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Bulgarian government official journal is State Gazette.

On this website you can find the entire content of all issues of Bulgarian State Gazette for the last 7 years in PDF format. The site is open for the public, and is completely free of charge.

State Gazette consists of two divisions (official and unofficial).

  • The first one holds all the documents from the official institutions like government, National Assembly of Bulgaria, Constitutional Court, etc: laws, decisions, declarations, regulations, etc.
  • The unofficial part includes decisions and orders from all the ministries and municipalities, concerning many of their activities. Also, many short notices of companies, concerning some events like establishment or decision about closing it down, are published there.

State gazette publishes the official documents after they have been voted in National Assembly of Bulgaria, and they are published the way they have been voted. Unfortunately, that means that State gazette consists mainly of editions and corrections of the official documents, and not of the full texts of actual laws in Bulgaria. That's why any search in its database provides mainly information about changes in legislative papers, and not the whole list of acting laws.