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It's time to clear the air between our users.

Last posted Aug 04, 2014 at 09:08PM EDT. Added Jul 17, 2014 at 10:31PM EDT
162 posts from 61 users

Derpy Vaz wrote:

OK from now on I'm tagging all my images no Tags just for you

Okay, did you read the KYM Image Gallery Guidelines? It specifically states: "please do not add joke tags unless accompanied by legitimate tags, as this makes it harder for us to find untagged images."*

The point of adding tags is to be useful. At least untagged images will show up on the site's untagged image feed. Going out of your way to add "no Tags" is basically saying "I made and attempt. I added tags. They are completely useless and don't help in anyway, but I added them." That's not even worthy of a "you tried" star. If you are already going back and tagging images, be productive and put something that makes sense to tag. None of this "no Tags" tag nonsense, which is arguably worse than not tagging at all.

Last edited Jul 19, 2014 at 10:24AM EDT

Jill wrote:

Okay, did you read the KYM Image Gallery Guidelines? It specifically states: "please do not add joke tags unless accompanied by legitimate tags, as this makes it harder for us to find untagged images."*

The point of adding tags is to be useful. At least untagged images will show up on the site's untagged image feed. Going out of your way to add "no Tags" is basically saying "I made and attempt. I added tags. They are completely useless and don't help in anyway, but I added them." That's not even worthy of a "you tried" star. If you are already going back and tagging images, be productive and put something that makes sense to tag. None of this "no Tags" tag nonsense, which is arguably worse than not tagging at all.

Going out of your way to tag image with 'no tags' is definitely worse than leaving it not tagged, because it's just plain spiteful

Guys guys guys, i think we went a LITTLE off the original meaning of the thread: to CLEAR the air, not POLLUTE IT EVEN MORE! And especially not 'argument tennis: mods VS other users". My job is done.

Twenty-One wrote:

Maybe we need to make a thread about the people we get along with to help balance out the negativity.

Isn't that the same as circlejerking?

Twenty-One wrote:

Before I start I'd like to point out that Molly is not the sole culprit for this, Don is equally guilty of making a lot of SJ entries (Brad is admittedly pretty clean on this front though).

I'd also like to point out that there are a lot of subculture entries that have sections for memes which don't have entries, I can think of quite a few in fact

Other than that, I'm pretty torn on whether I agree or not. On the one hand, yeah, I totally get the point. As someone who's been insistent on changing the attitudes of the comment section, I can agree with Crimson that the most effective solution would be to just cut down on them drastically. I've complained in the past about the entries that are getting frontpaged now (I'm in particular against the animal subculture entries we're starting to get, as well as entries for thing like Fleshlights), so I get what it's like.

On the other hand, I've started to come to understand why there's so much Tumblr and Twitter entries now, because they're the only two sites that really have a constant amount of viral media. Hashtags and SJ movements are some of the most frequent sources of entry-worthy material. Plus, how often are memes in the traditional sense showing up now? I remember the other week there was a thread about best meme of 2014 so far, and the mass consensus was that there's hardly been any. The only things we've had are TPP, Luigi's Death Stare, E3, Flappy Bird, Frozen and the World Cup memes. Compared to previous years, this really isn't much. If we asked the admins to stop making SJ and Hashtag entries, how many entries do you think we'd get? Not very many.

Like I said, I get what you're saying, the influx annoys me too (although more for the same reasons as Crimson), but I can see why this is the direction we're starting to go in.

I’d also like to point out that there are a lot of subculture entries that have sections for memes which don’t have entries, I can think of quite a few in fact

This is more of a personal thing. The Pokemon article is essentially my baby, and I don't like when people change it. But I felt like it would be too rude to remove that section just because it's inconsistent with the other sections.

Last edited Jul 19, 2014 at 04:10PM EDT

This might be a bit irrelevant, but I think it ties into this controversy. Can we just take a second to mention how shitty of a concept karma is on forums?

I think it's awesome if you agree or disagree with someone. But it's awful clicking a button to represent how you feel about it.

