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Last posted Aug 12, 2014 at 12:11PM EDT. Added Aug 12, 2014 at 10:54AM EDT
3 posts from 3 users

seeing as approximately 90% of the users commenting on hashtag campaigns aren't very positive about them and their actual effects, let us know:

what do you think about them (hashtag campaigns)?
is all internet activism slacktivism?
did you ever stand up for your beliefs and how?
did you ever intervene in real life, possibly endangering yourself?

I think hashtag campaigns are a good stepping stone. Something to start off with ya know? But when it doesn't move anywhere past that that's when you have a problem. I've stood up for my beliefs many different times. Members of my family (who are from the older times meaning they've experience harsh racism) hold resentment towards white people, my father is a very strong homophobe and I have stood up and argued that what they thought was wrong. As for the intervening thing I've never done it because a situation like it has never sprang up.

its good to raise awereness , kind of like the foundations of a building,the problem is feminist thing a hashtag campaing is a whole building, that suddenly by saying #stopterrorism on twitter ISIS will give up instantly.

so yeah 99% of hashtag campaings end up in nothing so i dont have any confidence, and they are forgotten in about a week or less


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