.; Wise, Haley A.; Brooks, Byron D.; Chang, Edward C.; Sirois, Fuschia M. – Journal of American College Health, 2021
Objective: Suicide risk is a significant public health concern for college students and may be exacerbated by hopelessness resulting from negative life events (NLE), yet may be ameliorated by self-compassion. We examined the mediating role of hopelessness in the relation between NLE and suicidal behavior, and the moderating influence of…
Descriptors: Suicide, Risk, Psychological Patterns, Prevention
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Kurt, Neslihan; Demirbolat, Ayse Ottekin – Journal of Education and Learning, 2019
The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between psychological capital, psychological well-being and job satisfaction of teachers. The research is a descriptive study in relational screening model. The research model includes three variables; one independent variable (psychological capital) and other two dependent variables (job…
Descriptors: Correlation, Job Satisfaction, Well Being, Questionnaires
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Berisha Kida, Edona; Butler, Cathal – Health Education Journal, 2021
Background: Teaching is more complex than dealing with the cognitive aspects of learning alone and is also influenced by affective states. Because of this, more research is needed into the role of teachers' emotions in classroom interaction. Of special importance is research into reflective thinking and the extent to which it may be disturbed by…
Descriptors: Teacher Attitudes, Teaching Methods, Emotional Response, Classroom Communication
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Fitzgerald, Johanna; Radford, Julie – European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2017
This paper considers the role of Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) in mainstream post-primary schools (12-18 years) in Ireland. Little is known of the role in the Irish context and it is hoped that this research will inform policy. The Irish educational landscape has witnessed seismic change recently with further transformation…
Descriptors: Special Education, Special Needs Students, Administrator Role, Secondary School Students
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Taylor, Samantha; Stripling, Christopher T.; Stephens, Carrie A.; Hart, William E.; Falk, Jeremy M.; Foster, Daniel D. – Journal of Agricultural Education, 2017
Advisory councils are essential to successful, working relationships among school-based agricultural education programs and the surrounding community. The purpose of this study was to describe how school-based agricultural education programs implement and utilize advisory councils in Tennessee and to determine agricultural education teachers'…
Descriptors: Agricultural Education, Advisory Committees, Teacher Attitudes, Role
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González-Cabrera, Joaquín; Sánchez-Álvarez, Nicolás; Calvete, Esther; León-Mejía, Ana; Orue, Izaskun; Machimbarrena, Juan M. – Psychology in the Schools, 2020
This study created a Spanish triangulated version of the European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire and obtained indicators of its validity and reliability. This new tool allows researchers to triangulate and flexibly investigate the three main roles in school bullying, obtaining seven potential roles (pure victim, pure bully, pure…
Descriptors: Psychometrics, Intervention, Bullying, Validity
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Çekici, Ferah – International Education Studies, 2019
It was aimed to examine the mediating role of authentic behavior on mindfulness and valued-living in this study. The study group involved the participation of a total of 270 undergraduate students and the students' age was between 18-28 years old. The group's mean age was 20.4 (Sd=1.44). The data were collected through The Mindful Attention and…
Descriptors: Correlation, Metacognition, Student Attitudes, Measures (Individuals)
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Misvaer, Nina; Valla, Lisbeth; Myhre, Mia Cathrine; Holen, Solveig; Sagatun, Åse – Journal of School Nursing, 2020
Bullying has negative consequences for health and quality of life of students. This study is part of a pilot project, "School Health," which included a web-based questionnaire completed by students before a consultation with the school nurse. The aim of this study was to explore how students experience answering questions about bullying…
Descriptors: Bullying, School Nurses, Role, Interpersonal Communication
Kochanowski, Andrew P. – ProQuest LLC, 2017
This research examines the influence of technology on Leadership style and institutional culture. Past research on this topic has been of a qualitative nature in understanding the impact technology has made within the business setting. The available literature does not consider the role of the business Leader in this situation or address how a…
Descriptors: Leadership Styles, Questionnaires, Leadership Role, Comparative Analysis
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Garrison, Yunkyoung Loh; Lee, Ki-Hak; Ali, Saba Rasheed – Journal of Career Development, 2017
Identity formation is considered as a key factor in the conceptualization of life satisfaction (LS). Recent volatility in labor markets has negatively influenced college students' LS and attending to the relationship between their career identity (CI) and LS has become important for career researchers and counselors. The purpose of this study is…
Descriptors: Professional Identity, Life Satisfaction, College Students, Student Attitudes
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Keatlholetswe, Lesika; Malete, Leapetswe – Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 2019
The coaching competency research has demonstrated the role of coaching efficacy and coaching behaviors on various athlete outcomes. However, athlete perceptions of these relationships and how they affect performance are less understood. Purpose: This study examined if coaching efficacy is predictive of player perceptions of coaches' leadership…
Descriptors: Leadership Styles, Coaching (Performance), Athletes, Team Sports
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Almaraee, Mohammed Abdullah – International Education Studies, 2016
To explore the present role of universities in propagating the culture of voluntary work in the Saudi community, mixed research design has been incorporated along with descriptive statistics for retrieving outcomes. The research design has been implemented in order to evaluate the concept of voluntary work culture among the university staff and…
Descriptors: College Role, Foreign Countries, Mixed Methods Research, Work Environment
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Harris, Lois Ruth; Aprile, Kerry Therese – School Leadership & Management, 2015
This study utilised role theory to investigate teacher aide roles within regional schools in Queensland, Australia. Twenty primary schoolteacher aides were interviewed; data were triangulated with 27 teacher aides' responses to a follow-up questionnaire and interviews with 6 administrative staff. Data suggest that classroom instructional support…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Teacher Aides, Role, Role Theory
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