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TEWKSBURY — Lisa Downey is committed to making sure veterans get all of the resources they deserve. Now celebrating ten years as Tewksbury’s Veterans Service Officer, Downey has been named the Di­rector of the Department of Veterans Services, and is as committed as ever to helping veterans a…

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TEWKSBURY — The Tewksbury Planning Board met on Monday, Aug. 19, 2024 at town hall. Member Eric Ryder was absent and member Jim Duffy joined via te­le­conference.

America’s first national park is a bucket-list destination for many travelers. The massive 2.2 million acre park sits mainly in Wyoming, with edges reaching into Mon­tana and Idaho. Set aside by President Ulysses S. Grant in 1872, the park set the standard for preservation of natural spaces …

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Labor Day weekend has become the “un­official” end of summer for most, but for the green thumbed ve­getable gardener, this un­official season demise does not apply to the summer vegetable garden.

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TEWKSBURY — At the Aug. 14, 2024 School Com­mittee meeting, Wynn Mid­dle School principal John Weir and vice principal Victoria Cordeiro gave an update on the phone-free schools pilot. The pilot was grant-funded with the goal of developing strategies to reduce cell phone use in schools.

TEWKSBURY — The Wilmington Animal Food Pantry is starting a new partnership with the Tewksbury Community Pantry. Thanks to the ef­forts of former clerk Jo­marie Buckley, the TCP will be providing pet food to the organization and offering its patrons the chance to apply for assistance with th…

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As we fast ap­proach the final days of summer, we will soon say goodbye to all things affiliated with the warm weather season.

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TEWKSBURY — On Monday, Aug. 5, 2024, Tewksbury Select Board Mark Kratman appear­ed via Zoom before a judge in the Woburn District Court regarding his Nov. 11, 2019 OUI arrest.

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Tucked in the northeast corner of Pennsyl­vania above the Pocono Moun­tains, Scranton, a former industrial powerhouse dur­ing World War II, earned its name as the Electric City when it became one of the first cities in the country to become electrified.

TEWKSBURY — The Tewksbury Economic Development Commit­tee met last week with five members present. The committee was re­launched this year and is looking for ways to promote the town’s po­tential for investment, whether from commercial developers, residential development, or fu­ture residents.

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For those who have been con­sidering ad­ding a furry or feathered friend to your family dy­namic, but have hesitated on taking the steps to ad­opt a pet, now may be the perfect time to revisit the idea of pet adoption.

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Just down the road from Hershey Park, Harrisburg is a great stop on any Pennsylvania trip. Founded in 1791 on the banks of the Susque­hanna River, Harrisburg quickly became a major trade center and an im­portant stop for westward-bound pioneers.

TEWKSBURY — Some of Tewksbury’s new affor­d­able apartments are now available as part of a lottery that is being conducted in conjunction with the Chelmsford Housing Au­thority. The rental units, located at 935 Main St., are part of a recently com­pleted 19-unit development.

TEWKSBURY — MassDOT will be performing some intersection work along Route 38 as part of a Lowell-Tewksbury corridor improvement project. Ac­cording to MassDOT, the work consists of the reconstruction of seven traffic signal system locations along state road Route 38.

TEWKSBURY — Town His­torian Nancy Reed is passionate about Tewksbury history. A recent project documenting the significance of the Tewksbury Town Hall culminated in a ceremony in May 2024, highlighting the events that led to the construction of the building, the recognition of veterans from …

North Conway, New Hampshire is a popular destination in all seasons, offering outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, tu­bing, and more. However, thanks to some new accessible trails, you don’t need a backpack and hiking shoes to bond with nature and get in a good walk.

TEWKSBURY — Resi­dents started their week­end with a call via the town’s Code Red Alert system that a water main break had been detected, and were seeking the public’s help in locating the breach. Water main breaks are often detected by a significant spike in the usage indicator at the town’…

TEWKSBURY — The grounds of Tewksbury Ho­spital have served as a backdrop for many films over the years. This summer, the independent film, Stonegate, is just the latest to take advantage of the historic property.

TEWKSBURY — Re­cently, students participating in the 2024 Tewks­bury Academic Credit Re­covery Program completed service learning projects to benefit their schools and the greater community. For the last few weeks, the Tewksbury students participated in a process through which they collabora…

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July is considered by many to be the heart of the summer season. A relaxing time of year dedicated to activities like swimming, baseball games and cookouts with family and friends.

Wellesley has a large net­work of trails in its community, con­necting open space areas and woodlands ac­ross different parts of the town.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis­tration is predicting a more active than normal hurricane season this year. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 through Nov. 30. Already Hurricane Beryl has set a record as the earliest category 5 hurricane ever observed in the Atlantic…

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TEWKSBURY — The state primary is creeping closer by the day, and Tewksbury has just re­leased a guide offering different options for those who wish to vote.

TEWKSBURY — 10 Tewksbury students participated recently in an Inno­vation Pathways initiative between UMass Lowell and Tewksbury Memorial High School. The Engineering Possibilities Immersive Camp (EPIC) is an onsite, multi-day experience which exposes students to potential career paths in en…

TEWKSBURY — The annual Tewksbury wa­ter department consu­mer confidence report is out and residents can feel good about their drinking water. The re­port, much of which contains language that is required by the En­vironmental Protection Agency (EPA), is issued to residents as required by the…

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TEWKSBURY — The Tewksbury Select Board met on June 25, 2024 to discuss recent safety issues at Tewksbury State Hos­pital. Tewksbury Hospital CEO Amy Dumont and COO Greg Herr appeared before the board.

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With so many great eats in New England, it’s easy to forget that Connecticut is a foodie destination in its own right. If your travels take you south, make sure you take a pit stop to try a truly unique Connec­ticut dish — the steamed cheeseburger.

TEWKSBURY — As the milkweed blooms this summer, Monarch caterpillars munch away, preparing to turn into a beautiful chrysalis — a special cocoon where the magic transformation to a Monarch butterfly occurs.