National Academies Press: OpenBook

Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation (2024)

Chapter: Appendix E: R Code used in Report Figures 3-5 and 5-3

« Previous: Appendix D: Criteria for a Modern PMP Estimation Process
Suggested Citation:"Appendix E: R Code used in Report Figures 3-5 and 5-3." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27460.
Page 193
Suggested Citation:"Appendix E: R Code used in Report Figures 3-5 and 5-3." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27460.
Page 194
Suggested Citation:"Appendix E: R Code used in Report Figures 3-5 and 5-3." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27460.
Page 195
Suggested Citation:"Appendix E: R Code used in Report Figures 3-5 and 5-3." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27460.
Page 196

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Appendix E R Code used in Report Figures 3-5 and 5-3 R CODE FOR FIGURE 3-5 ## Code to reproduce Figure 3-5. ## Author: Christopher Paciorek (UC Berkeley) ## R version: 4.3.2 library(evd) # Version 2.3-6.1 ## Location and scale parameter estimates from GEV fit to GHCN daily ## precipitation data for for Berkeley, California, but qualitative ## results are similar for parameters from GEV fits for other US locations. location <- 4.5 # in centimeters scale <- 1.5 # in centimeters ## Generate grid of shape parameter values for plotting. shape_grid <- c(seq(-0.25, 0, length = 30), seq(0, 0.2, length = 20)) bounded_shape_grid <- shape_grid[shape_grid < 0] ## Calculate return values as quantiles of GEV distribution. rv_0.0001 <- sapply(shape_grid, function(shape) qgev(1-1/1e4, location, scale, shape)) rv_0.00001 <- sapply(shape_grid, function(shape) qgev(1-1/1e5, location, scale, shape)) rv_0.000001 <- sapply(shape_grid, function(shape) qgev(1-1/1e6, location, scale, shape)) ## Calculate upper bounds for negative shape parameter values. ub <- sapply(bounded_shape_grid, function(shape) location-scale/shape) png('plot-shape-rv.png', height = 500, width = 600) plot(shape_grid, rv_0.000001, type = 'l', col = 'red', xlab = 'shape parameter', ylab = 'AEP level or upper bound (cm)', ylim = c(0,120)) lines(shape_grid, rv_0.00001, col = 'blue') lines(shape_grid, rv_0.0001, col = 'green') lines(bounded_shape_grid, ub, col = 'black') legend('topleft', legend = c('p = 0.0001', 'p = 0.00001', 'p = 0.000001', 'upper bound'), col = c('green', 'blue','red','black'), lty = rep(1,4), bty='n') text(x = .1, y = 0, "no upper bound") text(x = -.1, y = 0, "upper bound present") R CODE FOR SAMPLE SIZE CALCULATION (FIGURE 5-3) ## R version: 4.3.2 library(evd) # Version 2.3-6.1 Prepublication copy 193

194 Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation library(pracma) # Version 2.4.4 calc_sample_size <- function(location = 0, scale = 1, shape = .1, return_period = 100, se_proportion = 0.125, upper_bound = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) { ## Calculates sample size needed to limit the standard error of the estimated ## return value (or upper bound) to `se_proportion` of the estimate, using ## the expected information matrix for the GEV distribution and the delta method ## to approximate the variance of the estimate as a function of the estimated ## parameters. ## If the `se_proportion` is 0.125, that corresponds to a confidence interval ## whose length is half (50% = 0.125*4) the magnitude of the return value (or upper bound). ## Arguments: ## location: location parameter of GEV model. ## scale: scale parameter of GEV model. ## shape: shape parameter of GEV model. ## return_period: desired return period (years); not used if upper_bound is TRUE. ## se_proportion: desired magnitude of standard error of return value (or upper bound) ## as a proportion of the return value (or upper bound) estimate. ## upper_bound: determine sample size for the upper bound rather than return value. ## Output: estimate of the sample size (in years for GEV block-maxima estimation and ## number of exceedances for threshold exceedance-based estimation). ## Authors: Daniel Cooley (Colorado State University) and Christopher Paciorek (UC Berkeley). if(shape >= 1/2){ stop("Method not supported if variance is infinite (shape >= 1/2)") } if(upper_bound & shape >= 0){ stop("Cannot have upper bound if shape >= 0") } ## Calculate the expected information matrix. ## Set up grid of observation values based on quantiles. y_low <- qgev(1e-5, loc = location, scale = scale, shape = shape) y_high <- qgev(1 - 1e-5, loc = location, scale = scale, shape = shape) y_len <- 2000 y <- seq(y_low, y_high, length.out = y_len) ## Evaluate density. dens_values <- dgev(y, loc = location, scale = scale, shape = shape) dens_array <- array(dens_values, dim = c(y_len,3,3)) Prepublication copy

