
From IndieWeb

Front End Study Hall was an IndieWeb popup on Zoom held on 2024-04-24.

Popup: Front End Study Hall
When: 2024-04-24 12:00 to 13:35


If you have a chat-name set up on the wiki, add it like {{this}} otherwise include your name/website


  • ✅ Short introductions!
  • ✅ Group photo
  • ✅ Let's learn some stuff

Topics to Discuss

  • ✅ Flexbox vs Grid
    • "Flex"
    • Practical examples of take apart ("live in the wild")
  • ✅ Sticky Position
  • ✅ Basic HTML tags
  • Microformats
  • Things they wish they could do in CSS but can't - holes they can't do:
    • Sidenotes and footnotes in CSS and markup
    • Endnotes
    • imagemaps
  • What kind of links are there - trick, security, rickrolling, things you can link to: email, telephones


Cheers, Kevin!

Flexbox vs CSS Grid

Codepen for this topic, demonstrating CSS techniques with markup from Mark Sutherland's website.

Sticky Position

Table row|column headers:

Can you get rid of Bootstrap and other CSS frameworks?

For layouts:

For components & typography (that could replace libraries like Tailwind):

comparing classless css layouts - stylesheets that style only semantic HTML

Introductory tutorial on creating component libraries:

Basic HTML Tags

MDN is a good resource in general:

The HTML Accessibility API mappings (where "semantics" actually matter, because this is what gets exposed programmatically to assitive technologies):

Microformats Showcase

Pizza website made on Glitch



For Kevin Marks:

Future Events

Galactic Homebrew Website Club coming up Saturday:

Upcoming Homebrew Website Clubs:

The next Front End Study Hall will be on May 7, 2024:

Thanks for joining Front End Study Hall!

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