Legislative Audit Office Reports

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2024 Background Checks for Child Care Providers - Report 2024 Background Checks - Report Overview 2024 Nebraska Advantage Microenterprise Tax Credit Act - Report 2024 Microenterprise - Report Overview 2023 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) American Resuce Plan Act Funds Preaudit 2023 Nebraska Advantage Rural Development Act: Performance on Selected Metrics - Report 2023 Advantage Rural Development - Report Overview 2022 Nebraska Advantage Research and Development Act: Performance on Selected Metrics 2022 Advantage Research and Development - Report Overview 2022 Overtime Use at the Departments of Correctional Services, Health and Human Services, and Transportation 2022 Overtime Use - Report Overview 2022 Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act Memo 2022 ImagiNE Act Implementation Memo 2021 Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act: Performance on Selected Metrics 2021 Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization - Report Overview 2021 Relationship Between Clinical Programming and Parole Memlo 2020 Department of Health and Human Services Division of Children and Family Services: A Review of Hotline and Non-court Data 2020 Children and Family Services - Report Overview 2020 New Markets Job Growth Investment Act: Performance on Selected Metrics 2020 New Markets - Report Overview 2019 Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation, Juvenile Services Division: Selected Administrative and Service Cost Data 2019 Nebraska Advantage Act: Performance on Selected Metrics 2018 The Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act: Performance on Selected Metrics 2018 The Nebraska Advantage Microenterprise Tax Credit Act: Performance on Selected Metrics 2018 Assessment of Violent Infractions and Staffing at the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center-Kearney 2015 Peer Review of Legislative Audit Office 2018 Universal Service Fund Pre-audit Report 2017 Nebraska Advantage Research and Development Act Performance on Selected Metrics 2017 Nebraska Advantage Rural Development Act Performance on Selected Metrics 2017 Department of Economic Development: An Overview of Certain Programs 2016 Nebraska Advantage Act Performance on Selected Metrics 2016 Memorandum on Children's Behavioral Health Funding 2016 Memorandum on Health Insurance Premium Payment Program 2015 The DHHS Behavioral Health Division's Role in Reducing Service Gaps 2015 Nebraska State Treasurer: Utility and Effectiveness of the Long-Term Care Savings Plan 2015 Nebraska Administrative Procedure Act: Review of Selected Agencies and Best Practices 2014 Nebraska Department of Correctional Services: Disciplinary Process, Programs, and Commitment Processes 2014 Memorandum on Abstracters Board of Examiners Preaudit 2013 Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services: Efficiency and Effectiveness of ACCESSNebraska 2013 Measuring Success: Effectively Evaluating Nebraska Tax Incentive Programs 2013 Comparison of Selected Nebraska Tax Incentives with Tax Incentives in Other States 2013 Nebraska Department of Revenue: An Examination of Nebraska Advantage Tax Incentive Programs 2012 Peer Review of Legislative Audit Office 2012 NDOR Project Selection, Prioritization and Funding 2011 DHHS Privatization of Child Welfare and Juvenile Services 2011 Environmental Trust Board Grants Preaudit 2011 Timeliness of Regulation Promulgation Preaudit 2011 Required Reports Preaudit 2010 Nebraska State Employees" Health Insurance Performance Audit Scope 2010 Community-based Behavioral Health: Funds, Efficiency, and Oversight 2010 Public Service Commission Public Advocate 2009 Department of Economic Development Job Training Grant Program 2009 HHS Statutory Compliance in Closing the Lincoln Regional Center Community Transition Program 2009 Memorandum on Standard of Review to be used by the Commission of Industrial Relations in an Appeal pursuant to 81-1383 2008 Foster Care Review Board: Authority, Conflicts of Interest, and Management Practices Additional Appendices 2008 Peer Review of Legislative Performance Audit Section 2008 Personal Services Contracts: An Examination of Compliance and Oversight 2007 State Department of Education: School-based Teacher-led Assessment and Reporting System (STARS) 2007 Nebraska Information Technology Commission: an Examination of Statutory Compliance and the Project Review Process 2007 Nebraska Lottery: Implementation of LB 1039 2006 Lincoln Regional Center: Sex Offender Services Program 2006 Public Employees Retirement Board and the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems: An Examination of Compliance, PIONEER, and Management 2005 Lincoln Regional Center: Psychiatrists" Work Commitments 2005 Medicaid: Collection of Improper Payments 2004 Lincoln Regional Center: Billing Process 2003 Department of Environmental Quality: Administering the Livestock Waste Management Act 2003 Health and Human Services System: Personal Services Contracts 2003 Parole Board 2002 Habitat Fund 2001 Environmental Trust Board 2001 Department of Roads: Use of Consultants for Preconstruction Engineering Final Committee Report 2001 Department of Roads: Use of Consultants for Preconstruction Engineering 2001 State Fair Board 2000 Bureau of Animal Industry: An Evaluation of the State Veterinarian"s Office 2000 Department of Correctional Services: Inmate Welfare Fund 1999 Foster Care Review Board: Compliance With Federal Case-Review Requirements 1999 Nebraska Ethanol Board 1998 Programs Designed to Increase the Number of Providers in Medically Underserved Areas of Nebraska