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Letting people have fun with games you don't like

Last posted Nov 25, 2019 at 08:53AM EST. Added Nov 22, 2019 at 09:39PM EST
23 posts from 16 users

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Let me make myself clear. I think it's perfectly ok to be disappointed in Pokémon Sword and Shield, whether it's for personal reasons for actual technical problems. But it's not ok for people to go out of their way to make the developers' lives hell just because they can't bring their Garchomp to Galar. Criticism is ok, but insults to devs and fans are not.

The reason why I'm acting the way I am on this site is because there are still people who are going out of their way to ruin other people's experience with pokemon. Like, I get it, you're mad about the National Dex not being in the game, but that doesn't mean everyone should see it as a problem. The fandom's vision of quality does NOT reflect reality, kids don't demand perfection to have fun. You may call the game "unfinished" or "rushed," but at the end of the day, it's still Pokémon. You're still catching and battling monsters with balls. It may not be the best Pokémon game, but it sure as hell ain't the worst.

tl;dr: I'm making fun of the people who wanted the latest Pokémon games to fail for personal reasons. If you have legitimate problems with the games that aren't tied to emotions, and you don't go out of your way to ruin other people's experiences, then I'm sorry for offending you.

Wouldn't you have more fun enjoying your game if you spent less time here throwing words into the aether of the internet and more time playing the game?

There is a sizable population willing to agree with your, play max battles with you, and enjoy the game alongside you. Why are you wasting time here yelling at strangers?

You just don't get it, do you? Has it ever occurred to you that not a single person involved in all your threads is forcing you to hate Game Freak and demand that you boycott them? You'd be better off spending all that pent-up frustration to support Game Freak by ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME and ignoring the critics than direct your impotent rage at a meme site that happens to disagree with their decisions.

Last edited Nov 23, 2019 at 01:42AM EST

Dude can you stop acting like a shill for the damn game. You made an account to defend the game with every second you’re on here. If you enjoy the game then enjoy it and don’t spend every other minute trying to defend it.

OH YEAH wrote:

You just don't get it, do you? Has it ever occurred to you that not a single person involved in all your threads is forcing you to hate Game Freak and demand that you boycott them? You'd be better off spending all that pent-up frustration to support Game Freak by ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME and ignoring the critics than direct your impotent rage at a meme site that happens to disagree with their decisions.

I missed the + button

"I think it's perfectly ok to be disappointed in Pokémon Sword and Shield"

Here is the thing, though… You really do not. Your entire site activity here is proof of the opposite.

You are so not OK with people being disappointed in the game that you have effectively brought yourself to forcibly think that the almost invisible minority of people going as far as harassing developers is somehow almost everyone saying literally anything negative about the game. You took the lowest possible denominator and arbitrarily decided that this is the majority of disappointed fans. This is the only way you can make your position work: by making the other side look like the worst of the worst. This is pretty much like what happened with the Joker movie: absolutely nothing bad happened with it except for exactly one guy that was being as ass on the cinema for whatever reason and, since people had chosen to die on the "Joker movie bad" hill, that is all they had to cling to and made that one event become the central point of their argument, and pretended that it proved their point that the Joker movie would cause an incel uprising or something. It did not, and the people in the argument never existed.

This is all a farce. You know full well that most people here and anywhere outside some Twitter circles are just disappointed at the game and nothing else beyond that, but you simply cannot accept this, so you chose to add the "toxic harassers" part to ALL of your arguments to pretend that you are still OK with them. Which you are not. You really are not, man. You are only fooling yourself by saying you are OK with disappointed fans, and the sooner you admit it to yourself, the sooner you can make peace with yourself.

Gamefreak released a subpar product, people bought that subpar product – many while being aware that it was a subpar product and did it regardless – and others did not, not wanting to support that business practice. This is the beginning and the end of the wider scope of the whole thing, and any attempt at pretending there is more to it to pretend that one side is objectively wrong is beyond delusional and not a worthy hill to die on.

Carrie Enright wrote:

HAHA! My epic MSPaint strawman comic defeats your arguments. You can submit your surrender forms via the mail or in reply to this post.