Not everyone is going to share the same opinion or sense of humor, for that matter. I think it kills actual discussion because threads will either lead to people attacking each other, or sucking each other off.

It's terrible communication. I feel like this forum is heavy with situations where Post A can say something idiotic and get buried with dislikes, but at least carry one good point. Meanwhile the more popular user B will say "lol no.", and it's clearly more revered. If you're an asshole, okay, then you should get called out on being an asshole so you can stop being a punk. But I hate it when it becomes a double standard, and it's totally fine being an asshole as long as you're attacking another asshole.

Last edited Jul 19, 2014 at 04:21PM EDT

Biotic Zombie wrote:

This might be a bit irrelevant, but I think it ties into this controversy. Can we just take a second to mention how shitty of a concept karma is on forums?

I think it's awesome if you agree or disagree with someone. But it's awful clicking a button to represent how you feel about it.

Not everyone is going to share the same opinion or sense of humor, for that matter. I think it kills actual discussion because threads will either lead to people attacking each other, or sucking each other off.

It's terrible communication. I feel like this forum is heavy with situations where Post A can say something idiotic and get buried with dislikes, but at least carry one good point. Meanwhile the more popular user B will say "lol no.", and it's clearly more revered. If you're an asshole, okay, then you should get called out on being an asshole so you can stop being a punk. But I hate it when it becomes a double standard, and it's totally fine being an asshole as long as you're attacking another asshole.

Probably a bit irrelevant here, but oh my god do I agree with that.

Biotic Zombie wrote:

This might be a bit irrelevant, but I think it ties into this controversy. Can we just take a second to mention how shitty of a concept karma is on forums?

I think it's awesome if you agree or disagree with someone. But it's awful clicking a button to represent how you feel about it.

Not everyone is going to share the same opinion or sense of humor, for that matter. I think it kills actual discussion because threads will either lead to people attacking each other, or sucking each other off.

It's terrible communication. I feel like this forum is heavy with situations where Post A can say something idiotic and get buried with dislikes, but at least carry one good point. Meanwhile the more popular user B will say "lol no.", and it's clearly more revered. If you're an asshole, okay, then you should get called out on being an asshole so you can stop being a punk. But I hate it when it becomes a double standard, and it's totally fine being an asshole as long as you're attacking another asshole.

I'm inclined to agree. While downvoting is an effective means of social conditioning, upvoting simply reinforces the popularity of a select few popular users and moderators. Granted, our system is much better than Reddit's in that it doesn't reward high-karma posts and only punishes the low-karma ones, but it's still imperfect.

I honestly don't expect this to change, but any ideas would be welcome.

Biotic Zombie wrote:

This might be a bit irrelevant, but I think it ties into this controversy. Can we just take a second to mention how shitty of a concept karma is on forums?

I think it's awesome if you agree or disagree with someone. But it's awful clicking a button to represent how you feel about it.

Not everyone is going to share the same opinion or sense of humor, for that matter. I think it kills actual discussion because threads will either lead to people attacking each other, or sucking each other off.

It's terrible communication. I feel like this forum is heavy with situations where Post A can say something idiotic and get buried with dislikes, but at least carry one good point. Meanwhile the more popular user B will say "lol no.", and it's clearly more revered. If you're an asshole, okay, then you should get called out on being an asshole so you can stop being a punk. But I hate it when it becomes a double standard, and it's totally fine being an asshole as long as you're attacking another asshole.

The thing is removing the system won't change the fact more popular users are going to their dick sucked and praised. It just means they just can't show it.

I just think it adds to the whole division between users issue here. You can browse along the forums and there's a variety of situations where someone can decide whether to dislike or like someone based on the karma you've received.

And really, it's okay to dislike someone on the internet. But man, we have a pretty good community here on this site. It's just stupid we have a button system that decides what's good and what's not.

HolyCrapItsBob wrote:

Hey sorry, guys. Just letting you know that a thread was started to talk about this karma thing right here

On another note, it seems like everyone got out whatever they wanted to. Is that true?

