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Is the world coming to a fucking end?

Last posted Jul 27, 2019 at 07:44PM EDT. Added Jul 27, 2019 at 12:09PM EDT
8 posts from 8 users

Cuz if it is, I fucking wish every fucking mother fucker who made this life way it is to die a agonizing death. I'm fucking fed up with this even more. Unless something changes, gives more reasons to not give a shit anymore. Like shit like exhentai just went under some days, people are dying left and right, and there's no happiness in site. I know I've been saying "THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOWN IT" but this might as well be it . Kiss good bye every non social media site out there as they gonna die too.

As you'll excuse me I'm locking myself up in my room for 50 years until shit gets better.

Last edited Jul 27, 2019 at 12:10PM EDT

"Unless something changes, gives more reasons to not give a shit anymore. "

Well things ARE constantly changing, and things will massively change in the short term (for good or for ill) if Trump doesn't get reelected. The question if things will change for the better….

Last edited Jul 27, 2019 at 12:46PM EDT

Get yourself some help. you've gone off the deep end the past few weeks. Don't just quit the site, go talk to someone who can actually help.

poochyena wrote:

Get yourself some help. you've gone off the deep end the past few weeks. Don't just quit the site, go talk to someone who can actually help.

Pooch and I have different views and opinions on a lot of things, but I agree you seem troubled far beyond what this mere website caused to you. You're clearly under pressure and distressed, and you're not going to get any reliable help from a place like this. Leaving or staying won't change anything, Look for whatever help you can get IRL. No matter how dumb this site's community can be, being so deeply affected by it means there's something more personal going on. If you want to rise above this current situation, you need serious and professional guidance. Pitying you won't help you at all. Think about yourself first.

Alright look, you've made several posts within the past few weeks stating your displeasure with how you life is going, where you feel you are at with this site, etc. There have been several people in these posts who have tried to give you reasonable advice on how to improve your situation.
But if this is where your head space is currently at then you need to actually do something if you want things to improve.

Clearly ranting here on the forums isn't helping. If you want to truly deal with these feeling then you need to actually talk with someone about these subjects. The best people to help you with these complicated feelings are your friends, family, or even a therapist not random people on the internet.

Sorry if this sounds harsh but you're 19, real life is just starting for you, and you're gonna have to deal with a lot of tough things that most of us have to face as we grow up and become "adults". The world isn't ending just because you don't know what to do next, we all feel like that at some point or another after high school. The internet isn't the only part of you life that should carry any meaning.

If you're truly unhappy with staying on this site then leave, and stop saying you will eventually do it. All in all i wish you the best, but don't keep bringing up your issues if you don't wish to do something about them.


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