Appendix E 195 ## Use numerical differentiation to obtain Hessian. param_vec <- c(location, scale, shape) hess_array <- array(dim = c(y_len,3,3)) loglik <- function(par, y){ # Wrapper providing param vec as first argument. return(dgev(y, loc = par[1], scale = par[2], shape = par[3], log = T)) } for(i in seq(1, y_len)){ hess_array[i,,] <- hessian(loglik, param_vec, y = y[i]) } ## Alternative to avoid the loop: ## tmp <- sapply(y, function(val) hessian(loglik, param_vec, y =val)) ## hess_array <- array(t(tmp), c(2000,3,3)) ## Use trapezoidal rule to estimate integral over the density. integrand_array <- -hess_array * dens_array diff_array <- array(diff(y), dim = c((y_len-1),3,3)) trapezoids <- (integrand_array[-1,,] + integrand_array[-y_len,,])/2 * diff_array exp_info_mtx <- apply(trapezoids, c(2,3), sum) cov_mtx <- solve(exp_info_mtx) # Asymptotic var-cov matrix of parameter estimates. ## Use the information matrix to estimate the sample size. if(upper_bound) { ub_fun <- function(par) { return(par[1]-par[2]/par[3]) } ub <- ub_fun(c(location,scale,shape)) se <- se_proportion * ub if(verbose) print(paste("upper bound is", ub_fun(c(location,scale,shape)))) grad_vec <- grad(ub_fun, param_vec) } else { prob <- 1-1/return_period qTile <- qgev(prob, loc = location, scale = scale, shape = shape) se <- se_proportion * qTile if(verbose) print(paste(prob, "quantile is", round(qTile, 2))) qTileFn <- function(par, p){ return(qgev(p, loc = par[1], scale = par[2], shape = par[3])) } grad_vec <- grad(qTileFn, param_vec, p = prob) } ## Calculate variance of return value based on delta method. delta_var <- t(grad_vec) %*% cov_mtx %*% grad_vec ## Invert to determine sample size. n <- ceiling(delta_var/se^2) return(n) Prepublication copy

196 Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation } ## Example usage. ## Sample size for depth corresponding to annual exceedance probability for p=0.0001. location <- 4.5 scale <- 1.5 shape <- 0 calc_sample_size(location, scale, shape, return_period = 10000, se_proportion = 0.125) ## Sample size for estimating upper bound. location <- 4.5 scale <- 1.5 shape <- -0.1 calc_sample_size(location, scale, shape, upper_bound = TRUE, se_proportion = 0.125) Prepublication copy

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For more than 75 years, high-hazard structures in the U.S., including dams and nuclear power plants, have been engineered to withstand floods resulting from the most unlikely but possible precipitation, termed Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP). Failure of any one of the more than 16,000 high-hazard dams and 50 nuclear power plants in the United States could result in the loss of life and impose significant economic losses and widespread environmental damage, especially under the pressures of climate change. While PMP estimates have provided useful guidance for designing critical infrastructure, weaknesses in the scientific foundations of PMP, combined with advances in understanding, observing, and modeling extreme storms, call for fundamental changes to the definition of PMP and the methods used to estimate it.

Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation recommends a new definition of PMP and presents a vision for a methodology relevant for design, operation, and regulation of critical infrastructure. The new definition targets precipitation depths with an extremely low exceedance probability instead of assuming rainfall is bounded, and considers specified climate periods so that PMP estimates can change as the climate changes. Near-term enhancements to PMP include improved data collection, model-based storm reconstructions, and strengthened scientific grounding for PMP methods. Long-term model-based PMP estimation will employ kilometer-scale climate models capable of resolving PMP storms and producing PMP-magnitude precipitation. A Model Evaluation Project will provide scientific grounding for model-based PMP estimation and determine when transition to a model-based PMP estimation should occur. Scientific and modeling advances along this front will contribute to addressing the societal challenges linked to the changes in extreme storms and precipitation in a warming climate, which are critical steps to ensuring the safety of our infrastructure and society.


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