Well, Sandstone said what he wanted to say (for the most part) and left me alone, and I don't really have any problems with other users that have lasted over a day or two, so I'm fine, and it seems like most people here are fine. However, it seems like Verbose and Taryn never really finished their argument, but it doesn't look like they're trying to finish it up (at least not on here). Same with Slime and all of that Pokemon Hack stuff. Well, I can't really speak for others, so I'll just stop now…

@Science Spider
Going on the whole Slime 'Cap fiasco, the problem came from the fact that he wasn't able to accept the fact that he was in the wrong, and ended up pissing off a lot more people than he already did. Sure, I can't really speak much, considering the fact that I had the same issue that Slime did, but at least I can accept that I was a fucking moron and, from the responses I have received, it seems that the community can overlook my stupidity.

He was suspended, though. So I suppose that issue has been put on hold for now.

I don't hate anyone on this site, but, for some reason, I constantly think that everybody here hates me. Does anybody hate me? Am I just being weird? I probably am.

Bionic Kraken wrote:

I don't hate anyone on this site, but, for some reason, I constantly think that everybody here hates me. Does anybody hate me? Am I just being weird? I probably am.

Considering the fact that you don't seem to piss people off, I'll assume few, if any at all, hate you. You cool, bro.

Jill wrote:

Okay, did you read the KYM Image Gallery Guidelines? It specifically states: "please do not add joke tags unless accompanied by legitimate tags, as this makes it harder for us to find untagged images."*

The point of adding tags is to be useful. At least untagged images will show up on the site's untagged image feed. Going out of your way to add "no Tags" is basically saying "I made and attempt. I added tags. They are completely useless and don't help in anyway, but I added them." That's not even worthy of a "you tried" star. If you are already going back and tagging images, be productive and put something that makes sense to tag. None of this "no Tags" tag nonsense, which is arguably worse than not tagging at all.

ok then. You know you really can't make me tag anything, right? like I said in IRC I don't get paid to tag, I'm not an image moderator whose job it is to tag, it's not a rule, IDGAF, all my images as of late come from imgur and you can find source by clicking imgur link on image page, google image search is how anyone who isn't a lazy N00b finds sauce, I still don't give a fuck, you can complain all you want I'm not breaking any rules, hate people like me all you want, rant about people like me all you want, did I mention IDGAF?

Last edited Jul 19, 2014 at 08:53PM EDT

Derpy Vaz wrote:

ok then. You know you really can't make me tag anything, right? like I said in IRC I don't get paid to tag, I'm not an image moderator whose job it is to tag, it's not a rule, IDGAF, all my images as of late come from imgur and you can find source by clicking imgur link on image page, google image search is how anyone who isn't a lazy N00b finds sauce, I still don't give a fuck, you can complain all you want I'm not breaking any rules, hate people like me all you want, rant about people like me all you want, did I mention IDGAF?

Maybe so, we can't force anyone to tag, just to recommend it. But you know what? Tagging all your images with 'no tags' is, like I said, spiteful. It's going out of your way to make our job harder. If you're going to tag your images with a pointless tag with the sole intent of making our life harder, I can promise you that that's punishable, and I can certainly update the rules to reflect that.

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HolyCrapItsBob wrote:

Hey sorry, guys. Just letting you know that a thread was started to talk about this karma thing right here

On another note, it seems like everyone got out whatever they wanted to. Is that true?


I have a bone to pick with you. You're smug. You think you're the savior of this entire site, and that it's your duty to step up and resolve all these fake ass problems.

You just have this air of superiority and conceit around you that's just toxic. I don't know if it's you or the environment you began posting in, but it really just makes me sick whenever I talk to you.

And I'm sure you're gonna reply with some sort of falsely empathetic response, like you understand why I hate you so much, but I know it's bullshit. That's your problem. You like to keep your distance from all this stupid nonsense because it makes you think you're the bigger person. But you're not. You're a moderator on an internet forum about memes. You're just as terrible as the rest of us.

And you know what else? You're trying to close this thread because you think you've fixed it. But you haven't. You're never going to.

Last edited Jul 19, 2014 at 09:34PM EDT

Bob recommended me this thread so I guess I'll type something.

