
From IndieWeb

If you're interested in hosting a pop-up session, feel free to use this page to brainstorm or flesh out your event(s), or ask for help in the IndieWeb chat.

As the session planning/development progresses and you confirm a date, please create an event on events.indieweb.org with the tag "popup", and create a page for session notes on the wiki, for example 2020/Pop-ups/GettingStartedWithWordPress (except PLEASE don't use camelCase unless it's a single specific term like "IndieAuth". CamelCase is harder to read and is worse for search indexing/discoverability)

Gardens & Streams II



Chris Aldrich given that the Saturday 10am slot did so well for other the first time, perhaps we keep that and do a date in August or September? Add your preference and we'll try to pick a slot on/around July 13th to give people time to plan.

Saturday at 10am sounds like a good idea. I noted the three dates I prefer most, but my schedule's very flexible – hibs




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IndieWeb Wiki Edit-a-thon


  • organizer(s) / facilitators
  • Date: TBD
  • Time: TBD
  • There have been some longstanding discussions about revamping various pages on the IndieWeb wiki, so let's have a session to discuss them a bit more in depth and then spend some time reshaping them. Following some initial discussions we might cut-and-paste current pages and then edit them as a group for either replacement or with new pages and redirects from the historical framings. Other ideas for formatting this session are welcome. (See some general conversation starting here.
    • Required pre-reading:
      • wikify — context for what should/should not be on the wiki, and how, meta for all the below
      • Main_Page — context within which each page should make sense without jargon
      • Getting Started — this is the place to send folks or just start for both a path and branching choices
    • 2019/homepage — in-progress work on a new home page design that had fairly good consensus but needs iteration and volunteers to help. Frankly, a higher priority than any other page rewrite (will help the most people the soonest)
    • IndieMark
    • Generations
    • others...
  • #IWCWiki (used to create an Etherpad for the session
  • Streaming video/audio platform: Zoom
  • Hack day: Integrated into the session
  • Demos: No


Add your +1 for interest in this topic along with preferred dates/times:


A Saturday or Sunday weekend date at about 11:30 AM might work for both the Americas and Europe?

Group Watch of the Social Dilemma Movie


  • Organizers/Facilitators:



Add your +1 for interest in this topic:


Let's work through and discuss some of the open issues on the Microsub spec issue tracker and find implementers.


Add your +1 for interest in this topic:


  • organizer(s) / facilitators
  • Date
  • Time
  • Short description of the session
  • #hashtag (used to create an Etherpad for the session
  • Streaming video/audio platform
  • Hack day?
  • Demos?

Social Media Federation Best Practices

Modern POSSE and Backfeed Best Practices


Add your +1 for interest in this topic:


  • organizer(s) / facilitators
  • Date
  • Time
  • Short description of the session
  • #hashtag (used to create an Etherpad for the session
  • Streaming video/audio platform
  • Hack day?
  • Demos?

Getting Started with WordPress


  • Chris Aldrich organizer / facilitator
  • David Shanske organizer / facilitator
  • Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
  • Dates (regularly recurring session):
  • Time: Saturday mornings around 10am (Pacific) for an hour or two?
  • Short description: A recurring introduction to IndieWeb session to help people get set up and running specifically on WordPress. Grab a cup of coffee and get an IndieWeb site up and running in just a few hours. Have questions or problems with your WordPress IndieWeb site? Stop by and get some help.
  • #WordPressQuickStart
  • Streaming video/audio platform: Zoom
  • Hack day? Possibly
  • Demos? Likely not...


Add your +1 for interest in this topic:

Prior Hold Overs

The sessions below are proposals from IndieWebCamp West 2020 which either didn't have facilitators present (generally due to timezone issues) or didn't fit into that schedule. They are archived here for potential future camps or pop-up sessions. We've left the original facilitators, but please feel free to add your name as a pop-up organizer or make notes below each about your specific interest and potential scheduling dates.

Offline sites

  • Peter Molnar (facilitator)
  • discusion about what offline is, how websites could utilize it, and how we could benefit from it
   ** most static sites could be built to be filesystem/offline available - relative urls, including filenames - is it a good idea? 
   ** Ties in a littlebit with archiving and longevity topic (see Here Today, Gone Tomorrow above)
   ** should we all have simple service workers to make our site available offline? If yes, should it preload the whole site? 
  • #offlineweb
  • +1 Tantek Çelik - I have some experience here (with offline sites) and would like to understand what to do next

JSON-LD to mf2

  • Peter Molnar (facilitator)
  • as monsterous as it sounds, many modern tools are heavily JSON-LD oriented. Would a drop-in JS solution, that turns certain JSON-LD structures into mf/mf2 be useful?
    • Greg McVerry JSON-LD gigantic in the edtech world, moving back and forth woruld open up possibilities
  • #jsonldisamonster
  • +1 Ryan Barrett
  • 0 David Shanske - neutral as I turn JSON-LD into MF2 (why did you do that to yourself? :) ) To read sites that don't have MF2

Motivation: why have a homepage?

