2021 HLPF Timeline

2021 HLPF timeline


UNDESA organized substantive preparations for the thematic reviews of the HLPF 2021 notably through expert group meetings organized together with relevant UN system partners.


Regional Forums for Sustainable Development were convened by the Regional Commissions. The regional forums assessed progress and exchanged knowledge, good practices and policy solutions to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, in line with regional priorities and specificities.

Forum Tentative dates, venue, format
Economic Commission for Africa
Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
1-4 March 2021, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo (hybrid)
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
15-18 March 2021,Costa Rica (virtual)
Economic Commission for Europe
Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
17-18 March, 2021, Geneva (hybrid)
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
23-26 March 2021, Bangkok (hybrid)
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
29-31 March 2021, Beirut (hybrid)

64 UN system and other intergovernmental bodies and forums provided contributions to the thematic reviews of the 2021 HLPF. Please click here to access the online platform which contains the inputs to the 2021 HLPF.

Quick Links:

FFD Forum Technology Facilitation Mechanism SDG Acceleration Actions SDG Good Practices