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Is the 90's really the best era

Last posted Aug 15, 2014 at 02:20PM EDT. Added Aug 04, 2014 at 10:21PM EDT
20 posts from 18 users

I personally prefer the 2000's

especially considering most of my favorite stuff is from the 2000's

Band: Avenged Sevenfold First album 2001
Game: Ace Combat Zero 2006
Cartoon. Ed, Edd, n Eddy first ep 1999, but ran all throughout the 2000's
Anime: Gundam Wing premiered in the us in 2000

I don't really prefer a specific era, since there are more that produce different things that I like while others have different things that I like as well.

So I tend to think all of them are pretty good.

00´s and 10´s video games > 90´s videogames.

undergorund music in 00´s and 10´s > 90´s underground music (i cant talk about mainstream one)

but overall all eras are different on their own all got certain stuff that may attrack certain people, just dont say LOL (old decade) IS BETTER THAN TODAY AMIRITE? WRONG GENERATION.

When it comes to entertainment, it really all boils down to preference. I really enjoy a lot of 80's games and movies even if they are often somewhat sexist. My musical tastes don't boil down to a single era, but I like classic and progressive rock the most.

I don't know, I think I prefer older books, movies, television shows, games, music but I also enjoy newer ones occasionally. Got to respect the classics, but be open to change.

Last edited Aug 04, 2014 at 10:49PM EDT

For music, I don't know. I mainly listen to classic rock, but there's a lot of indie bands from the current times that I love such as Gold Motel and The New Pornographers (seriously, check them out) so either 60's 70's or 10's. Movies, probably the 90's cause I'm a huge fan of the Disney films from that era. Books I've enjoyed from these last 3 centuries, (19th 20th and 21st) so I can't really narrow it down. Videogames, mostly 90's and 00's for me.

But if there's a decade I'd rather live in it would be this one. Mainly because of the ongoing advances in mental health care, gay rights, and disability services that make life much more easy for someone like me. And advances in medicine as well, (did you know we're about to eradicate polio AND guinea worm disease? :3). There's more to making a decade awesome than its culture y'know :3

Well, I was too young to remember much from the 90s. This is pretty much the best representation I have to go by:

I personally consider the best era to always be right now, because pretty much everything great from all past eras (disregarding events, of course) can be experienced today, and generally with more convenience.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

Everybody is going to feel that their generation was better

Basically I think of Alter Bridge's song "Ghost of Days Gone By."

Do you feel the same
For what once remained
Yesterday is gone, we can't go back again
Do you ever cry for the days gone by
Do they haunt you like a ghost until the end

Many people are nostalgic for what they consider to be "the old days" since they were days of familiarity.

Well, Videogame-wise it was the best, and sitcom-wise. Sitcoms as in traditional audience laughter, three camera setup sitcom.

Music started to suck in the 90's, and movies weren't worse or better than before. Also, the internet being like it is now certainly gives the 00's and 10's an edge in the technology department.
Altough VCRs, answering machines and blowing in cartridges have their charm as well.

Also, while traditional sitcoms may suck nowadays, there are a lot of great other shows, most of which surpass the majority of 90's sitcoms. Shows like Community, Parks & Rec, Workaholics, etc.

So it depends on what you compare I guess.
60/70's for general music, 80's for heavy metal and action movies, 90's for video games, 00/10's for internet. That would be the perfect blend.

I usually find myself liking many certain things about different generations. For movies I tend to watch a lot of low budget horror films from the 80's mostly for some pretty awesome practical effects and stop motion. For video games I tend to like most generations, but feel the 90's had the most consistent releases and quality. And as for music I find myself listening to pretty much every generation with no particular favorite generation. If there is one category I can give the 90's credit on it would have to be the gigantic boost in animation being produced which created some of the best animated series of all time, but I would be lying if I said the modern age doesn't have just as high of quality animated series as the 90's. So bottom line being every generation has their ups and downs.