  1. emotionalcore

(this could be combined with Scott Gruber session...Why have your own web page through lens of quickly building webpage on why having a homepage is important

    • this is ~100% the design choice of almost 82% of the people I onboard
      • what decision choice you mean here?
  • +1 Tantek Çelik

My Uncomplicated IndieWeb WordPress Setup

  • Joseph Dickson (facilitator)
  • How I configured my WordPress site with IndieWeb Plugins at www.LinuxBookPro.com
  • IndieWeb Plugins https://wordpress.org/plugins/tags/indieweb/
  • (Note to Organizer: Lowest Possible Priority - I expect this would last no more than 15 minutes, I haven't prepared.)
  • {gwg} wants to see this, as curious. Will struggle to keep comments to minimum.

Alternate presentations for Webmentions in comments sections

  • +1 fluffy
  • +1 David Shanske - Want to support this in WP
  • +1 David Bryant -- I can recap my partial implementation on top of Eleventy and point to additional Eleventy + Webmention resources
  • +1 gRegor Morrill
  • +1 Tantek Çelik -- I like the Arthur C. Clarke definition, and yes Webmention is sufficiently advanced :)

Storage & Presentation for Reply Contexts & Link Previews

  • Facilitator Welcome...
  • +1 David Shanske Looking to discuss again how you store and display previews to other URLs for reply-contexts and more.
  • +1 Tantek Çelik personally still exploring storage for reply-contexts and would like to build on related discussions from IWS 2019

Build a web page with HTML and CSS

  • Scott Gruber (facilitator)
  • +1 Greg McVerry
  • A hands on workshop or demo for beginners to feel HTML Energy. We will introduce HTML5 header, nav, main, aside and footer elements to build and style a page with CSS Grid, Flexbox and MultiColumn layout
  • Tantek Çelik - maybe a good "Create Day" session for Sunday?

Badges and Gamification

Rainbow Bridge to The Future

  • Ki Xia (facilitator)
  • How do we use our skills as people who "took the red pill" to connect existing mainstream communities online, and provide support to those exiting the major platforms?

^Totally open to other wording, as it's 4 hours past my bedtime. :'( [I suggest "indieweb adoptees" / "participants" / "practicioners" instead of "people who took the red pill" - Maxwell Joslyn]

  • Topics could include:
    • AWS and Amazon's announcement of nocode
    • Spotify's landgrab
    • user-friendly middle ground apps, like Micro.blog (does Ghost qualify?)
    • building micro-communities for non-coders
    • extra support for POC, LGB..., neurodiverse, and differently-abled

[this sounds very similar to the Cooking for Others stuff above; maybe merge the two sessions? -- Ana Ulin ]


  • (too late to think of catchy title, maybe tomorrow!)
  • Ki Xia (facilitator)
  • Tracking. Url shorteners. Hit counters. Affiliate income. Accepting fiat money. Perpetuating myths v. surviving with kids.

^Totally open to other wording, as it's 4 hours past my bedtime. :'(

  • Topics could include:
    • Aaron Parecki's mention tonight of how he gives things for free (where will that lead? how does that work for him?)
    • tbc

Maxwell Joslyn I don't know what you mean by "perpetuating myths vs surviving with kids", but I would like to know. Also would like to know how fiat money plays into your ideas here. Speaking of money, here are ideas for this session - website to website economy (indie payments anyone?); adding monetization to one's website (and the ethics thereof).

State of the Music Industry

  • Ki Xia (facilitator)
  • Wtf is happening.

^Totally open to other wording, as it's 4 hours past my bedtime. :'(

  • Topics could include:
    • Derek Sivers' new book on music (he just released yesterday IN HTML!!!)
    • can we help birth a new music industry outside of ASCAP/BMI?
    • building micro-communities
    • See Also

https://indieweb.org/musician Maxwell Joslyn +1 i am mildly interested, as a total outsider to music industry +1 to this Own Your Music Greg McVerry

    • Quit Spotify and buy an album a month...Feed artists

+1 fluffy (also bandcamp is the best way to support artists) +1 Beto Dealmeida (+1 on bandcamp) +1 gRegor Morrill (outsider but also interested)

Creating a Fund for Next Gen

  • Ki Xia (facilitator)
  • My 15 year old, who can't drive or do anything at the moment, learned nocode in 1 day because I offered him $15 to make me a job posting board. To solve my problem of posting multiple POC/women in tech gigs, in 1 place across different communities. The next day, he published what he called a "text game" on Itchio, put it up for sale, and then we discovered he had created a MUD. All with no direct adult assistance. What would it take to foster this for more kids, when their whole world is burning?
  • Kai your son is welcome to join us https://tech-4-teens.club starts next week. Here is registration: https://www.cfalct.org/tech4teens
    • My 9 year old 7 year old want to come to this session