Incoming wall of text

I think everyone who knows me knows that I suffer from depression. Not, stupid tumblr or self diagnosed depression. I mean, I actually have a diagnosed phobia, long family history of depression, and a problem childhood.
Now, my depression plays a big role on how I interact with people in real life and on the internet.
For one, I have mood swings. Two, my feelings can be easily hurt. Three, I can just wake up in a bad mood. I could be in a okay mood one moment then turn into a pile of angst. You can call me a name and not mean anything by it, but it'll still hurt me. Then, I just have a lot of problems in real life that stress piles up on me and I wake up feeling horrible.

What this has to do with how I interact with KYM is how I feel that day. Like, at this very moment, I'm anxious, but all around okay. Meaning, my view on KYM is neutral and I don't care about the users. But, on days where I'm stressed, I sometimes need a focal point for my stress, so I might lash out at some users or to the site directly and I don't mean to. But, this is one of my ways for coping with my stress. I'm also good at trying to claw for attention. I do feel lonely, I am lonely. So, I do try to reach out to other users and try to get some type of attention. Even if it's negative or positive.

But, I want to let y'all know, that I know my actions are inexcusable and I not looking for any kind of forgiveness, I'm just wanted to tell you why I'm like this.

Last edited Jul 19, 2014 at 09:53PM EDT
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Twenty-One wrote:

Maybe so, we can't force anyone to tag, just to recommend it. But you know what? Tagging all your images with 'no tags' is, like I said, spiteful. It's going out of your way to make our job harder. If you're going to tag your images with a pointless tag with the sole intent of making our life harder, I can promise you that that's punishable, and I can certainly update the rules to reflect that.

First of all, me saying I was going to tag all my images with "no tag" was a joke. If i don't tag my images now what makes you think I would tag all of them with "no tag"?


Awww! Okay, I mentioned you as being one of the angry people before, but since you openly admit it, give a valid reason for it, and say you're sorry, you are forgiven. :3


What's your deal? What's so hard about taking five seconds out of every image upload to add some tags? You might not think big of it, but especially since you upload regularly, you are slowing down the site and giving more work to the people who have to clean up all of this. They're not asking you to go back and tag everything you've uploaded so far which would be asking a bit too much, they just want you to do it from now on. How is that so hard? Based on your attitude towards this which I'm sure many others share, it seems like tagging should be required for all image uploads.

Lich wrote:

Bob recommended me this thread so I guess I'll type something.

Incoming wall of text

I think everyone who knows me knows that I suffer from depression. Not, stupid tumblr or self diagnosed depression. I mean, I actually have a diagnosed phobia, long family history of depression, and a problem childhood.
Now, my depression plays a big role on how I interact with people in real life and on the internet.
For one, I have mood swings. Two, my feelings can be easily hurt. Three, I can just wake up in a bad mood. I could be in a okay mood one moment then turn into a pile of angst. You can call me a name and not mean anything by it, but it'll still hurt me. Then, I just have a lot of problems in real life that stress piles up on me and I wake up feeling horrible.

What this has to do with how I interact with KYM is how I feel that day. Like, at this very moment, I'm anxious, but all around okay. Meaning, my view on KYM is neutral and I don't care about the users. But, on days where I'm stressed, I sometimes need a focal point for my stress, so I might lash out at some users or to the site directly and I don't mean to. But, this is one of my ways for coping with my stress. I'm also good at trying to claw for attention. I do feel lonely, I am lonely. So, I do try to reach out to other users and try to get some type of attention. Even if it's negative or positive.

But, I want to let y'all know, that I know my actions are inexcusable and I not looking for any kind of forgiveness, I'm just wanted to tell you why I'm like this.

That would explain a few things then.

As someone who was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder about 2 years ago, I can see where you're coming from and understand your issues. Do you try to take antidepressants? I personally take 30g of fluoxetine a day in pills, and it seems to work when it comes to numbing my emotions and allowing me to feel less sad and more void, though feeling happy is another issue entirely that I've yet to confront.


