Live Local Act
Largest Investment for Housing Opportunities in History

The Live Local Act is a comprehensive, statewide attainable housing strategy, designed to increase the availability of affordable housing opportunities for Florida’s residents, who desire to live within the communities they serve. This framework provides historic recurring funding for housing very-low to moderate income households. In addition to a multitude of new programs, incentives, and opportunities, this legislation works to focus Florida’s housing strategy in ways that make housing more attainable.  Florida Housing will implement programs that support the development of multifamily residential housing, homeownership, and creating innovative approaches for all housing markets.

Please see the following programs, reports, and information below to learn more about how the Live Local Act can assist in reaching the goal of helping Floridians live where they work.


Program pages:

Live Local Tax Credit Program for Transformational Development

Multifamily Middle Market Certification

Hometown Heroes Program

Additional Live Local SAIL Funding Opportunities

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