
feat: add explicit extension support when using Typescript and ESM
Always lint .ts
Add `.ts` to the default `extensions` for `--lint`
Make report an allow list
Fix: add more typescript leaks
chore: bump hoek
Bump @types/node
Deal with `Symbol(undici.globalDispatcher.1)` in Node.js 18+
Enable linting of *.cjs and *.mjs files
Add missing space after colon
Add check for TS error 2820
breaking changes
Upgrade dependences
Update target to ES2020 to match node 14+
Support node v18
Remove undocumented --coverage-module option
Upgrade to eslint v8
Drop support for node v12
Update linter to work with ESLint 8
Revise leak detection to use fresh node globals
New --coverage-predicates option
Remove node 8 compat fix
feat: 🎸 depedencies cli option
Update sindresorhus deps to pre ESM versions
Coverage for nullish coalescing operator
tsconfig paths alias
add Node.js 18 globals
Support for ES modules
Add inline typescript sources to transformed output
Skip coverage on non-mapped transpiled code
Add @hapi/eslint-plugin as peer dependency
Using the coverage reporter requires "@hapi/eslint-plugin" to be installed, even if it’s not used.
Code coverage reports on transpiled JavaScript, instead of TypeScript source
Original files in HTML reporter
Add TypeScript support. Closes #1025
Introduce an upper limit to how much actual vs. expected is diffed
Cleanup flaky tests, lint CLI scripts
Add DOMException and structuredClone globals to leaks module
DOMException will be a global in Node.js 17+
fix: never instrument eslint configs for coverage
fix: correct semver range for @hapi/eslint-plugin
Add eslint configuration
Add eslint-plugin module config to lint/coverage feature
Use the new module ESLint configuration
Report on private/protected class type errors
Incorrect type error detection
Add new globals for node v16
Fix retrying of passing tests
lib: add new globals from Node.js 15.x
24.0.0 Release Notes
Wait for pending ticks started by test
Shallow clone context
Allow typescript to be updated by clients
Use eslint-plugin-hapi embedded config
throw error if an async experiment function is provided
Replace mkdirp with Fs.mkdirSync with recursive: true
Vulnerability in a dep of mkdirp
Update deps
breaking changes
Record retries
Replace Espree with babel-eslint
Update es lint version
breaking changes
Drop node 10
Update lint rules
update test assertion for node core changes
TS: String object type -> string literal type
TS: Uses an inferred generic on flags.mustCall
breaking changes
Update types
Drop node 8
Tags to skip types test line execution
coverage-all option triggers TypeError: Cannot set property 'source' of undefined
Fails to load npm modules in ts tests
Support types test execution on windows
External modules coverage fails on windows due to path
Run TS tests, not just validate them
New diff is broken
coverage analysis modifies a function return
Stupid typescript
Support coverage of external modules with own coverage reports
Ignore symbol leaks
Update to eslint 6
Single line coverage ignore
Implement coverage bypass stack
Support multiple "only" flags
Support for multiple "only"
Add affordance for coverage flag stack
Handle ts "Cannot find name" error when expected
19.0.0 Release Notes
Change console reporter labels
Typescript test support
Remove debug-brk
Global leak detector skips Symbol() properties
Use util.inspect() for console reporter
"console" reporter crashes if object contains a BigInt
No mismatch highlighted on -0 !== 0 deep equality mismatch
Update lint rules modules
Add globalThis to symbols
Update code
Change module namespace
Update deps
Switch back to Hoek.clone from lodash.deepClone.
Fix coverage with sourcemaps inlined via Transform API.
breaking changes
Have correct exit code with multiple reporters
Properly propagate term sig to child lab process
Add note about how to get a tests ID
Update eslint version
Remove deprecated espree option
Remove docs about custom linter option
Compare coverage pattern to canonical path
Centralize espree options
Remove old parallel flag from test
Use correct gray color code
Add missing coverage and remove unnecessary checks
Fix false-positive coverage of if statements (REDUCES REPORTED COVERAGE!)
Update linter configuration?
