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Michelle Downs – ProQuest LLC, 2024
The concept of belonging is considered an essential need, and the impact of belonging has been studied by many. However, limited research has been conducted on the impact of belonging of those who work in schools, especially those who are the only individuals engaged in their role, known as Onlies. The purpose of this study was to gain an…
Descriptors: Work Environment, Administrator Role, Leadership Responsibility, School Personnel
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Tamar Chen-Levi; Yaffa Buskila; Chen Schechter – International Journal of Educational Reform, 2024
The concept of agency has become widely used in education, social sciences, psychology, and more. This article explores the concept of agency and provides a critical review from two main bodies of work: The social cognitive theory and the structure agency theory. The two are not the same. Structure agency theory was used to illuminate agency from…
Descriptors: Leadership, Theories, Work Environment, Schools
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Louise Suckley; Marko Orel – Journal of Workplace Learning, 2024
Purpose: This paper aims to examine the learning gained from the evolving adjustment experiences of co-workers in moving to home-based working during the COVID-19 pandemic and the influence of these experiences on re-adjusting to return to co-working. Design/methodology/approach: Results of a longitudinal qualitative study are reported where a…
Descriptors: Employees, Work Environment, Adjustment (to Environment), Employee Attitudes
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Faller, Pierre; Marsick, Victoria J. – New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2023
Change always catalyzes organizational members to challenge, reframe, and revisit the assumptions that preside over the work they do. But how do recent changes affect individual and collective organizational transformations? More fundamentally, how can we think about learning and transformation in an organizational environment in perpetual…
Descriptors: Transformative Learning, Workplace Learning, Work Environment, Organizational Change
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Damien Che Michaud; Simone C. O. Conceição – New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development, 2023
The lack of understanding about the process by which individuals subjectively experience remote work in virtual teams led to a phenomenological study drawing data from 10 interviews with telecommuters, who worked remotely more than 80% of the time. Using in-depth, semi-structured interviews, study findings contribute to the literature on Virtual…
Descriptors: Teleworking, Teamwork, Work Environment, Social Experience
Joseph M. Ginese – ProQuest LLC, 2024
Continued professional learning is a consistent focus of attention for the field of student affairs within higher education. Yet, very little research has been conducted on the factors that influence the motivation of student affairs professionals to pursue continued professional learning, especially professionals within community colleges. This…
Descriptors: Professional Development, Student Personnel Workers, Community Colleges, Work Environment
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Schlieber, Marisa; Adejumo, Tobi; Knight, Jenna; Valencia Lopez, Enrique; Pufall Jones, Elizabeth – International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 2023
Quality improvement strategies largely focus on lead teachers' qualifications with little regard to their work environment, while also overlooking a significant segment of the workforce--assistant teachers. Early educators work in teams, and assistant teachers play an important role planning, implementing, and supporting classroom activities.…
Descriptors: Teaching Assistants, Work Environment, Teamwork, Experience
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Erin Hamel – Dimensions of Early Childhood, 2024
Early childhood (EC) environments that are safe and engaging can positively influence developmental outcomes in children. Indeed, the benefits of a high-quality environment for young children are numerous (Kostelnik et al., 2019). The EC classroom is also the primary workplace of EC teachers and much like the children they serve, they can also…
Descriptors: Work Environment, Early Childhood Teachers, Early Childhood Education, Well Being
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Virginia S. Lovison; Cecilia Hyunjung Mo – American Educational Research Journal, 2024
Inadequate compensation is often viewed as the root of teacher workforce challenges despite teacher reports that working conditions matter more. Using an original discrete choice experiment with a national sample of 1,030 U.S. teachers, we found that support staff--special education specialists, counselors, and nurses--play an essential role in…
Descriptors: Teachers, Salary Wage Differentials, Teacher Persistence, Teacher Recruitment
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Cecilia Toscanelli; Ieva Urbanaviciute; Hans De Witte; Koorosh Massoudi – British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 2024
Boredom at work occurs in the context of low demands and resources and can have a host of negative outcomes for employees. However, the existing literature is lacunary concerning the mechanisms underlying the link between boredom and its negative outcomes. Based on the concept of tedium, this study examines the link between boredom at work and…
Descriptors: Burnout, Psychological Patterns, Fatigue (Biology), Adults
Harvard Educational Review, 2024
In this Voices: Reflective Accounts of Education essay, the author delves into the intersection of race, gender, and education, exploring the experiences and challenges faced by Black women leaders and daughters in the Academy. This piece emerges from the author's research and lived experiences. The breadth and depth of a little-addressed…
Descriptors: African Americans, Females, Women Administrators, Barriers
Brandy Logan – ProQuest LLC, 2024
The central aim of this research was to contribute to understanding diversity management (DM) training programs in practice. The problem addressed in the study was women completing DM programs continue to experience workplace bias after leadership placement. This qualitative descriptive case study aimed to explore strategies to overcome workplace…
Descriptors: Females, Leadership, Business, Management Development
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Sara K. Moon-Seo; Jin Seo – Educational Research: Theory and Practice, 2024
This study explored the experiences of retired faculty members in higher education through semi-structured interviews. As a qualitative study, researchers conducted interviews with retired faculty members regarding their joyful moments, challenges, and strategies for overcoming obstacles in academia. The study also examined the advice retired…
Descriptors: College Faculty, Teacher Retirement, Teaching Experience, Barriers
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Lemmetty, Soila; Billet, Stephen – Journal of Workplace Learning, 2023
Purpose: This paper aims to examine employee-driven innovation (EDI) intertwined with learning, creating a new description combining these two concepts: employee-driven learning and innovation (EDLI). This paper provides insights into the nature of EDLI based on the existing theories and perspectives. It seeks to elaborate EDLI as an ongoing…
Descriptors: Workplace Learning, Employees, Job Training, Innovation
Tyla C. Ricks – ProQuest LLC, 2023
The wellbeing of early care educators is essential for lessening burnout and increasing teachers' intentions of staying in the field. Protective factors related to the wellbeing of early care educators in the field have been given little attention in research and practice but have such a profound impact on programs, classrooms, children, and…
Descriptors: Work Environment, Teacher Burnout, Preschool Teachers, Teacher Attitudes
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