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Questions concerning social issues in the media

Last posted Jun 24, 2019 at 04:20PM EDT. Added Jun 23, 2019 at 06:24AM EDT
9 posts from 9 users

*It's been awhile hasn't it? I was on a vacation in Nigeria for 2 weeks and eventually came back to the United States. Now that an home I wanna ask a few questions for you guys:

*What's your thoughts on non white characters in fiction? Lgbt? Other genders like female or androgynous?

*Are you okay with a nonwhite creator wanting to write or draw characters that look like them?

*Same for lgbt creators creating works where most of them are some form of gay, bi, trans, or…dare I say.non-binary?

*Are you okay with unconventional standards of beauty or male characters that are sexualized somewhat similar to females? I.e, a sexy male assassin in tight suit with a few holes poking out.

*Are you okay with works where you (the straight white dudes in this forum) are not represented in a piece of media? Are you willing to relate to someone different to you as a benefit of a doubt?

*And when it comes to humanization or ginjika..are you okay with a human depiction of something being any thing other than a cute, white, big tiddy anime girl? (Okay that is fucking dumb but I have heard folks get buttmad when someone makes a soda into a black guy)

As with anything keep it civil

Personally I’m all for creative freedom
Charecters can look and act like what the auther wants them too

If by non binary you mean someone who doesn’t want to be called either man or woman and not someone with a made up gender than yes

Personally I identefy more with charecters based on their beliefs and personality than their race or gender

>What's your thoughts on non white characters in fiction? Lgbt? Other genders like female or androgynous?

gimmie all the non-white bi androgynous characters you can

>Are you okay with

yes x5

Q1: No problem with them.

Q2 Yep, doesn't bother me at all

Q3: I don't really care, though I've never consumed any such media before.

Q4: Can't say for certain, though I will admit, when i see characters portrayed as such in fanart I do tend to react with some level of exasperation. Maybe that's the result of some ingrained bias, idk. But that only tends to be the case with fanart. If a character is originally portrayed in such a way then it usually doesn't bother me.

skipping Q5 cause Im black

Q6: Yeah, really don't care. I never cared much for ginjika much anyway, but even if i did, i don't see why such a thing would bother me.

Last edited Jun 23, 2019 at 02:25PM EDT

Following TripleA's formatting here,

Q1: Well, as long as they're more than just a cardboard cutout with "minority!" scribbled on it, I've got zero issue with it.

Q2: Doesn't bother me at all.

Q3: Hey, it's their story. If they're good at writing, it'll work, as with anything.

Q4: Go for it, I'm not one to hold double standards. Tread carefully with fanart, though, and make sure the character is obviously that character, not, say, a nightmare demon wearing its skin (like that incredibly cursed DDLC fanart, for example).

Q5: As long as they're relatable as people, I don't need them to align with who I am as an individual.

Q6: I don't mind, as long as the art is good. Besides, big tiddy anime girl gijinkas are a dime a dozen and I can find, like, at least two different big tiddy anime girl versions of that thing elsewhere. Just don't try and shame big tiddy anime girl gijinkas.

Wow, easiest questionnaire ever. Just "I'm okay with it" for all of them with Spaghetto's specification on point 1. Thought it would be something more complicated and delicate for a second, but this is essentially just a common sense test as it is.

Kappapeachie wrote:

*It's been awhile hasn't it? I was on a vacation in Nigeria for 2 weeks and eventually came back to the United States. Now that an home I wanna ask a few questions for you guys:

*What's your thoughts on non white characters in fiction? Lgbt? Other genders like female or androgynous?

*Are you okay with a nonwhite creator wanting to write or draw characters that look like them?

*Same for lgbt creators creating works where most of them are some form of gay, bi, trans, or…dare I say.non-binary?

*Are you okay with unconventional standards of beauty or male characters that are sexualized somewhat similar to females? I.e, a sexy male assassin in tight suit with a few holes poking out.

*Are you okay with works where you (the straight white dudes in this forum) are not represented in a piece of media? Are you willing to relate to someone different to you as a benefit of a doubt?

*And when it comes to humanization or ginjika..are you okay with a human depiction of something being any thing other than a cute, white, big tiddy anime girl? (Okay that is fucking dumb but I have heard folks get buttmad when someone makes a soda into a black guy)

As with anything keep it civil

I really don't care for 1-5 as long as nobody's try to shove it down my throat or plaster it onto every surface in the universe but 6 is something I've really wanted to talk about.

I'll be honest, I don't really enjoy KanColle, Azur Lane or Girls' Frontline and I'm both big into Military stuff and Waifuism, kinda contradictory disliking an intersection of two things you enjoy right? Basically it comes from a weird part of me that doesn't like the design of most of the characters because I hold a sort of respect towards the Ships and Guns and would prefer a design more derived and based more on the history and "personality" of them and not so much churning out a cute anime girl for each character. (Not saying some of them cant be cute anime girls though.) I honestly wouldn't mind seeing an alternative to KC and AL with less Waifu-ish characters and played more seriously. I do have an idea for this type of thing, but I won't dump it all over the thread unless asked to. (Kinda seems like something for another thread honestly.)

Also I don't sound like I'm working on anything because this site has done wonders for my productivity! Sarcastically Blinks

(Also making an antro-sprite cranberry based off of Lebron James sounds like cool idea.)

God this forum sucks. It's either do a full quote or don't do it at all.

Q1: It's all fine. Though like anything else, it REALLY depends on how it's done. More so for those types of things because of how things are now.

Q2:That, all on it's own is fine.There is nothing wrong with wanting to make stuff different from you and there's nothing wrong with wanting to make something similar to you. Though my answer to Q1 still applies.

Q3: I guess you can just look at Q2's answer. If there's a market for it, it will succeed. If not, it will fail. The author shouldn't have a meltdown if it fails though.

Q4: Like Q1, it depends on if it's pulled off well. Personally, in video games where all else is equal, I do not like it when one sex is sexualized without the other. It's something I hate seeing particularly in MMOs. I want to have a character that looks badass, not sexy. FFXIV is better at this, but there are still stupid sex variations which ruin some sets of armour (like some of the sets you get from completing the ARR job stories. Looking at you, dragoon and ninja). Ok, rant over.

Q5: That's fine, representation isn't a critical part of fiction. Not everything can, will or should relate to you and that's fine. People shouldn't be brought up to believe something is wrong with a creative work if they're not represented. I shall omit another rant for the sake of staying on topic. As long as someone can tell a story, it will draw the person in and let them become invested in the characters.

Q6: Yes, that too is fine. I could go on a somewhat related rant about anthropomorphization and the depiction of monsters, but I shall hold off.

The TL;DR of the little survey is as long as the person doing it knows how to fucking write, draw,whatever, there is no problem.

Last edited Jun 23, 2019 at 06:46PM EDT

Honestly the answer to every question for me is "ok as long as they do it well".

The main issue with minority characters (be it race, sexuality, religion, etc) in fiction is when it is straight pandering and is pretty obvious it is. Such as when a character is retroactively labeled something, or if a character is made something and it has little to no relevance to the plot.

A prime example for that to me is when Dumbledore was said to be gay in Harry Potter, long after the books ended. It literally changes nothing about his actions or the plot of Harry Potter, it's just "oh he's gay that's cool."


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