Console reporter: "gray" is actually light green
Coverage fails for multiple conditionals on same line (logical operators)
Documentation on using --id
Request to consolidate parsers
CLI failure test doesn't appear to test what it claims
Add coverage-pattern option
Remove engines
Coverage being analized on the test file
Check file pattern on coverage traversal
Add --coverage-all option
setting coverage-path doesn't include all code in path
Update dependencies
Revert console cov report truncation
Improve console coverage report readability
Update hoek v6
Fails to handle non-Error errors
Update type definitions to match documented API
[ENHANCEMENT] Nullified test context on finish to prevent memory leaks
Possible context memory leak?
No longer skip scripts when multiple only
breaking changes
Add node 11 to travis
handle queueMicrotask global added in Node 11
Add testsuites output to junit
Upgrade source-map and support limited sourcemap descriptors
Fixed skipped console output color
Only is no longer limited to 1 test
junit report generated has both classname and the name as "classname + ' ' + name".
html reporter errors when encountering sourcemap chunks with typescript
Update ecmaversion in eslint
Fix stack trace trimming
Document `paths` parameter in .labrc.js
breaking changes
Update to eslint v5
Disable dep timeout, which is doc default
Allow custom handling for global errors/rejections
update eslint-config-hapi dependency
Disable "uncaughtException" handler for tests
-M, --context-timeout is ignored; test passed even it is not triggered
Support test context from befores
Add BigInt globals
Update coverage ECMA version to 9 (2018).
Add WHATWG Encoding API globals
Revert "Wait for stdout to stop writing to exit"
Wait for stdout to stop writing to exit
Calculate relative filename using node's path
Transforming files does not work with yarn workspaces
Fix coverage on transformed files. Fixes #826.
Update eslint
Ignore default-plan-threshold for anything else than tests
Implement minimum assertions threshold. Closes #690.
Allow to specify minimum number of executed assertions
Bump diff to 3.5
Update eslint dep
Fail test if a falsy value is thrown by the test
awaiting a rejected promise can still pass test
Can exclude files from coverage
Write CLI errors to stderr
Update eslint version
add URL and URLSearchParams to global variables
Missing exports.lab causes error when generating html coverage report
Report correct exit code with multiple reporters
Add multiple reporter tests
Update eslint version
Using multiple reporters results into wrong exit code if test fails
Update eslint
Support object rest/spread under eslint
update to use expect from code
Update TypeScript typings
Fix usage example of flags.onCleanup
Added index.d.ts to npmignore
Add mustCall feature
Updated readme to include alias of ignore
ignore setting not supported in .labrc.js
Fix for node 9
Remove outdated assert statements
assertion library "code" is not set by default / documentation is wrong
New globals are coming
Fix test script error duplicates
Update eslint
Remove code as default assertion library. Resolves #771
Display parser errors when requiring scripts
15.0.0 Release Notes
Remove domains and callbacks
Use of onCleanup() when test returns a promise
Remove domains in favor of try/catch on async/await
Bump diff to 3.5 (v14.x.x)
Fix for node 9
Update deps: eslint, source-map
Helpful message when path not found
More helpful message when test path not found
Fix RangeError for --id when skipping a large number of tests
update eslint parser version to 8
#647 add example of multiple reporters in .labrc.js
Update deps: eslint/supports-color
Better color detection
Document verbosity value
Fix readme linting issues
add object spread option
Coverage is broken when using object spread operator
Please add an explanation of verbosity; what does 'verbosity: 3.00' mean?
Document definition file
Add TypeScript definition file
Typescript support
Update dependencies: eslint, espree
Be explicit about errors thrown in before/afters
Help: Multiple callbacks error with mongo AND lab.before
Fix failing test
Fix npm 5.2 error
Expose Code features directly on script
Failed befores properly fail related tests
Fail conditions documentation is unclear
Support eslint 4 ignore path
14.0.0 Release Notes
Error on tests with both promise and callback
Update eslint/code versions
Upgrade to ESLint v4
Bundle code as default assertion library
Include code assertion library
Confusing warning when mixing Promise and callback style
Update espree version
upgrade eslint to 3.19.x
Error when doing code coverage: "ecmaVersion must be 3, 5, 6, or 7."
Add WebAssembly to allowed globals
Node 8 will add `WebAssembly` global
Ignore while a promise returns inside a test with a value. Only watch for rejection
Promises that return values now error on finished
Fix a domain leak and onCleanup failures
Improve bail strategy not to execute next befores/afters
Extending linting
plan and Lab.assertions not working
Fix test
Add failing test for conditional value
Fix coverage of zero-comment scripts
TypeError: Reduce of empty array with no initial value
13.0.0 Release Notes
Minor cleanup
Reduce leaked memory via domains and timers
Update eslint version
Original files in HTML reporter
Test coverage shows untransformed output
Typos and inspect supports port
Add support for Node.js and WebStorm debuggers
Implement --inspect so debugging inside a test is possible?
