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Reimbursement Process Overview for Employers


ERA Reimbursement Process Overview for EmployersEmployers may submit reimbursement requests for accommodations purchased on or after July 1, 2023.


  1. Purchase the reasonable accommodation(s) for a job applicant or employee with a disability. Be sure to save a copy of the receipt or proof of purchase.
  2. Verify you meet the employer eligibility requirements for the ERAF program and that the purchase was for a qualifying reasonable accommodation.
  3. Complete the application form, which includes attaching a copy of the proof of purchase. Please don't hesitate to call us with any questions you may have about the information collected on the application form.
  4. The ERAF Program Coordinator will review the application within five business days of your submission. They may contact you with additional questions.
  5. Once the application is approved, the ERAF Accounting Technician will contact you to verify reimbursement processing information. This will involve completing a substitute W-9 form, which is an abbreviated version of the standard W-9. You may only need to do this the first time you submit a reimbursement request.
  6. In some circumstances, we may request you complete additional information or paperwork, including registering as a "supplier" in the State of Minnesota financial system called SWIFT. This will allow for you to receive your reimbursements via direct deposit instead of a paper check. If you anticipate making additional reimbursement requests in the future, this may be a good option. We will happily help you with this process.
  7. The ERAF Accounting Technician will process the reimbursement request in SWIFT. In addition, you will also receive a letter for you records indicating application approval and the amount of the reimbursement.
  8. The reimbursement will be distributed to you within 30 calendar days from when the application is approved. This reimbursement is not considered taxable income.

If your reimbursement is denied

  1. The ERAF Coordinator will notify you if your reimbursement is denied and why. Reasons may include:
  • Not an eligible employer
  • Not a qualifying reasonable accommodation under the definition of state law
  • Not for a job applicant or employee with a disability
  • Eligible employer has met $30,000 fiscal year limit
  • Missing or insufficient documentation for proof of purchase or cost
  1. You will receive a denial letter with instructions on how to appeal the decision.
  2. If you disagree with the denial, you may appeal the decision by contacting the ERAF Coordinator's assigned Deputy Director Jon Benson ([email protected]) within 30 calendar days of receiving your denial letter.
  3. The Deputy Director will review the decision and follow up with the employer. Once the Deputy reviews the appeal and makes a determination, it is final.

Contact Us

For questions, comments, assistance with the application, or requests for technical assistance/training, please contact us at [email protected].

Phone: 651-539-2390 or 1-833-391-8050

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