Government Funding for Science and Engineering

Explore federal and state government research and development (R&D) funding data and trends. Topics include type of R&D work performed (basic research, applied research, and experimental development), performer of the work, funding to individual higher education institutions and nonprofits, field of R&D research, place of performance, and budget R&D function, such as defense, health, and energy.

In the News

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Working Paper

The Returns to Government R&D: Evidence from U.S. Appropriations Shocks

Data from NCSES are cited in a research paper exploring the impacts of changes in government R&D spending on business-sector productivity.
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
December 14, 2023
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Federal Research and Development (R&D) Funding: FY2023

NCSES data are referenced in a report analyzing the president's FY 2023 budget request, with a focus on federal R&D funding by agency.
Congressional Research Service
June 10, 2022