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IGDB Python API V4

A Python wrapper for's Video Game Database API.


This wrapper is ONLY compatible with the newest release (V4).

About IGDB

One of the principles behind is accessibility of data. We wish to share the data with anyone who wants to build cool video game oriented websites, apps and services. This means that the information you contribute to can be used by other projects as well.

Thus, you are not only contributing to the value of this site but to thousands of other projects as well. We are looking forward to see what exciting game related projects you come up with. Happy coding!

More info here:

Information about the Querying language APICalypse:

About the Wrapper

The Wrapper can handle both the IGDB generated classes and JSON (Strings), I have chosen to make the API's Generated classes (Protocol Buffers) the standard way because it will make it easier to use as you don't have to create your own classes to hold the information.

The package contains two modules: the wrapper which holds the tools for querying the API, and igdbapi_pb2 which contains all of the generated classes for the Protocol Buffers.

Installation and Setup

pip install igdb-api-v4


Using your Twitch Credentials

Create a new IGDBWrapper object and give it your Client-ID and App Access Token:

from igdb.wrapper import IGDBWrapper

How to use the wrapper

Right now, the wrapper is very barebone and only has one wrapping function api_request, which queries the API when given an endpoint and an APICalypse-like query and returns a byte array with the results.

More utilities will be added in the future, such as endpoint helper functions, JSON conversion, and Protobuf message parsing.

  • api_request This method handles IGDB generated proto classes which returns an ByteArray to be used to fill the appropriate class.
'''With a wrapper instance already created'''
# JSON API request
byte_array = wrapper.api_request(
            'fields id, name; offset 0; where platforms=48;'
# parse into JSON however you like...

# Protobuf API request
from igdb.igdbapi_pb2 import GameResult
byte_array = wrapper.api_request(
            'games.pb', # Note the '.pb' suffix at the endpoint
            'fields id, name; offset 0; where platforms=48;'
games_message = GameResult()
games_message.ParseFromString(byte_array) # Fills the protobuf message object with the response
games =


The wrapper throws a requests.HTTPError when an exception occurs from the API.

Code Examples

Contributing / Developers



This project uses Python 3.7+ and pipenv to manage dependencies.

pip install --user pipenv
pipenv install --dev

Protocol Buffers

If you want to update the library to use the latest Protobuf file from you can run ./


This project uses protoc to generate the protocol buffer wrapper.

set PB_REL=""
set PB_VERSION=3.13.0
set PB_OS=win
set PB_ARCH=64
curl -LO %PB_REL%/download/v%PB_VERSION%/

Unzip to a protoc folder.

cd protoc-3.13.0-win64\bin
protoc.exe -I=../../src/igdb --python_out=../../src/igdb igdbapi.proto


Then run protoc:

protoc -I=. --python_out=. igdbapi.proto