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As a Jew, I feel somewhat uncomfortable seeing ironically antisemitic memes.

Last posted Apr 04, 2019 at 08:51AM EDT. Added Feb 13, 2019 at 01:45AM EST
36 posts from 22 users

This is mostly due to the fact that they parody the "memes" of those actual quatchmen quite well. The exact semantics of how I feel are hard for me to explain; for example, those Anne Frank jokes made me laugh at one point, but those ones that list "talmudic" sources really get my goat.
There's an analogy for this I made once. I feel like a rabbit being held in the hand of a child; though the child only desires to stoke the rabbit, the rabbit wants to run off due to his fears. It's difficult to explain, but for the sake of being clear I want to discuss it.

Last edited Feb 13, 2019 at 01:45AM EST

Consider this perspective instead: ironic memes, or jokes, are often made in mockery of the thing or person they are being ironic about, such as "Hitler Reacts" video memes. People making them are not any likely to be antisemitic just because they enjoy the meme. Or how about all those lazy-as-fuck Trump memes Twitter churns out every week..? A lot of the people making them are openly anti-Trump, not pro.

Take Danny from the Game Grumps, for example.

He has grown so comfortable with his situation and being Jewish in an internet environment that he basically became immune to any negative effects and just rolls with it now, with this video being a giant compilation of ironic Jew jokes. And this video is from 2013, so you can bet your ass he did many more of these since then.

Ethan Klein from h3h3 is on a similar boat too, ocassionally joking about it and looking down on people trying to say he should feel more oppressed for being Jewish, as he fiercely opposes the rise of PC culture. Naturally, this means he is OK with the more ironic spins of Jewish memes, since those are normally the opposite of PC.

So, I understand your point and it is not a bad one, but it really comes down to perspective at the end of the day. I myself am from Latin America, and millions of people over the world would treat me like an endangered panda cub based solely on that because of our rough history with white colonization centuries ago… or do the opposite and say that my existence alone is why USA needs the wall. And you know what..? I care about neither of those people, nor any memes that spawn from any of these opinions. At the end of the day, I am just happy to live in an age where neither of these groups of people get gunned down for having such opinions or making memes about it. And yes, jokes and memes about colonizers coming in and killing, raping and pillaging have been a thing for decades here. We have some loved popular local comedians who have done so. Everyone is OK with it.

You can't be anti semitic if you don't know any jew and nothing about they culture.

When I do that kind of jokes i just joke about the nose the dick the hitler and that kind of things. Anti-Semitic memes are easy recognizable when they "joke" about a jew leading world order or "joke" about how the holocaust was deserved.

I feel for you, i really do. It's hard because often times, a lot of those jokes cross lines they really shouldn't. I understand, humor kinda needs a punchline to work. And that pushing a boundary is what makes humor humourous. But at the same time, a tiny bit of accountability is in order. Making someone uncomfortable isn't a crime but neither is taking a shit in someone elses house and not flushing. Doesn't mean if the person goes "hey man, thats not cool" that you freak out and send them scat porn cause it's your body, your rights.

Yeah I agree with JC1985, it is kinda hard to tell in the internet when they are joking ironically or when they're actually serious about harming others, especially when we have those Ironic memers who have an especially abrassive sense of humor that makes it even harder to tell if they're serious or not

Kenetic Kups wrote:

I’m not jewish, but I get that feeling
nowadays with the large amount of actual neo nazis online it’s hard to tell when someone is being serious

There was a time when Nazi jokes could be made without a shadow of a doubt that you're joking. I miss when I could ironically praise Hitler without finding myself in the company of those who unironically agree.

If I was talking to you two years ago, I would tell you to stop being a snowflake and make a very poor Jew joke. But I can tell where you're coming from; it's now legitimately hard to tell when someone is just being edgy or is an actual anti-Semite. I have a friend who regularly makes Mexican jokes with me, but, after he had a major rant how we need billions of dollars for a wall to keep Mexican rapists and drug dealers out, I really don't know how much he was joking with me.


Are you done yet? If you're not, that's fine, get it all out-a ye.

I have a feeling that this knucklehead probably created an account just to make pro-Palestine comments…

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>I’m talking about the race, not the religion
Jew isn't a race. "race" isn't even a thing.

>does this, like, extend to Muslims?
All religions/ideologies

poochyena wrote:

>I’m talking about the race, not the religion
Jew isn't a race. "race" isn't even a thing.

>does this, like, extend to Muslims?
All religions/ideologies

Two things:
1) Jews are an ethno-religious identity; we are defined as an ethnicity and as a religion at the same time.
2) Would this extend to the religious ideologies of many indigenous peoples of the Americas or of the bronze-age Levant, in which in which homosexuality was permitted, or of Melanesian peoples, where it was an important part of the culture, with some peoples in Papua New Guinea even declaring heterosexuality sinful?

I don't think that distinguishing between "irony" and "sincerity" when it comes to issues like antisemitic memes is very useful at all. One of the most notable innovations of the alt-right in online discourse is the popular use of performative irony.

When a guy with an ahegao MAGA hat avatar replies "oy vey" to a Youtube video featuring a Jewish journalist (thereby alluding to supposed Jewish control of the media), they might be making their remark from one of several places. Perhaps they believe in this or that conspiracy theory about Jews, and wish to dogwhistle; perhaps they've only recently gone down the rabbit hole, and have yet to (to borrow their term) spit out the blue pill, and are therefore using such ironic remarks as thought-terminating, doublethinking cliches meant to prevent their train of thought from derailing from cognitive dissonance. Naturally, they might completely reject any such conspiracy theories and be merely making an edgy joke. In that case, (1) what separates them from the antisemite is not the use of irony, but their intentions in using it, and (2) insofar as they have demonstrated irresponsibility with language in alluding to a dogwhistle with no attempt at contextualization, they are not blameless regardless of intention.