You are a chill dude who makes the occasional constructive post and loves classical music. I don't think anyone hates you.


You are being needlessly antagonistic. Quoting "IDGAF" over and over doesn't make you look badass. You come off as a selfish inconsiderate prick with less maturity than users born 3 decades after you.

Like I said, if you're only here to retain bad air with users and not clear it. Get off Serious Discussion and go back to Riff Raff

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Cool 'Picardía' Master wrote:

Guys guys guys, i think we went a LITTLE off the original meaning of the thread: to CLEAR the air, not POLLUTE IT EVEN MORE! And especially not 'argument tennis: mods VS other users". My job is done.

i give 10 pages for this thread to be shut down

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


You are a chill dude who makes the occasional constructive post and loves classical music. I don't think anyone hates you.


You are being needlessly antagonistic. Quoting "IDGAF" over and over doesn't make you look badass. You come off as a selfish inconsiderate prick with less maturity than users born 3 decades after you.

Like I said, if you're only here to retain bad air with users and not clear it. Get off Serious Discussion and go back to Riff Raff

This is a "what I hate about other users" thread after all.
I never said what I hate about others yet I'm just pissing off mods that think they can tell others what they hate about users. So yes I'm being childish but at least I'm not being a dick and saying what I hate about you all.

The only thing you can really accuse me of is not staying on topic

Last edited Jul 20, 2014 at 12:02AM EDT


The only thing you can really accuse me of is not staying on topic

…and starting shit with users on a thread where we hope to end shit. That's not too constructive now is it?

You see, Jacob wasn't so much "telling this and telling that blah blah" as he was trying to explain why he has issues towards people, such as yourself, in the hopes that you can understand what his plight is and work towards a reasonable compromise that can 'clear the air' for a less dramatic forum. Hence thread subject

You don't need to express your grievances yourself. But we do need you to cooperate when users like Jacob here are looking for a way to settle these issues with you and others. If you don't want to cooperate that's fine. Just ignore the matter and this thread rather than compound the issue

So yes I’m being childish but at least I’m not being a dick and saying what I hate about you all.

I'm glad that you don't add to the problem with people hating people around here, with your own share of grief. No really, thank you.

However, you are adding to the problem with this thread becoming a mess as you admit yourself

I'm asking nicely if you can be reasonable for a moment and have serious discussion in Serious Discussion. If that cannot be arranged then there's other parts of this forum to entertain you. Off you go.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


The only thing you can really accuse me of is not staying on topic

…and starting shit with users on a thread where we hope to end shit. That's not too constructive now is it?

You see, Jacob wasn't so much "telling this and telling that blah blah" as he was trying to explain why he has issues towards people, such as yourself, in the hopes that you can understand what his plight is and work towards a reasonable compromise that can 'clear the air' for a less dramatic forum. Hence thread subject

You don't need to express your grievances yourself. But we do need you to cooperate when users like Jacob here are looking for a way to settle these issues with you and others. If you don't want to cooperate that's fine. Just ignore the matter and this thread rather than compound the issue

So yes I’m being childish but at least I’m not being a dick and saying what I hate about you all.

I'm glad that you don't add to the problem with people hating people around here, with your own share of grief. No really, thank you.

However, you are adding to the problem with this thread becoming a mess as you admit yourself

I'm asking nicely if you can be reasonable for a moment and have serious discussion in Serious Discussion. If that cannot be arranged then there's other parts of this forum to entertain you. Off you go.

So far this thread is definitely not constructive. All I started with was Google image search vidya. Jacob came on IRC and confronted me about it and as I told him there I upload tons of images all have sauce of where they came from and I don't have time to tag them and some I may or may not know what to tag them with but as I said before it's not mandatory. So for people to go off and start talking shit about others that don't tag is retarded and you can't make me do it. Who is being the Dick? me for saying You can't make me tag or a mod for trying to bully me into tagging?

The dick is the person who reads this:

But for pete’s sake, stop making more work for the people who want the site to better.

And flat out disregards it in favor of self-interest, and then creates mockery about doing the exact opposite and then resorts to a victim complex when questioned.

