Registration & Info


Click here to access the Information Note for Participants (last update on 21 June).

Details on the registration of official delegations of member states, observers and intergovernmental organizations, as well as specialized agencies, related organizations, and UN system entities can be found in paragraph 6 of the Information Note.

Important Deadlines:

Deadline for registration of official delegations of member states, observers and intergovernmental organizations, as well as specialized agencies and related organizations is Friday, 21 June 2019 for 9-15 July 2019 and on Friday, 28 June 2019 for 16-18 July 2019

Deadline for registration of delegations of UN system entities is Monday, 1 July 2019.

The deadline for registration of organizations in ECOSOC Consultative Status, organizations on the CSD Roster and organizations registering through one of the Major Groups and other Stakeholders’ umbrella organizations has passed.


Did you know that…

  • … that 98% of carbon emissions at HLPF 2019 will be from air travel.
  • … that over 3.5 million kilograms of carbon will be emitted at HLPF 2019 from air travel alone. This is equivalent to 13,805,650 kilometers driven by an average passenger vehicle or the consumption of 8,103 barrels of oil.
  • … that each HLPF participant will emit on average 1,246 kilograms of carbon from air travel alone?
  • … if each participant flying in at HLPF 2019 would donate $5 to a certified carbon-offsetting project, we could make all air travel to the HLPF carbon-neutral.

Make your participation in the HLPF carbon-neutral!! Select the project you want to support by visiting


Effective 3 June 2019, United Nations Headquarters is implementing measures to eliminate single-use plastics to reduce the impact of plastic pollution. Event organizers are encouraged to bring reusable items in order to reduce waste. Please ensure that vendors providing catering services at United Nations Headquarters adhere to the requirements outlined in the Guidelines for Event Organizers at United Nations Headquarters on the Elimination of Single-use Plastics which can be accessed here