Ultimately a lot comes down to the specific joke/meme and the context in which it is made, of course. This is just one example.

Last edited Feb 15, 2019 at 02:23AM EST

poochyena wrote:

>I’m talking about the race, not the religion
Jew isn't a race. "race" isn't even a thing.

>does this, like, extend to Muslims?
All religions/ideologies

I don’t respect any religions my dude, but jewish is also an ethnicity

Last edited Feb 15, 2019 at 07:35AM EST
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Two things:
1) Jews are an ethno-religious identity; we are defined as an ethnicity and as a religion at the same time.
2) Would this extend to the religious ideologies of many indigenous peoples of the Americas or of the bronze-age Levant, in which in which homosexuality was permitted, or of Melanesian peoples, where it was an important part of the culture, with some peoples in Papua New Guinea even declaring heterosexuality sinful?

1) eh
2) It extends to any persons, religions, businesses, and ideologies that persecutes someone for their sexuality

I love offensives ironic black people jokes

All my white friends get more mad at the word nigger than I do

I just find most of it so over the top its humorous and especially if its not serious im not gonna let something like that bother me when theres much more serious shit to worry about.

I also recognize when someones fooling around and when they actually mean to be assholes about it which is also different.

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MemeMasterDerp wrote:

poochyena just stop. Please, For the sake of this chat.

i'm sorry I don't like people who hate gay people?

poochyena wrote:

i'm sorry I don't like people who hate gay people?

I used to think this way myself [just replace jews with muslims].

look, don't justify hate with hate. both LGBTQ+ and Jewish people have suffered from some of the most horrific treatment throughout various societies just for being themselves. It's fine if you don't like the jewish religion's teachings itself, but to justify the Holocaust, pogroms, etc for the actions of some bigots and zionists is sickening.

btw, queer jewish people exist.

Joey Corleone wrote:

I used to think this way myself [just replace jews with muslims].

look, don't justify hate with hate. both LGBTQ+ and Jewish people have suffered from some of the most horrific treatment throughout various societies just for being themselves. It's fine if you don't like the jewish religion's teachings itself, but to justify the Holocaust, pogroms, etc for the actions of some bigots and zionists is sickening.

btw, queer jewish people exist.

This. Much as various religions do have individuals that don't look too kindly on LGBT people, you also got individuals from the religions that actually try to work the LGBT community, especially when you also have religious people aren't of the heterosexual norm but still try to work with their religion without demonizing the LGBTQ+ community.

Israel is the only state in the middle east that has freedom and equal rights fir hmoseuxals, but sure, out of all the stonings and decapitations all around us, WE are the homophobic ones.

never change poochy.

Jolly Jew wrote:

Israel is the only state in the middle east that has freedom and equal rights fir hmoseuxals, but sure, out of all the stonings and decapitations all around us, WE are the homophobic ones.

never change poochy.

And I'm sure they're doing that because it's the right thing to do, and not because they can pull the holier than though card
it really shows how much they care, being a Theocratic ethnostate

Jolly Jew wrote:

Israel is the only state in the middle east that has freedom and equal rights fir hmoseuxals, but sure, out of all the stonings and decapitations all around us, WE are the homophobic ones.

never change poochy.

Not to sure what you are trying to say here.

poochyena wrote:

i'm ok with people with a homophobic religion feeling uncomfortable.

this is like a nuclear take
what are you doing buddy, also it's good to remember that Judaism is a nation and a religion or rather a nation with a religion and not solely a religion.

Personally i prefer it because it seems like antisemitism is a joke and it should be.
>but those ones that list "talmudic" sources really get my goat.
those are often /pol/ / antisemitic muslim memes
you mean the ones that are like >goys are like dogs
and shit like that, those aren't likely actually ironic
this is the sort of thing you need to go up and slap their shit about though right?
like what's up with that i thought those sorts of things were first testiment and not like jewish law

>this is like a nuclear take

You will attack me for saying i'm ok with someone feeling uncomfortable, but you'll defend someone who participates in a religion that promotes the death of innocent people

>not solely a religion

it is

>You will attack me
if i wanted to attack you i'd call you antisemitic, i'd insult you all i said was your take is nuclear.
>you'll defend someone who participates in a religion that promotes the death of innocent people
Are you talking about Islam or something. last time i've heard of killings carried out by Jews against homosexuals it was like 2005 by a crazy who claimed to hear the voice of god and was roundly denounced.
and yes i will defend A PERSON.

> i'm ok with someone feeling uncomfortable
let's make it topical
>i don't feel fine with people making memes about Christchurch ironically
>you: i don't fucking care if you're uncomfortable, islam throws gays of off roofs
i can add more to it but this is a simple idea, you are thinking in broad populations rather than peoples. yo uaren't talking to jewishness, you aren't talking to the talmud, god or every jew that has ever existed up unto this point.
you are talking to one man

>it is
secular Jews exist
it has it's own language, in fact many different ones
it's own legal system.
even different ethnicities
shit is nation in diaspora or was and this is the best i can get into as an uneducated gentile on the matter.


Hey google, how do I close a thread?

I respect that you at least tried but yeah this is a big mess.


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