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Evropske volitve 2024

Več informacij o EU

Skupna načela in vrednote, ki so temelj življenja v EU: svoboda, demokracija, enakost in pravna država, spodbujanje miru in stabilnosti.

Način financiranja in porabe proračuna EU, upravljanje sredstev EU, področja odhodkov, pregled dejstev o proračunu EU

Spoznajte, kaj EU počne za državljane in državljanke, kako varuje pravice, krepi blaginjo in si prizadeva za varnejši svet.

Učno gradivo, igre in še mnogo več o Evropski uniji in njenih dejavnostih za otroke, najstnike, učitelje in starše.

Več o EU preberite v teh priročnih publikacijah o delovanju Unije, od evra in prava do zgodovine in potovanj.


Novice so prek strojnega prevoda na voljo v vseh 24 uradnih jezikih EU.

A person holding the European Health Insurance Card
  • News article

You can use the European Health Insurance Card for necessary or urgent medical care when travelling abroad, under the same conditions and at the same cost as people insured in that country. It’s valid in any EU country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Read more.

Student life during Erasmus at Seville
  • Press release

The EESC is calling for the Commission's proposal on making EU traineeships fairer and more inclusive to be reinforced, stressing the importance of fair compensation for trainees. Nearly half of the EU’s more than 3 million trainees are unpaid and almost a third have no access to social protection.

DG HOME human trafficking campaign photo
  • News article

Stronger EU rules to fight human trafficking enter into force on 14 July that introduce stricter criminalisation and provide stronger tools for public authorities to investigate and prosecute new forms of exploitation, including those online. This ensures better assistance and and support to victims