12.0.0 Release Notes
Add --bail support
upgrade espree parser to use ECMAScript latest 8
.labrc.js with --harmony options execute failed
cli `--help` command showing incorrect commands
Stop Tests On First Failure
Update eslint
Fix test and deprecation warning
Update eslint version
fix: don't show seed when shuffle was not enabled
Node 7, update deps
Added a flag (-R, --rejections) to make the test fail if an unhandled Promise rejection happened during its execution
feat: allow to set the seed for --shuffle with --seed.
when tests fail with `--shuffle`, how to run tests in the failing order?
Update eslint to 3.9.x
fixes logic for lab.before timeout #652
disable lab before timeout
Make the test fail on a Promise unhandled rejection
Update deps: eslint, diff
Update eslint
fixing invalid markup on filter checkboxes
Docs: Fix URL in
Docs: Added documentation for the assert argument
The `assert` command line flag should be properly documented
Disable debug mode by default
Failed tests reported twice
11.0.0 Release Notes
Test entire node range before bypassing
Update eslint dep
Ensure we're not bypassing loc that should be covered
`/* `$lab:coverage:(off|on)$` */` disables coverage for a whole module
Upgrade eslint to v3
labrc.js can override all cli options
closes #610
some options can't be configured with .labrc.js
Fix NODE_ENV not being set (fixes #606)
NODE_ENV is no longer defaulting to 'test'
Display a warning for failed patterns
Show better error message when -P fails to find matching patterns
Support .labrc.js for configuration
Cleanup leak harmony checks
Support .labrc files for configuration defaults
Add space after failed test x
Adjust gray to comply with solarized dark theme
Update eslint to v2.10.x
Cleanup lint-fix setting
Support ability to add notes to a test
Add --lint-fix option.
Add ability to attach notes to test results
Update to code v3
Make coverage excludes more explicit
Support the same test name in diff experiments
File Name Coverage Issue
Experiment description not showing in output
Default output to stdout
Document how to only run linting
Don't execute before/after on experiments that lack tests
Better documentation for schedule
Run linting only
before and after blocks
Enable output for single-file usage
Skipped tests should have their beforeEach() skipped too?
self-run scripts don't generate output or respect CLI arguments
Promise test check should allow more than one argument
Post test cleanup. Closes #577
Post test cleanup
Support bossy 3
Update dependencies
id-557: Error thrown when I use --coverage-exclude
use stable stringify for better objects diff
Error thrown when I use --coverage-exclude
Works correctly with node v6
Add Reflect to whitelist
leaks detected:Reflect using node v6.0.0
Code coverage: Always surround expressions in ternary operator with parenthesis
Code coverage for conditional operator with comma operator isn't handled correctly
Update eslint to v2.5
Update deps and fix flushing to stdout
Feature/silent skips
Allow stdout to flush
Add `plan` option for tests
Set expected number of assertions
Feature: promises
Support promises in tests and setup / teardown
Fix "multiple only" error with multiple outputs
Update readme for global only
10.0.0 Release Notes
Global "only" (#524)
Add a global `only` flag to improve TDD experience
Support shuffling execution of scripts
9.0.0 Release Notes
Remove jslint and support custom linters
Add JavaScript Standard Style (`standard`) as a linter option
Make linter pluggable? (PR offer)
Fix coverage of trailing function declaration
Fix coverage report for single-line functions and single-expression arrow functions
Single line functions are not property tested for coverage
enable parsing the spread operator
use of the spread operator breaks coverage
Fix coverage when require cache is reset
--coverage-exclude should support multiple paths
Coverage calculated wrong.
Lab .eslintrc rules overrides local eslint rules.