^Totally open to other wording, as it's 4 hours past my bedtime. :'(

  • Topics could include:
    • Raspberry Pi and that whole world (that is beyond me)
    • Homebrew Server Club, with solar power
    • computer and server building as environmental activism
    • teaching of digital minimalism and responsibility of digital waste/bloat

Maxwell Joslyn +1. "Ways to foster self-directed learning". Though, it might be that one good way is to leave the kid alone (within reason) and let them noodle around until they figure it out, as your son did with making a MUD. Another direction could be a tie-in to homeschooling. hey Greg McVerry if you're reading this - you are officially pinged in your capacity as a professor of education :^) +1 Peter Molnar I've veen self-hosting for a long while (including email)

Holdovers from 2020/East The sessions below are proposals from IndieWebCamp West 2020 which either didn't have facilitators or facilitators present (generally due to timezone issues) or didn't fit into that schedule. They are archived here for potential future camps or pop-up sessions. We've left the original facilitators, but please feel free to add your name as a pop-up organizer or make notes below each about your specific interest and potential scheduling dates.

IndieWeb outside the Web

  • ... (facilitator)
  • Reflections on IndieWeb principles being applied outside the web and with non-digital parts of life.
  • Interested in attending:


Salmention as conduit for Vouched Introduction

  • Angelo Gladding (facilitator)
  • In this session we'll discuss "introductions" using Salmention as a means for bootstrapping a Vouch.
  • #Salintro
    • Historically Vouch has been easy to receive (just grab the provided page) and hard to send (the intersection of who do you and I both know and who have I previously communicated). Since only one introduction is necessary, leverage this real-world flow to allowlist transparently.
      • Alice posts something, Bob replies to Alice, Carol replies to Bob. Salmention dictates that Alice should be notified when Bob renders Carol's reply.
      • Bob rendering Carol's reply conveys trust in Carol and is in effect vouching for Carol's reply to be included in Alice's original post. Carol has now been introduced to Alice.
    • Some questions we may address:
      • How does Bob's UX alert/facilitate Alice's introduction to Carol?
      • BONUS: /mentions as a mention dump for assisting vouch
  • Interested:

What Makes an Effective Demo?

  • Maxwell Joslyn facilitator
  • How can one best prepare for a casual 3-minute demo?
    • During IndieWeb events, we encourage each other to show off new and evolving work in demos
    • This valuable norm gives community members a minimal-risk opportunity to practice public speaking
    • It also reinforces our culture of celebrating incremental progress, not just finished projects
  • Interested:

IndieWeb for Hobbies

Moz Fest Proposals

unusual POSSE destinations and PESOS sources

Apart from the "common" POSSE/PESOS systems - twitter, mastodon, etc - there are countless potentials out there - SSBC, Telegram Channels, long forgotten newsgroups, mailing lists, etc. Is anyone connecting their content to systems like these? If so, how, and, more importantly, why?

  1. whimsicalPOSSE

Do You Want To Learn PHP?

  • We can't learn it all in one day but maybe we can get a crew together who want to learn together amd outloud as we blog about what we learn
  • I can't teach you. I know next to nothing but
  • Greg McVerry facilitator
  • jaenis.ch: Is it limited to PHP? Or can it involve other programming languages as well? Perhaps worth looking into what picking up programming can bring you? neat idea but happy to cut session since just two of us

Social networking with the IndieWeb and Fediverse?

+1 hamishcampbell +1 Template:gyuri +1 Kevin Marks there has been some degree of decay here as mastodon dropped the WebSub support it started with, but the microformats and rel-me support there is good +1 Antonio Rodrigues


Gardens and Streams

Moved to 2020/Pop-ups/GardenAndStream and scheduled for 0020-04-25 10:00 AM (Pacific)

Getting Started with WordPress 1

Moved to 2020/Pop-ups/GettingStartedWithWordPress and scheduled for 2020-08-01 9:30 AM (Pacific) / 12:30 PM (Eastern)


Moved to 2020/Pop-ups/Micropub and scheduled for 2020-07-25 9:30 AM (Pacific) / 12:30 PM (Eastern)


Moved to 2020/Pop-ups/IndieAuth and scheduled for 2020-08-08 9:30 AM (Pacific) / 12:30 PM (Eastern)

Microformats 2

Moved to 2020/Pop-ups/Microformats and scheduled for 2020-09-12 09:30 Pacific Time

IndieWeb Friendly WordPress Themes

Moved to 2020/Pop-ups/IndieWeb_Friendly_WordPress_Themes and scheduled for 2020-09-26 9:30 AM (Pacific) / 12:30 PM (Eastern)

Domain of One's Own LMS

Moved to 2020/East/domainofonesownlms as this session was held at 2020/East on 2020-11-14

See Also

  • ...