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Introducing Frequencies of Change Media (FoC Media)

Introducing Frequencies of Change Media (FoC Media)

Hi friends, We’re thrilled to share some exciting news with you: National Radio Project (International Media Project) is evolving into Frequencies of Change Media (FoC Media)!  Why the change? Well, it’s simple: We’ve outgrown our old name because we do so much more than a radio show and podcast — we’re a nonprofit media organization supporting fiercely independent audio storytelling. FoC Media encompasses our broader mission: to...

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An Interview with Summer Intern Alex Corey

An Interview with Summer Intern Alex Corey

This was an exciting and eventful summer at Making Contact, especially as we had Alex Corey join us as our summer intern! Like the journalists we are, we had to interview him about his time at Making Contact. Be sure to check out his answers below! 1.Tell us about your journalism background. How’d you get into it and why? Well in the past I’ve done a wide variety of reporting, from in-depth science coverage to gonzo reporting on...

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Help Us Support Journalism from Gaza

Help Us Support Journalism from Gaza

  Click here to donate to our Gaza Reporting Fund! Over the next few weeks, we are running a special campaign to fundraise for our Palestinian colleague Rami Almeghari. He is currently in Gaza with his family as Israeli military forces continue their genocidal assault on the residents of what has been called “the world’s biggest open-air prison.” Rami has been a longtime journalist and friend to Making Contact, and his work has...

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7 Shows to Listen to this Women’s History Month

7 Shows to Listen to this Women’s History Month

We’re knee deep in Women’s History Month and at Making Contact we’re celebrating the best way we know how: highlighting the stories of women making change and fighting for a better future for ourselves and all those around us along the way.  Check out these stories from Making Contact featuring the often untold stories impacting women everyday: 1.Don’t Let Them See You Bleed: PERIOD From period stigma to the unfair tax on...

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9 Shows to Listen to this Black History Month

9 Shows to Listen to this Black History Month

This month at Making Contact, and all year round, we are excited to honor, celebrate and recount the stories of Black people and Black heritage in America. Storytelling allows us the opportunity to uncover the lives, the hope, and the people who built a better world for all of us. Too often these stories are lost or forgotten in time.  Today, take some time to listen to some of those stories: 1.Tulsa & Black Wall Street Our most...

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Behind the Sound: Adwoa Gyimah-Brempong

Welcome to Behind the Sound, an interview series with the folks who make Making Contact. This month we interviewed Adwoa Gyimah-Brempong, a freelance reporter, producer, and Making Contact’s sound editor.  How did you get into this line of work? I got into audio while I was getting an MFA in Creative Writing. I’d been a writer and editor for most of my life, and grew up on NPR (my parents are not native English speakers, so when...

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