Why not try to understand how your actions have a profound impact on him before acting defensive?

@ Fridge

Well, I could take the time to explain why your views and opinions are entirely misconstrued, but I've already tried in the IRC. Instead of assuming you could be wrong, you decided that you could only be right and everything I was saying could only be a construct that further solidified your suspicions.

With that said, I have no more interest in trying to help you see past your own desired perspective. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink, after all.

I would like to point out that it wasn't my intention to close the thread. I was hoping to wring out a few last opinions with that post. I guess it worked. Haha.


Thanks for sharing, man.

@Vazquez, Jacob and Blue

I'm not really a media moderator, so I really have nothing to say. But, could you take it to each other's walls to avoid derailing the thread any further?

Last edited Jul 20, 2014 at 01:35AM EDT

I saw our discussion as on-point. Jacob 'cleared his air' which involved Vaz. To which Vaz replied with his own sentiments on the matter. Precisely the purpose of the thread. But if Vaz planned on posting further then I wanted him to try and understand where Jacob is coming from. I felt he wasn't doing so

I don't want to be a dick to Vaz myself. He's a long time poster who makes some of the funniest posts in this entire forum and it's not my intention to rail on him

However I don't accept claims that this thread isn't constructive when that claim is coming from non-constructive posts. If people actually tried understanding instead of reacting with defiance, then this thread would be very constructive

But if Vaz would rather take the alternative option of vacating the thread, then we're already done and I have no desire to discuss further.

Lich wrote:

Bob recommended me this thread so I guess I'll type something.

Incoming wall of text

I think everyone who knows me knows that I suffer from depression. Not, stupid tumblr or self diagnosed depression. I mean, I actually have a diagnosed phobia, long family history of depression, and a problem childhood.
Now, my depression plays a big role on how I interact with people in real life and on the internet.
For one, I have mood swings. Two, my feelings can be easily hurt. Three, I can just wake up in a bad mood. I could be in a okay mood one moment then turn into a pile of angst. You can call me a name and not mean anything by it, but it'll still hurt me. Then, I just have a lot of problems in real life that stress piles up on me and I wake up feeling horrible.

What this has to do with how I interact with KYM is how I feel that day. Like, at this very moment, I'm anxious, but all around okay. Meaning, my view on KYM is neutral and I don't care about the users. But, on days where I'm stressed, I sometimes need a focal point for my stress, so I might lash out at some users or to the site directly and I don't mean to. But, this is one of my ways for coping with my stress. I'm also good at trying to claw for attention. I do feel lonely, I am lonely. So, I do try to reach out to other users and try to get some type of attention. Even if it's negative or positive.

But, I want to let y'all know, that I know my actions are inexcusable and I not looking for any kind of forgiveness, I'm just wanted to tell you why I'm like this.

I think most users here still accept you regardless.

But here's an idea. Try put some effort with as many people as you can and try stay positive. I know it can be difficult. But I think that giving the chance to friendship even with the users you least expect to friends with could possibly really benefit. You wont lose anything from trying, even a little. I probably can't understand everything that has happened to you and how hard it is to cope with depression but I wanted to recommend to see if it could benefit you. I feel that if you could improve somethings with interaction on this site for yourself it would also be great for the community as well.

What the heck, I know I've been disliked by many in the past, so I might as well put myself out there.

Is there anyone who has issues with me, even if it's from a long time ago, since I haven't been really active in the forums lately? I don't believe I currently have any issues with anyone worth mentioning, but I'd like to know if the reverse is true.

It might be worth mentioning that I, like Jacob would like to see more consistency in labeling photos, but I am also aware that there are people who just aren't going to do it for whatever reason. I don't think there's a good reason to hold grudges against such people, especially with the new position of "Scrapbooker" ensuring we have an army of people willing and perhaps sometimes able to help with the labeling task.

I'm going to try to put this is the nicest and shortest way possible.

I think I Am Melonlord would be a pretty cool dude if he did overreact to NSFW pictures and have a shitty attitude towards people who tell him to calm down.