Fix eslint configuration file format support.
fix diff text visibility for console reporter
Diff colors render diff text unreadable
8.0.0 release notes
Update dependencies
Add objectLiteralShorthandMethods to supported ES6 features
Update dependencies items and eslint
Coverage reporting does not support parsing ES6 objectLiteralComputedProperties
Es6-ify the README examples
Update hapijs/items to 2.0.0 from 1.1.1
Update linter to include for loop rules
Update hapi linter dependencies
Update to use ES6 style and lint rules
ES6 linting rules
consider testing arg passed to done is an error object
7.0.0 release notes
Remove node 0.10 support
Do not add tracking code before "var" in "for(var x of xs)"
for(var x of xs) is not handled correctly when coverage is turned on
Add objectLiteralShorthandMethods to supported ES6 features
Error data
6.0.0 release notes
Lint warning for unused variables except internals
-V/--version flag to show version
Add --version to CLI
Rename template for npm publish
Add linting information and test failures to html
Upgrade deps and avoid relying on unix commands
Document html coverage report source markup
JSON reporter now supports lint output
add lint results to json reporter
Update insecure dependencies (eslint, handlebars)
Document coverage ignore syntax, fixes #438
Drop camelcase lint rule
Add Infinity to stringify
Updated eslint version
Add docs for extending lab's linter
Use a shareable config for ESLint
.eslintrc files should build on default settings
Show invisible tokens on stringify
Fix stack traces when using transforms
Fix circular JSON for console reporter
Add command line options to override coverage path and excludes
Allow custom reporters from CLI
Custom reporters not allowed from cli
Fix test for equal call with extra param
Fix extra params passed to equal that are invalid
Update eslint to 1.0.x
Fix exit code when multiple reporters encounter a failure
enable more es6 features for Espree
Attach sub-reporters to the multiple reporter
Exit code always 0 with multiple reporters
Support filename pattern matching in CLI
File name matching glob pattern
Revert lint rule on spaced comments
Attach results to the reporter
Multiple reporters and multiple outputs
Update to eslint 0.24.x and add array bracket spacing linting rule
enable code coverage support with ES6
Added space after comment rule
Support more relaxed no-shadow rule
Update source-map-support to 0.3.x
Shadow lint error going too far
Remove lint rule for line around comments
Lint too aggressive with empty lines before comments
Use no-shadow lint rule
Enforce capitalization of imported module variable names
Linting update
Update license attribute
Cleanup repo style
Default both linting thresholds to 0.
Lint option -L should fail test if any linting problems are found
Use global handle for __$$labCov for use strict.
Change afterEaches to run in more natural order
unable to test when employing template strings
afterEach's run in unnatural order
Fix coverage on loop labels. Fixes #355.
Error when running lab with coverage on babel compiled code
Fix coverage modifying "use strict" statements.
Fix #351. Add message about threshold and npm error message.
npm ERR! Exit status 1 when threshold is not met
Lint thresholds
Add 4 space indent rule
Add some more rules to ESLint
Added two eslint rules to lab to enforce the hapi code style.
Switch to espree
Update dependencies
using `espree` or `acorn` instead of esprima
Fix HTML reporter when using live-transformed code
Add ESLint rule for blank line at beginning of function scope
[DEP] eslint 0.14 to 0.17
Update eslint to 0.17.0
Allow test files to have different extensions with transform
Fix EventEmitter bug
Fix domain not exited
Support custom reporters - closes #216 & closes #309
Allow --lint-options to be passed to configure linters
Fixes #319: Instructs --output to create given directory recursively.
--output should create given directory tree
add debug option to show domain error stack
Properly support sourcemaps when using the transform option
Add live transform of source code before coverage analysis
Remove Makefile and advice about it. Closes #284.
Linting update
Add Intl global
Ignore Intl global
Ignoring files in linting
make linter pluggable
Avoid double timeout on before/after
Fix before/after exceptions to be reported
Errors thrown in after & afterEach can cause immediate exit with code 0
(true ? true : false) ? 'x' : false === true when coverage enabled (should be 'x')
Add Map, Set, and WeakSet to the Harmony globals and improve testing
Fix console reporting
Remove extra hoek typo in package.json
Add verbosity index
5.0.0 Release Notes
Remove extra line breaks in lint report
Assertions library option
Fix documentation to exclude chai
Remove Chai
Lint report formatting
Remove chai
Fix #217: throw on invalid function declaration
Run linting in child process
Remove extra line breaks in report
Spawn linting in child process
Remove extra line breaks
Remove brace-style rule
Remove brace-style lint rule
Lint arg is now a boolean
Removing consistent-return
Drop consistent-return lint rule
Remove no-lonely-if
Switch -L to be boolean and only use eslint
Remove no-lonely-if
Ignore tests for lab
Add eslintignore for labs tests
Fixing lint rules and only showing files when issues
Only show linted files if there are issues
WIP - Add linting support
Support windows console output
Console reporter doesn't display well on windows
Fix mistakes on previous pull requests
Add optional timeouts on before(Each), after(Each)
Fix #178: Add sourcemaps support
Code coverage with sourcemaps support
Fix #209: omit undefined options
code error results in all tests passing
Support multiple tests from the command line.
