


Addiction is a mental illness that knows no socio-economic, geographic, cultural, gender, or age boundaries.

Morbidity and mortality associated with addiction are a public health crisis in Canada, with opioid use deaths increasing at alarming rates. Alcohol and other drug problems also continue to affect large numbers of individuals and families.   

Addiction also comes with enormous societal costs, placing a financial burden on public health care and social services. Moreover, would-be participants in Canada’s economy are sitting on the sidelines, burdened by addiction’s toll.

The University of Calgary is poised to make a difference. Our transformational solution is iPATH (integrated pathway from addiction to health (iPATH). With your help, we can lead ground-breaking change – starting in Calgary and rippling into our provincial and national communities.

iPATH's Core Objectives

Neurobiology of Addiction: Unlocking Causes and Developing New Treatments

Lead: Dr Stephanie Borgland

Understanding the root causes of how neural circuits are changed with addiction, and how these root causes might be prevented or treated. 

Evidence-in-Action: Understanding the Addiction System with Read-World Evidence

Leads: Dr David Hodgins and Dr Dallas Seitz

Recovery and treatment strategies must be evaluated and implemented within the community where addiction takes place. The complexity of individuals and services mean that communities, however, struggle to do this effectively. Our solution is to use digital technologies to meet this gap and improve outcomes.

Implementation: Optimizing Prevention, Recovery and Education Solutions

Lead: Dr Valerie Taylor

Using digital technologies and other interventions adapted to address the pathway to health for unique populations including indigenous, LBGT2S+, racialized groups, rural populations, and emerging adult populations.

For more information, please contact:

Janelle Wakaruk, Executive Director of Development
University of Calgary, Cumming School of Medicine
t: 403.220.6161  ׀ e: [email protected]