Redfin's corporate headquarters are in Seattle, Washington.

Redfin is incorporated in Delaware.

Redfin went public on July 28, 2017, with the IPO price of $15.00 per share.

Redfin's fiscal year is based on the calendar year. The last day of the fiscal year is December 31.

Redfin stock is traded on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol RDFN.

Redfin does not pay dividends on its common stock.

American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC

Redfin's transfer agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC (AST), is available to answer questions about Redfin's stock at (800) 937-5449 or 6201 15th Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11219.

Redfin does not currently offer a direct stock purchase plan.

Redfin's independent auditors are Deloitte & Touche LLP.

Redfin's legal counsel is Fenwick & West, LLP.

You can access Redfin news releases here and financial reports (including SEC filings) here.

When a date for the quarterly earnings release has been established, it will be announced in a news release and published on the news & events page.

You can reach Redfin Investor Relations at (206) 576-8610 or [email protected].