Output and leaks are honored
CLI: -o not honored
Support junit as reporter on cli
junit reporter unavailable
Add --ignore option and document alias arguments
Add test for unknown arguments
Restrict CLI reporter checks and add usage on errors
Upping to bossy 1.0.0
Switching from optimist to bossy
Switch from optimist to bossy
Added clover reporter
Adding lcov format reporter
Stray asterisk in README
Add tests for coverage that throws
Option to output coverage in lcov format
Adding test run data to html report
Cleanup tests for timeout overrides
Add lines covered and not covered to the CC report
Way to get coverage report in HTML at the same time as console
Upping to version 4.1.0
4.1.0 Release Notes
updated README to cover JUnit reporter
Document JUnit reporter
Added junit reporter
Junit output
Feature - Prevent clobbered timer globals from interfering with runner
Updating TAP reporter to specification version 13
cli override. Closes #161
Allow setting CLI options programatically
Detect missing exports.lab in the cli runner
Handle tests without a "exports.lab" gracefully
Duration of tests shown via TAP
Remove skipped tests from total run count
Clarify how `only` behaves
Skipped tests still reported on console reporter as being run
Set env variable immediately in cli
Environment not set before require when using CLI
Default to test environment
Changed session errors to script errors.
Environment set too late
Replace async with items
Reword session errors to test script errors
Replace use of async with items
Fixing issue with missing labCov reference
lab throws with ReferenceError: __$$labCov is not defined when run with coverage enabled and no code to cover
Add test for while coverage
Default to null for colors on cli for using tty capabilities
CLI colors aren't defaulted to tty capabilities
4.0.0 Release Notes
Moving to authors file and adding my name
Notebook updates
Fix for paths with hyphens and increase timeout
Cli tests
Update readme to reflect all the latest cli options
Add lib/cli.js to coverage tests
Expose notebook.errors in console reporter
Refactor to test lab with lab
Checking leaks on non-enumerable properties
4.0 Breaking Change
Add new ES6 types to knownGlobals
"Infinite" Timeout
Add describe.skip/only and it.skip/only
Repeat failure count at end of errors listing.
Lab.test.only and Lab.test.skip
Adding coverage tests skew the line-numbers in stack statements.
Lab doesn't show the assertion message when an assertion fails
Display Test duration once completed (even with errors)
tests should fail if before etc call back with an error or crash
Fix #99: ignore custom globals in leak detection
Add total missing lines to the coverage reporter
Add tests
Rename spumko to hapijs
simplify package.json example
Add chai optional message to output
Allow ability to execute specific subset of tests
Prints execution time for each test on console
Coverage file filter function modified to support Windows paths #32
Coverage not working on Windows
updated double call check on done to provide error to internals.output
Ability to skip coverage for a code section
Add command like option to force color output
Support passing 'done' as async callback
Show error message not just for boom
Expose Chai's assert flavour. Closes #75.
breaking changes
Todo tests
Skip test or experiment
Allow setting per test of experiment timeout
Allow setting parallel execution
Combine spec+console+summary with -s/-v flags
before/beforeEach/afterEach/after not run in correct order when using nested experiments
Rename -g to -l and make it disable detection
Remove coverage reporter
Remove verbose mode
Tap reporter
spec style formatting
fixed failure count so that non-zero exit code is return on test failure
Support verbose mode for console
Adding spec reporter
Fix coverage ignore flag when ts comments are removed
Report "Type T has no properties in common with type U" as a type error
Remove SwitchCase from statement coverage
breaking changes
Move coverage functionality internally
update chai dependency, fix deprecation warning in chai
Allow specifying tests by id
Support beforeEach() (and afterEach())
Fixed branch checking
update readme
Fix double domain implicit enter()
fix for readme
add beforeEach() and afterEach()