Template:Cita DNB

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Questo template serve a citare il Dictionary of National Biography, e in particolare a rendere compatibili le citazioni presenti nelle voci tradotte dalla Wikipedia in inglese, dove il template è frequentemente usato. Crea un collegamento a Wikisource in inglese al Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 o ai supplementi.


Campi comuni

{{cita DNB |wstitle=|last=|first= |authorlink=|volume=}}

Tutti i campi

{{cita DNB |wstitle= |last= |first= |authorlink= |volume= |pages= |quote= |vb= |supplement= |no-icon= |title= |url= |display= |access-date=}}


  • wstitle. Required. (but see title below).
    • wstitle: DNB article name on Wikisource
  • last: Surname of author. Don't wikilink (use |authorlink= instead).
    • first: Firstname(s) of author. Don't wikilink (use |authorlink= instead).
    • authorlink: Title of Wikipedia article about author. Article should already exist. Must not be wikilinked itself. Do not use this on its own, but along with |first= and |last=.
  • volume: Volume in which the entry appears. Used to generate the year and editor information.
  • pages or page: These parameters are for listing the pages relevant to the citation, not the total number of pages in the book. "|pages=5–7" produces "pp. 5–7", while "|page=5" produces "p. 5". The "pp." notation indicating multiple pages, and "p." notation indicating a single page, are placed automatically when you choose between the plural (|pages=) or singular (|page=) form of the parameter. Page ranges should be separated by an unspaced en dash (–).
  • display=text — Optional. It will display the text on the wikipedia page masking the content of the wstitle= parameter.
  • quote: Relevant quote from the article.
  • vb=1: Display advisory that DNB text is copied verbatim into a Wikipedia article
  • supplement=1: The article comes from the 1901 supplement.
  • supplement=2: The article comes from the 1912 supplement.
  • no-icon=1: Remove the lead icon.
  • ref: When used with short-form notation; {{sfn}}, {{harv}} and similar methods.
  • mode: Sets element separator, default terminal punctuation, and certain capitalization according to the value provided (see {{cite encyclopedia}} for details)

Campi deprecati

  • title: (deprecated) DNB article name (can be coupled with |url= see below)
  • url: (deprecated) http://... link to web location. Only works when |title= is set; unset by |wstitle=.
  • access-date: (deprecated) Full date when an electronic item other than Wikisource was accessed. Requires |url= Should be in the same format as the rest of the article.

Esempi d'uso

Con wstitle

{{cita DNB|wstitle=Sheldon, Gilbert|last=Hutton|first=William Holden|authorlink=William Holden Hutton|volume=52}}

viene visualizzato come:

(EN) Sidney Lee (a cura di), Sheldon, Gilbert, in Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 52, Londra, Smith, Elder & Co, 1897.

Con section

Sometimes a biography article includes other members of a family who are notable but are not considered notable enough to have their own entry. For example the DNB article on Sir Richard Wynn, 2nd Baronet appears in the DNB article "Wynn, John" (1553–1626) under the section name of "Sir Richard Wynn" (d. 1649). A section name can be given to access this sub-article:

{{cite DNB|wstitle=Wynn, John |section=Wynn, Richard |volume=63}}

displays as:

(EN) Sidney Lee (a cura di), Wynn, John, in Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 63, Londra, Smith, Elder & Co, 1900.

Con title e url

The title, url, and access-date are deprecated. They were used to reference non-Wikisource locations before the entire DNB became available on Wikisource. They should not be used unless there is some compelling reason to do so: please leave an inline comment to justify this and leave a comment in the talk page of this template doc. Please convert any existing title/url to wstitle if you find one.

{{cite DNB|title=Abbadie, Jacques |first=Arthur|last=Grant|url= https://www.archive.org/stream/dictionarynatio43stepgoog#page/n15/mode/1up |volume=1|page=1}}

(EN) Leslie Stephen (a cura di), Abbadie, Jacques, in Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 1, Londra, Smith, Elder & Co, 1885.

Using no-icon

{{cite DNB|wstitle=Sheldon, Gilbert|last=Hutton|first=William Holden|authorlink=William Holden Hutton|volume=52|no-icon=1}}

displays as:

(EN) Sidney Lee (a cura di), Sheldon, Gilbert, in Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 52, Londra, Smith, Elder & Co, 1897.

Using supplement for the 1901 supplement

{{cite DNB|wstitle=Müller, George|last=Johnstone|first=Thomas Boston|volume=3|supplement=1}}

displays as:

(EN) Sidney Lee (a cura di), Müller, George, in Dictionary of National Biography (1° supplemento), vol. 3, Londra, Smith, Elder & Co, 1901.

Using supplement for the 1912 supplement

  • {{cite DNB |wstitle=Bramwell, Frederick Joseph|last=Wood|first=Henry Trueman Wright Wood |authorlink= |volume=1 |access-date=2013-11-20 |pages=213–216 |supplement=2}}

displays as:

(EN) Sidney Lee (a cura di), Bramwell, Frederick Joseph, in Dictionary of National Biography (2° supplemento), vol. 1, Londra, Smith, Elder & Co, 1912.

Using vb

If text is incorporated verbatim into an article, the vb parameter can be used to tack on a notice appropriate to the policy in Wikipedia:Plagiarism.

{{Cite DNB|wstitle=Hartlib, Samuel|volume=25|vb=1}}

displays as:

(EN) Leslie Stephen e Sidney Lee (a cura di), Hartlib, Samuel, in Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 25, Londra, Smith, Elder & Co, 1891.

Other parameters; add a comment

{{cite DNB|wstitle=Sheldon, Gilbert|last=Hutton|first=William Holden|authorlink=William Holden Hutton|volume=52|pages=24–26|quote=Sheldon was placed at the head of the English church at a very critical time}} Archbishop of Canterbury, 1663–1677.

displays as:

(EN) Sidney Lee (a cura di), Sheldon, Gilbert, in Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 52, Londra, Smith, Elder & Co, 1897. Archbishop of Canterbury, 1663–1677.

Categorie nascoste

This template contains several hidden categories to aid with maintenance. These can be found under: