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Suggested Citation:"Legislative Perspectives on AAM." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. On-Demand Aviation Services for Mobility, Logistics, Emergency Response, and Humanitarian Use Cases. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27794.

Legislative Perspectives on AAM


Matt Daus, Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP, Moderator

Alex Bolton, Chief of Staff, Representative Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11)

Behnaz Razavi, Supernal

This session featured a fireside chat moderated by Matt Daus. Daus provided an overview of recent federal legislation on AAM and emphasized the importance of research in supporting informed policymaking. Daus was joined by Alex Bolton and Behnaz Razavi of Supernal, Hyundai Motor Group’s AAM company. The session included a discussion on the role of federal policy and its impacts on the private sector.

Daus led a discussion on the recent ratification of the Advanced Air Mobility Coordination and Leadership Act of 2022, which established the AAM Interagency Working Group that is charged with planning for, and coordinating, efforts to integrate AAM aircraft into the national airspace system. Daus also provided insights into the pending Advanced Aviation Infrastructure Modernization Act, which would establish a grant program for vertiport improvements. At that point, the Act had passed the House, and the Senate was reviewing the bill. Daus spoke about the need to foster innovation from a regulatory standpoint without overburdening innovative companies with regulation.

Bolton described the deliberate pace of Congress in advancing legislation until the point at which it decides to act. He explained that when Congress does decide to act on a piece of legislation, the process unfolds swiftly, leaving little time for members to influence pending legislation. Bolton indicated that Congress needs practical research that can help its members understand the policy significance of AAM, its potential impact on their constituents, and the fiscal and societal costs that AAM might entail for the American people. Bolton expressed optimism that AAM legislation would create an environment conducive to private sector innovation.

Razavi highlighted the importance of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) entering the marketplace with a sense of stewardship and stability and involving communities in planning for optimal infrastructure development. This can help avoid disruptions and local challenges often seen when shared micromobility and transportation network companies (TNCs) abruptly enter urban transportation systems. Razavi discussed the importance of social and behavioral research to better understand and anticipate public perception, considering both the perspectives of users and nonusers. Razavi noted the importance of linking air planning to land use planning to make key infrastructure development possible. Razavi concluded that she believes that

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Suggested Citation:"Legislative Perspectives on AAM." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. On-Demand Aviation Services for Mobility, Logistics, Emergency Response, and Humanitarian Use Cases. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27794.

metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) must begin incorporating AAM into long-range plans and transportation improvement programs.

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Suggested Citation:"Legislative Perspectives on AAM." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. On-Demand Aviation Services for Mobility, Logistics, Emergency Response, and Humanitarian Use Cases. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27794.
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Suggested Citation:"Legislative Perspectives on AAM." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. On-Demand Aviation Services for Mobility, Logistics, Emergency Response, and Humanitarian Use Cases. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27794.
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Aviation is undergoing a transformation. Advancements in technology are enabling innovations in regional and on-demand aviation. Many challenges are currently being addressed, including community acceptance, safety, equity, issues around planning and implementation, airspace, and operations.

Transportation Insights 4: On-Demand Aviation Services for Mobility, Logistics, Emergency Response, and Humanitarian Use Cases, from TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program, summarizes an ACRP Insight Event held July 10–11, 2023, at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in Washington, D.C., that brought together practitioners from airports; advanced air mobility subject matter experts; representatives from community organizations, municipal and state and federal government officials; and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) among others to discuss the current state of on-demand aviation, public good use cases, and the challenges often associated with new and evolving technologies, including community acceptance, safety, and equitable access.

There is also a website with details for the event.


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