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I feel as though "All the hot guys are taken or gay" is the equivalent excuse of "nice guys finish last".

Last posted Sep 05, 2017 at 12:01AM EDT. Added Sep 04, 2017 at 04:35PM EDT
3 posts from 3 users

Yeah I know, a lurker finally making a account and making a thread.

I don't know where this phrase, but it's one of those phrases that probably a lot of people have heard; I'm not sure who made the phrase. I'll give a bit of a back story as to why I'm making the thread, basically a co-worker asked me out and I politely refused cause we have nothing in common and I just wasn't interested in her at all. The last four relationships I had were hell cause they were with people I just didn't like. I'd rather wait and find someone I genuinely like and am interested in than just think with my penis and go after the first thing that moves and go through that living hell again.

Later on when she was gossiping about why I turned her down I heard her say that phrase. I don't get it to be honest, if someone's not interested in you that doesn't mean they're automatically taken or homosexual, they could just not be interested in someone. That's why I equated to that phrase "nice guys finish last" is that if someone turns you down it doesn't necessarily have to be because of some cultural thing, they could just as a person not be interested in you as a person.

see that's the thing, I don't believe in the whole good guys, alpha male, or any of that.

the truth is, if you find a comfortable match then you find it. beauty is what you make of it.


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