I missed the + button

I do not like sword and shield and aside from the occasional jab at it and some of its more vehement fans, I do not care if people enjoy it or not. Also sensing a lot of hypocrisy here since a lot of the people bringing up all the games flaws and lies about the models, with evidence, have been pokemon fans since the early gens and beyond yet you keep going out of your way to start conflicts with everyone.

Nedhitis wrote:

"I think it's perfectly ok to be disappointed in Pokémon Sword and Shield"

Here is the thing, though… You really do not. Your entire site activity here is proof of the opposite.

You are so not OK with people being disappointed in the game that you have effectively brought yourself to forcibly think that the almost invisible minority of people going as far as harassing developers is somehow almost everyone saying literally anything negative about the game. You took the lowest possible denominator and arbitrarily decided that this is the majority of disappointed fans. This is the only way you can make your position work: by making the other side look like the worst of the worst. This is pretty much like what happened with the Joker movie: absolutely nothing bad happened with it except for exactly one guy that was being as ass on the cinema for whatever reason and, since people had chosen to die on the "Joker movie bad" hill, that is all they had to cling to and made that one event become the central point of their argument, and pretended that it proved their point that the Joker movie would cause an incel uprising or something. It did not, and the people in the argument never existed.

This is all a farce. You know full well that most people here and anywhere outside some Twitter circles are just disappointed at the game and nothing else beyond that, but you simply cannot accept this, so you chose to add the "toxic harassers" part to ALL of your arguments to pretend that you are still OK with them. Which you are not. You really are not, man. You are only fooling yourself by saying you are OK with disappointed fans, and the sooner you admit it to yourself, the sooner you can make peace with yourself.

Gamefreak released a subpar product, people bought that subpar product – many while being aware that it was a subpar product and did it regardless – and others did not, not wanting to support that business practice. This is the beginning and the end of the wider scope of the whole thing, and any attempt at pretending there is more to it to pretend that one side is objectively wrong is beyond delusional and not a worthy hill to die on.

Dude, I've changed. I may have acted toxic before, but that was because I thought I could fight fire with fire. Here's the thing with your argument – it's your opinion. It's a subpar product in your eyes, but not everyone's. I don't have a problem with that anymore.

OH YEAH wrote:

You just don't get it, do you? Has it ever occurred to you that not a single person involved in all your threads is forcing you to hate Game Freak and demand that you boycott them? You'd be better off spending all that pent-up frustration to support Game Freak by ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME and ignoring the critics than direct your impotent rage at a meme site that happens to disagree with their decisions.

I would be playing the game, but I don't have it yet.

wisehowl_the_2nd wrote:

Wouldn't you have more fun enjoying your game if you spent less time here throwing words into the aether of the internet and more time playing the game?

There is a sizable population willing to agree with your, play max battles with you, and enjoy the game alongside you. Why are you wasting time here yelling at strangers?

Here's the thing. I would be enjoying the game… if I had it.

So you made terrible arguments and straw man posts, making a complete ass of yourself in the process and having damn near everyone call you out and tell you to calm down over a video game you don't even own.

This is why you don't let your emotions drive your actions. At least you hopefully learned to never let a product affect you this way again.

Steven The Pirate wrote:

So you made terrible arguments and straw man posts, making a complete ass of yourself in the process and having damn near everyone call you out and tell you to calm down over a video game you don't even own.

This is why you don't let your emotions drive your actions. At least you hopefully learned to never let a product affect you this way again.

Keep in mind that your statement applies to BringBackNationalDex just as much as it does to me.
- People claim that graphics was the main reason the Dex was cut, when Masuda said that balance was more important. BBND still made fun of the graphics and animations because it was easier to criticize than a meta that wasn't even developed yet.
- While I know that not all of BBND is toxic, there were still insults, death threats, and rape accusations thrown at the developers, all because of emotional attachments to virtual monsters. Hell, a guy named Dio on Twitter claimed that a boy committed murder and suicide over the lost National Dex. When I shared that story here, there were people who thought that was fine. How could I not be mad? A person's life is more important than a virtual creature's.
- Just like not every critic is a harasser, not every supporter of SwSh is a shill or Gamefreak apologist. I was sick and tired of seeing pokemon fans insult each other over a game they didn't have.

