EEE+ Support

Our support team can help with all EEE+ suite tools, as well as UCI specific Canvas questions. Contact Our Team if you have a question about an EEE+ tool or want to report a bug. You will find resources for all of your needs below. Can’t find what you are looking for? Submit feedback here.


Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

8am - 11am, 12pm - 5 pm

Phone: (949) 824-2222

Get Help

You can email us directly at
[email protected].

Other Support


OIT Help Desk

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (949) 824-2222

Go to OIT Help Desk

Canvas Support

Email: [email protected]

24/7 Hotline: See Canvas Help Menu

Live Chat

Instructional Support - DTEI

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (949) 824-9405

Go to DTEI