And about mods being to strict, I don't think that one bit. Its probably because I haven't been here for a long time, but they seem REALLY laid-back for website mods.

Bionic Kraken wrote:

I don't hate anyone on this site, but, for some reason, I constantly think that everybody here hates me. Does anybody hate me? Am I just being weird? I probably am.

Oh, no no no no. I'm aware either nobody knows about you or they like you.

It's not really against any particular users on this site, but it applies to users, so it fits here, I suppose.

It irks me when people end their vaguely-controversial posts with stuff along the lines of: "Here comes the downvotes", in terms of their own posts. What the hell is the point of even saying this. It adds nothing to your post, and to me it just seems like you're fishing for upvotes. What's even more ironic is that most, if not all of these posts end up getting upvoted.

If you were truly confident in what you had to say, you wouldn't need to make some half-assed prediction about what karma you'd be getting from your post.

TheMiketroid wrote:

It's not really against any particular users on this site, but it applies to users, so it fits here, I suppose.

It irks me when people end their vaguely-controversial posts with stuff along the lines of: "Here comes the downvotes", in terms of their own posts. What the hell is the point of even saying this. It adds nothing to your post, and to me it just seems like you're fishing for upvotes. What's even more ironic is that most, if not all of these posts end up getting upvoted.

If you were truly confident in what you had to say, you wouldn't need to make some half-assed prediction about what karma you'd be getting from your post.


I think knowing that your actions are made quite a bit more understandable. Heck, you are far from the only guy I know who suffers from it, and just being able to see the similarities in your two cases makes it far more understandable.

Just know that myself and several other users tend to be pretty understanding, and I wouldn't mind a chat every now and again like we used to have before. Though perhaps a little bit more of a proper focus on my end, I feel a lot of our former conversations where always short because of that.

Last edited Jul 22, 2014 at 09:38PM EDT

I didn't realize this site had so much animosity. Now I feel like I'm going to step on a landmine anywhere I post.

Personally, I don't really have a problem with anyone on here, but then again I don't post very much. I will admit that I have a lower opinion of some users and a higher opinion of others, but then again, who doesn't?

Captain Badass wrote:

I didn't realize this site had so much animosity. Now I feel like I'm going to step on a landmine anywhere I post.

Personally, I don't really have a problem with anyone on here, but then again I don't post very much. I will admit that I have a lower opinion of some users and a higher opinion of others, but then again, who doesn't?

While there certainly is animosity among users and that will never completely go away, I don't want this to discourage you from posting what you want to post. In fact, this thread is here in an attempt to make the forums a safer place to post without petty fighting

Yui is my Waifu wrote:

I'm going to try to put this is the nicest and shortest way possible.

I think I Am Melonlord would be a pretty cool dude if he did overreact to NSFW pictures and have a shitty attitude towards people who tell him to calm down.

And about mods being to strict, I don't think that one bit. Its probably because I haven't been here for a long time, but they seem REALLY laid-back for website mods.

I agree with Melonlord on the fact that NSFW pictures shouldn't be in the pokemon gallery. They're gross and only there for upvotes and… other uses. If your jacking it to an image in a KYM gallery, that's just gross.

But I will admit he has a temper.

Chickenhound the Cruel wrote:

I don't understand.

I know better not to fall for trolls like Times, but I keep doing it anyway.

[sad titanic music blows loudly]

that asshole really knows how to get under your skin doesn't he

I do like to be dramatic, as it gives some fun and enjoyment for my posts and a kind of uniqueness to them, but damn people on this site sometimes infuriate me.

Look Asura and Phoenix.

I really don't want to hate you, because I do tend to have some role-play friends, very intelligent friends, whom support Palestine rabidly. So I am just going to drop this issue I am continuing for the sake for the forum's peace, because the last thing I want is some dividing flame war because of shitposting and other things.


Never let a debate anger you. Keep your emotions out and your facts in. Don't hate the user, hate the argument. Think differently not of the person sharing the information, but of the information. Then you can continue debating and know its nothing personal, only doing what is best for all, by negotiating the truth


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