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Additional Reports

Ban-the-Box Report

In April 2018, the Department prepared this report to discuss the history of the Criminal Offenders Rehabilitation Act, the efforts of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights to enforce the law, and answers to common questions facing employers. 

Biennium Reports

For fiscal years 2016-2017 and 2011-2012, the Minnesota Department of Human Rights released a biennium report that reviewed the work that the Commissioner and the Department staff have done to keep Minnesota free of discrimination while preparing state government and businesses for changing demographics. 

Case Summaries

In 2016, the Minnesota Department of Human Rights released its Case Summaries in Enforcement that spans four years and myriad discrimination charges including age, race, disability, national origin, gender, pregnancy, religion, sexual orientation and reprisal. These cases represent a portion of the approximately 2,400 cases the Department investigated from 2011 through June 2015. 
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