TripleA9000 wrote:

I personally prefer the 2000's

especially considering most of my favorite stuff is from the 2000's

Band: Avenged Sevenfold First album 2001
Game: Ace Combat Zero 2006
Cartoon. Ed, Edd, n Eddy first ep 1999, but ran all throughout the 2000's
Anime: Gundam Wing premiered in the us in 2000

incase anyone gets confuse when i say 2000's i mean 2000-2009,

but for me it goes like this
the 90's were cool
the 2000's were the best
and the 2010's is kinda lacking so far

Last edited Aug 14, 2014 at 07:52PM EDT

I'm surprised no one talks about the animation industry during the 90's.

For me, I think the animation industry was at a high point during the 90's, just because it was going through a huge Renaissance.

I'm not saying the movies in the 90's were always perfect (we have foul ups such as Quest for Camelot) and I personally believe some of the movies from that era can't compare to the ones we have right now (How to Train Your Dragon 2, The LEGO Movie). But it was a period where to be an animator you can finally evolve old animation techniques instead of being limited to the budget during the 60's-80's, can finally be diverse in the television industry(from Saturday morning action cartoon to a funny Cartoon Network show to Ren and Stimpy) and also experiment with a new frontier that is 3rd dimension a la Toy Story.

It was a special time not just for the movie-goers, but mostly to the ones in love with the art form itself.

Last edited Aug 14, 2014 at 09:54PM EDT

Hm… if I had to pick my favorite era, it actually wouldn't be the 90s, it would be the early 2000s.

It really seemed like a transitional period where many of the mediums I took part in and enjoyed where getting updated for the 21st century.

Cartoons and Anime started using Computer Coloring and Vector Correction in conjunction with traditional animation making everything seem more fluid, and still where not sacrificing the quality of the writing. This especially helped Anime transition out of the 1000 Episode of Filler phase, where suddenly they didn't need to constantly reuse Stock Animations and they didn't need to use a ton of looping energy blast charging footage.

Video Games had stepped into the PS2/Gamecube Era where hardware had reached that point where Visuals could flourish but 3rd Party developers wouldn't sacrifice Gameplay for it. I am quick to admit that N64 Era Videogames are an absolute pain for me to play because they cause Simulation Sickness, so I definitely look highly upon the 6th and 7th gen consoles.

In the late 2000s, Animation took a nosedive in America and quality plummeted as soon as Cartoon Network changed management. Anime mostly started playing it safe but managed to keep a consistent quality and pumped out at least one masterpeice a year. And Games unfortunately spiraled downwards into the cinematic too much budget on visuals buggy messes they still are today.

That's not to say there where not positives to that era (online gaming, etc).

Now then, are the downsides I mentioned seem to be getting any better?

Well… I would say yes. Anime may be heading into another boom. 2010-2014 has a ton of great Anime Shows I and a great many other people absolutely adore to death. And Cartoon Network is getting quite smart about their Dubbing Strategy again, airing Space Dandy at the exact same time as the Japanese Release in order to compete with the internet. Video Game visuals have nearly reached the peak of the law of diminishing returns, so developers are starting to focus on game quality again.

I also think My Little Pony, Legend of Korra, and Gravity Falls has merit to Cartoons as it shows we are still capable of making cartoons with Soul.

I've never understood why people insist on restricting these "chunks of years" into decades and always end in 0. I mean, isn't the "era" more important than the year? What the heck is the difference between 1989 and 1990? Not much, yet we like to say the two are so different because one is part of "the eighties" while another is "the nineties." It's fine to use when generalizing, but when it comes to what you enjoy, generalizing is the last thing I'd want to do--especially when it comes to history.

I don't have much preference among the ages, I usually enjoy more modern things like video games and tv shows, but that's purely because modern ages look better, it has nothing to do with plot or characters. As for music, while I love electronic, trance, freeform, hardcore and all that, I also love any older songs with that "old timey" feel, which is why I loved Bioshock Infinite's covers of popular songs in an early 1900's feel.


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