Firebase Dynamic Links Short Links API Reference

You can use this REST API to generate short Dynamic Links. See the developer guide to get started.

HTTP request

Content-Type: application/json


Request body

The request body looks like one of the following, depending on whether you want to specify the Dynamic Link parameters as a long Dynamic Link or as a JSON object.

To specify the Dynamic Link parameters as a long Dynamic Link:

  "longDynamicLink": string,
  "suffix": {
    "option": "SHORT" or "UNGUESSABLE"

To specify the Dynamic Link parameters as a JSON object:

  "dynamicLinkInfo": {
    "domainUriPrefix": string,
    "link": string,
    "androidInfo": {
      "androidPackageName": string,
      "androidFallbackLink": string,
      "androidMinPackageVersionCode": string
    "iosInfo": {
      "iosBundleId": string,
      "iosFallbackLink": string,
      "iosCustomScheme": string,
      "iosIpadFallbackLink": string,
      "iosIpadBundleId": string,
      "iosAppStoreId": string
    "navigationInfo": {
      "enableForcedRedirect": boolean,
    "analyticsInfo": {
      "googlePlayAnalytics": {
        "utmSource": string,
        "utmMedium": string,
        "utmCampaign": string,
        "utmTerm": string,
        "utmContent": string
      "itunesConnectAnalytics": {
        "at": string,
        "ct": string,
        "mt": string,
        "pt": string
    "socialMetaTagInfo": {
      "socialTitle": string,
      "socialDescription": string,
      "socialImageLink": string
  "suffix": {
    "option": "SHORT" or "UNGUESSABLE"


All parameters are optional unless otherwise specified.

General parameters
domainUriPrefix Required if you didn't set a value for the longDynamicLink parameter. Your Firebase project's Dynamic Links domain. You can find this value in the Dynamic Links section of the Firebase console.
link Required if you didn't set a value for the longDynamicLink parameter.

The link your app will open. Specify a URL that your app can handle, typically the app's content or payload, which initiates app-specific logic (such as crediting the user with a coupon or displaying a welcome screen). This link must be a well-formatted URL, be properly URL-encoded, use either HTTP or HTTPS, and cannot be another Dynamic Link.


Specifies how to create the path component of a short Dynamic Link. By default, Firebase Dynamic Links generates 17-character string suffixes.

Set the parameter to { "option": "SHORT" } to generate path strings that are only as long as needed to be unique, with a minimum length of 4 characters. Use this method if sensitive information would not be exposed if a short Dynamic Link URL were guessed.

Omit this parameter or set the parameter to { "option": "UNGUESSABLE" } to shorten the path to an unguessable string. Such strings are created by base62-encoding randomly generated 96-bit numbers, and consist of 17 alphanumeric characters. Use unguessable strings to prevent your Dynamic Links from being crawled, which can potentially expose sensitive information.

Android parameters
androidPackageName The package name of the Android app to use to open the link. The app must be connected to your project from the Overview page of the Firebase console. Required for the Dynamic Link to open an Android app.
androidFallbackLink The link to open when the app isn't installed. Specify this to do something other than install your app from the Play Store when the app isn't installed, such as open the mobile web version of the content, or display a promotional page for your app.
androidMinPackageVersionCode The versionCode of the minimum version of your app that can open the link. If the installed app is an older version, the user is taken to the Play Store to upgrade the app.
iOS parameters
iosBundleId The bundle ID of the iOS app to use to open the link. The app must be connected to your project from the Overview page of the Firebase console. Required for the Dynamic Link to open an iOS app.
iosFallbackLink The link to open when the app isn't installed. Specify this to do something other than install your app from the App Store when the app isn't installed, such as open the mobile web version of the content, or display a promotional page for your app.
iosCustomScheme Your app's custom URL scheme, if defined to be something other than your app's bundle ID
iosIpadFallbackLink The link to open on iPads when the app isn't installed. Specify this to do something other than install your app from the App Store when the app isn't installed, such as open the web version of the content, or display a promotional page for your app.
iosIpadBundleId The bundle ID of the iOS app to use on iPads to open the link. The app must be connected to your project from the Overview page of the Firebase console.
iosAppStoreId Your app's App Store ID, used to send users to the App Store when the app isn't installed
Navigation parameters
enableForcedRedirect If set to '1', skip the app preview page when the Dynamic Link is opened, and instead redirect to the app or store. The app preview page (enabled by default) can more reliably send users to the most appropriate destination when they open Dynamic Links in apps; however, if you expect a Dynamic Link to be opened only in apps that can open Dynamic Links reliably without this page, you can disable it with this parameter. This parameter will affect the behavior of the Dynamic Link only on iOS.
Social Meta Tag parameters
socialTitle The title to use when the Dynamic Link is shared in a social post.
socialDescription The description to use when the Dynamic Link is shared in a social post.
socialImageLink The URL to an image related to this link.
Analytics parameters
Google Play analytics parameters.
iTunes Connect analytics parameters.

Response body

The response to a request is a JSON object like the following:

  "shortLink": string,
  "previewLink": string
Response fields
shortLink The generated short Dynamic Link.
previewLink A link to a flowchart of the Dynamic Link's behavior.