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Brea Souders & Alice Zoo

‘How would I feel if I had messaged for years with someone that I later found out was an AI?’

Brea Souders speaks to Alice Zoo about chatbots, interconnection and the dialogue between photography and text in her work.

In Conversation

Helen Garner & Izabella Scott

‘I think what draws me in is the spectacle of the law trying to deal with something that nothing can deal with – just the wildness of people.’

Izabella Scott in conversation with Helen Garner.

In Conversation

Robert Gluck & K Patrick

‘Desire charges the landscape with physical upheaval. We become water, weather. And why not? Why describe a character by the hat she is wearing instead of her experience of orgasm?’

Robert Glück and K Patrick on writing desire.

In Conversation

m nourbeSe philip & Momtaza Mehri

‘I think the stories that cannot yet be told must be told, can only be told, by un-telling.’

Momtaza Mehri in conversation with m nourbeSe philip.

The Extracted Earth

Thea Riofrancos

‘It’s perhaps hard to imagine a country with abundant mineral or oil reserves simply leaving that wealth underground. But there are precedents here, historical and contemporary.’

Granta interviews Thea Riofrancos.

In Conversation

Amelia Abraham & Jack Parlett

‘It’s true that public sex and cruising can be complicated, but I still believe in the solidarity that a look can forge between people.’

Amelia Abraham and Jack Parlett discuss cruising, nostalgia and the privatisation of public sex.


Teju Cole & Alice Zoo

‘Each successive image has to have the simultaneous feeling of being unanticipated and of being right.’

Teju Cole speaks to Alice Zoo about sequencing, portraiture, and the interplay between image and text.

In Conversation

Isabel Waidner, Helen Macdonald & Sin Blaché

‘How does a writer transform a familiar object or character into an instrument of horror?’

Helen Macdonald, Sin Blaché and Isabel Waidner on defamiliarisation, multiple dimensions and constructing characters

A Good First Marriage is Luck

Sheila Heti & Phyllis Rose

‘Life is so difficult. It may take more than one creature to sustain one life.’

Sheila Heti in conversation with Phyllis Rose.

In Conversation

Lisa Robertson & Kate Briggs

‘The description becomes a psychic image, a political image of transformational potency.’

Kate Briggs and Lisa Robertson discuss becoming novelists, description as a political tool, and endings.

Once Again, Germany Defines Who Is a Jew | Part II

George Prochnik, Emily Dische-Becker & Eyal Weizman

‘Turning to Germany, it seems that Jews are the only ones entitled to historical context, to history, and also to trauma. Palestinian history is denied.’

George Prochnik in conversation with Emily Dische-Becker and Eyal Weizman, after 7 October 2023.

Once Again, Germany Defines Who Is a Jew | Part I

George Prochnik, Eyal Weizman & Emily Dische-Becker

‘We just do not think that it’s for the Germans to say to us what kind of Jews we should be, what kind of project we should be part of.’

George Prochnik in conversation with Emily Dische-Becker and Eyal Weizman, before 7 October 2023.

Europe’s Mistake

Jürgen Habermas

‘Today, I no longer believe that the EU will play a globally influential role in the future.’

Granta’s editor interviews Jürgen Habermas.

In Conversation

Juliet Jacques & Iphgenia Baal

‘I think people who ape the sentiments of others often go on to believe the thing they said. It becomes their opinion.’

Juliet Jacques and Iphgenia Baal discuss early digital cultures, precarity and social architecture.