I responded in the way that I did because I hate seeing people assume the worst out of a company based on incomplete or misinterpreted information. In that sense, I was no different than the worst of this movement. I was enforcing ideas that not everyone needed to follow, but I thought it was justified since so many people on this site had done the same thing to the still-hyped fans. Even after the game were released, people were (and still are) review-bombing out of spite before they played the games.

But again, that's all my opinion. You don't have to follow it, because it isn't fact.

As long as people stay respectful towards others' opinions on these games, I believe we'll have a more peaceful community. Treat others the way you want to be treated, even if their ideas don't mesh with yours. Just like how I shouldn't fault critics for finding legitimate faults in the game, you shouldn't fault SwSh fans for finding enjoyment in a game that seems like a disappointment. I hope more people realize that as they play these games more.

Q-mii Productions wrote:

Keep in mind that your statement applies to BringBackNationalDex just as much as it does to me.
- People claim that graphics was the main reason the Dex was cut, when Masuda said that balance was more important. BBND still made fun of the graphics and animations because it was easier to criticize than a meta that wasn't even developed yet.
- While I know that not all of BBND is toxic, there were still insults, death threats, and rape accusations thrown at the developers, all because of emotional attachments to virtual monsters. Hell, a guy named Dio on Twitter claimed that a boy committed murder and suicide over the lost National Dex. When I shared that story here, there were people who thought that was fine. How could I not be mad? A person's life is more important than a virtual creature's.
- Just like not every critic is a harasser, not every supporter of SwSh is a shill or Gamefreak apologist. I was sick and tired of seeing pokemon fans insult each other over a game they didn't have.

I responded in the way that I did because I hate seeing people assume the worst out of a company based on incomplete or misinterpreted information. In that sense, I was no different than the worst of this movement. I was enforcing ideas that not everyone needed to follow, but I thought it was justified since so many people on this site had done the same thing to the still-hyped fans. Even after the game were released, people were (and still are) review-bombing out of spite before they played the games.

But again, that's all my opinion. You don't have to follow it, because it isn't fact.

As long as people stay respectful towards others' opinions on these games, I believe we'll have a more peaceful community. Treat others the way you want to be treated, even if their ideas don't mesh with yours. Just like how I shouldn't fault critics for finding legitimate faults in the game, you shouldn't fault SwSh fans for finding enjoyment in a game that seems like a disappointment. I hope more people realize that as they play these games more.

I've never criticized this game in any way anywhere or talked about it at all. In fact I could care less about the main line Pokemon games as I've never been a fan of them. Now I may not be interested in the main line games or want them but I like reading the discussions on here.

From what I could tell you've done a terrible job trying to convince others to ease off on their criticisms. You could not have chosen a worse site to push the idea that they're being toxic with their posts since most of the people here have been civil in comparison to other sites. Hell the posts that do go too far in their anger get called out and told to calm down. But despite that you're taking all of the worst examples and assuming everyone acts like that when I've seen no one here that actually matters say anything like the shit your describing. You may say that you know that not all fans are like that but you clearly don't if you're still using those examples against this site.

I haven't even mentioned how you don't even own the game, you're defending a video game you don't own for no real gain and just causing anger among the site with your terrible takes against them.

It's embarrassing to see others act like this over a product. If you wanted to help calm down the discussions on here you couldn't have done a worse job. In fact many of the discussions about the game we're warming up and calming down until you came in. Maybe instead of going on a crusade against people who dared to criticize a video game you could instead stop browsing said sites and do something more constructive with your time. Like earning money to play the game you're defending so heavily or literally anything else. You're letting everything get to you for nothing.

You've heard of complaining about games you've never played, now get ready for shilling about games you don't own.

What was the point of mass spamming links to this thread in the other one? Why did this topic even need two threads at all? All you've done is make an ass out of yourself.


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