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So what doesn't make lolicon pedophilia?

Last posted Dec 11, 2019 at 06:55PM EST. Added Dec 08, 2019 at 07:17PM EST
57 posts from 22 users

Kenetic Kups wrote:

And I’m saying it’s a bad analogy becuase you’re comparing apples to oranges

Whats wrong with comparing apples to oranges? Comparing the similarities between two different things is literally what an analogy is

Last edited Dec 10, 2019 at 12:32PM EST

RandomMan wrote:

That was the point: It's an awful arguing strategy emphasized by doing the same in return. If you don't provide good arguments you don't get proper replies back and discussion moves nowhere.

The "ground zero" thing was with memes that had their origins in loli hentai smut btw. At least I recall staff back then looked at that specifically.

My post was a simplified and easy to follow analogy comparing the double standard of how cartoon violence and murder is apparently ok, but cartoon sexual assault and rape isn't.
The image you posted was just an anecdote of a single instance. Its easy to find gore artists who base their drawings off real images of dead people.

poochyena wrote:

Whats wrong with comparing apples to oranges? Comparing the similarities between two different things is literally what an analogy is

Because you’re saying that something that applies to thing A, applied to thing B when they are completely different

poochyena wrote:

My post was a simplified and easy to follow analogy comparing the double standard of how cartoon violence and murder is apparently ok, but cartoon sexual assault and rape isn't.
The image you posted was just an anecdote of a single instance. Its easy to find gore artists who base their drawings off real images of dead people.

This assumes they are the same, while they are completely different acts. Additionally you are implying that photos of corpses are as legal as cp, which I don't even think requires an argument to make clear that it's not the case.

"B-but, it's just an analogy." But a bad one, and I already spend multiple posts saying that bad analogies are just plain bad. But sure let's analyze the image you posted. I already went over why I consider the rape comparison poor in an earlier post so I'll focus on the violence analogy. This all ignores that violence is also looked down upon in fictional media although to a lesser extend than lolis.

>it's cartoon violence, nobody is getting hurt, same deal with loli smut

That they're using Looney Tunes as a comparison is laughable but eh whatever. The thing with comparisons to violence and guns is that these are not completely illegal or looked down upon unlike CP, and it's easier to have the interest it can spark translate towards irl hobbies.

To compare:
- If a cartoon sparks an interest in violence. You can watch clips of irl fights, train for a martial art, join a professional fighting sport like boxing. A lot of passable options to satisfy your interest in violence before having to resort to domestic violence.
- Same for gun violence. Watch action films or war documentaries, collect a few rifles to shoot at cans, join a gun club. All acceptable before you start shooting up a school.
- But what about translating an ignited interest in lolis to irl. Consume CP? No. Create CP? Hell no! Visit the Phillipines? Get arrested, sicko.

In fictional media nobody is getting hurt, can't argue there. However things like violence have acceptable real life options to satisfy one's urges sparked through the consumption of fictional media. Can't do that with lolis. If there's demand, it will be created. If demand grows, so will production.

As I said in an earlier post: I don't want to condemn people for having deviant thoughts. What I'm asking is to stop trying to normalize it. "It's just a drawing" does exactly that. Recognize your deviant thoughts as your own but don't advertize or apologise for them.

>This assumes they are the same

No, it doesn't.

>you are implying that photos of corpses are as legal as cp

I am not.
You need to read what I say and just that. Stop adding to what I am saying.

>This all ignores that violence is also looked down upon in fictional media although to a lesser extend than lolis.
>The thing with comparisons to violence and guns is that these are not completely illegal or looked down upon unlike CP

bolded part is the entire point being made. It makes no sense to say that cartoon violence is ok, but cartoon rape or sexual assault isn't.

You need to read what I say and just that. Stop adding to what I am saying.

The way I read, the comments are "implying it", which is not the same as them being it. It emphasizes how bad I find your analogy as to me you are comparing apples and oranges.

It makes no sense to say that cartoon violence is ok, but cartoon rape or sexual assault isn't.

Getting violent and getting horny are different emtions, but yeah I can understand how this appears vague. Thankfully both are considered "not ok" and result in higher PG ratings. But the topic was about regular smut vs loli smut so I don't necessarily see what this point proves in the greater topic. Comparing loli smut to violence are so different that I got no idea why someone would use it as an analogy other than grasping straws.


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