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  1. vision 2024
    Is Sarah Huckabee Sanders Already Auditioning for Vice-President?It’s one theory for why she’s running a savage culture-war campaign for Arkansas governor. The others are scarier.
  2. capitol riot
    Kevin McCarthy Between Rock and a Wild Place on January 6 InquiryThe minority leader opposes GOP cooperation with a select committee that his most out-of-control members want to join. He has no great options.
  3. politics
    Why Republicans Want Voters to Panic About Critical Race TheoryGOP complaints are largely based on myths, but they think scaring white middle-class parents is a winning electoral strategy.
  4. maga in miami
    In Sinking Miami, the GOP Tries to Admit It Has a Climate ProblemThe MAGA base remains unconvinced.
  5. maga
    Republican States Go to War Against Democratic Local GovernmentsWho cares about decentralized governance any more? Certainly not Trumpian Republicans, who want power for the level of government that obeys them.
  6. voting rights
    Democrats Need a New Plan to Defend Voting RightsThe outlook is dim for voting-rights legislation. DOJ enforcement and voter mobilization may be Democrats’ best shot for defending democracy.
  7. maga
    Greene’s Logic: Democrats Are Nazis, So Their Agenda Is Like the HolocaustIn the MAGA world, where all Democrats are socialists, and Adolf Hitler was a socialist, all Democratic initiatives are like the Holocaust.
  8. maga
    Election ‘Audit’ Fever Spreads Beyond ArizonaFrom New Hampshire to Wisconsin and even California, recounts are being used to supposedly vindicate Trump and justify voter suppression.
  9. maga
    Are Republicans Finally Standing Up to the Proud Boys?Mainstream Republicans are demanding an investigation into Proud Boy influence in the Nevada GOP that could bring down the state party leadership.
  10. gop
    Matt Gaetz Distracts From Sex-Trafficking Probe With False Election Fraud ClaimsAs the inquiry into an alleged act of sex trafficking develops, Gaetz is spreading falsehoods about the election with Marjorie Taylor Greene.
  11. 2021 elections
    MAGA + Money Wins Virginia’s GOP Gubernatorial Race“Christian outsider businessman” Glenn Youngkin has the dough to keep things interesting against Democrat Terry McAuliffe.
  12. vision 2024
    Mike Pence Trudges Towards 2024After his breach with Trump, is the former vice president really anything more than another Dan Quayle?
  13. maga
    Trump’s GOP Enemies Try 3 Strategies for SurvivalPaul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and Brian Kemp exhibit different ways Republican politicians are dealing with the Boss’s disdain.
  14. maga
    Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene Hit Road to Needlessly Rally MAGA BaseThe bad boy and bad girl of right-wing extremism are pairing up for a series of rallies to keep the movement humming pending Trump’s vengeful return.
  15. extremism
    You Cannot Reason With the GOP’s ConspiracistsThe conservative fever Barack Obama thought might soon break is now instilling systemic belief in conspiracies on the right.
  16. election coup
    Will Republicans Try Another Election Coup in 2024?Jonathan Last argues that 2020 could have been a dress rehearsal, and that a 2022 purge by Trump could make it work next time.
  17. republicans
    A Dwindling Republican Party May Be Doomed to Shrink MoreThe trouble with losing swing voters is that it can make the residual party base more entrenched in its exclusive ways.
  18. maga
    Kristi Noem Angers Her Base With Transgender Sports-Ban VetoThe South Dakota governor was a MAGA favorite thanks to her fight against pandemic public-health measures. Now she’s flunked a cultural litmus test.
  19. mike pence
    Is Mike Pence Finished in MAGA-Land?It seems four years of toadying to Trump aren’t enough to overcome his “betrayal” on January 6.
  20. maga
    Trump Lawyer Claiming Mass Election Fraud Is Under Investigation for Voter FraudLin Wood, the Trump-allied lawyer who unsuccessfully sued to overturn the election results, could have cast a fraudulent ballot in November.
  21. extremism
    Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Trying to Impeach the Biden FamilyNobody drives the crazy train like Greene, who may represent where the MAGA movement is going.
  22. capitol riot
    Trump Supporters Harass Lindsey Graham at AirportThe president’s loyalists chanted “traitor” and heckled the Republican lawmaker on Friday.
  23. maga
    Trump Did Worse in Counties Where He Held His Final Rallies: ReportTrump underperformed compared to 2016 in 25 out of 30 counties where he held his final pandemic get-togethers.
  24. maga
    ‘Trump Has Given Us a Gift’: GOP Insiders See Victory in Potential LossEven if he loses to Joe Biden, Republicans see a party with potential and a new president playing with a losing hand.
  25. maga
    American Flag Collapses at Trump Rally in North CarolinaIt wasn’t the ideal symbol for a president who is 30 hours out from an election he is on track to lose.
  26. maga
    The 10 Strangest Moments From Trump’s Trifecta of Pennsylvania RalliesTrump recalled how his COVID doctors “would grab my body” and expressed his desire for the open road, yearning to “drive the hell out of here.”
  27. politics
    The #Resistance and the Retirement CommunityInside the Villages in Florida, where election tensions are at an all-time high.
  28. trump rally
    Ohio Lt. Governor Booed at Trump Rally for Promoting Trump 2020 MasksRallygoers weren’t pleased with Jon Husted, a co-chair of the Ohio Trump campaign, when he suggested they wear masks supporting Trump’s reelection.
  29. vision 2020
    MAGA Visibility Is Making Democrats NervousBiden is relying less on his ground game and more on digital organizing, worrying some supporters who are seeing a preponderance of Trump lawn signs.
  30. maga
    Trump to Return With His First Rally Since the Coronavirus Shutdown Next FridayCampaign officials reportedly hope the return of the rallies will distract Trump from destructive online behavior, citing zero past examples.
  31. vision 2020
    Coronavirus May Derail the Republican Convention After AllThough Trump misses big rallies and has mocked Democrats’ plans for a virtual convention, it seems the GOP convention may be modified as well.
  32. vision 2020
    There’s Only One Way the ‘Enthusiasm Gap’ Matters“Enthusiasm” for a presidential general election candidate is usually exaggerated and often unimportant.
  33. coronavirus
    Are Masks Just for Liberals?As the backlash to coronavirus precautions spreads, so, too, may resistance to the most visible sign of compliance — the mask.
  34. vision 2020
    Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Up, But for How Long?Believe it or not, the public thinks he’s doing a good job on coronavirus. But as the economy worsens, voters’ warm feelings may prove ephemeral.
  35. maga
    Legislators Urged to Declare CNN and Washington Post ‘Fake News’In cultish act, Trump fan attacks elitist media for Trump’s cultlike following.
  36. trump rally
    Trump Complains About Not Winning Nobel Peace Prize Days After War Crime ThreatOther rally highlights included a claim that Dems would have “leaked” the Soleimani attack, and that M4A will cost “more money than we’ll ever make.”
  37. william barr
    William Barr Embodies the Conservative Surrender to TrumpIn his taste for partisanship, authoritarianism, and a politicized conservative Christianity, the attorney general reflects many strains of Trumpism.
  38. maga
    7 Unhinged Moments From Trump’s Dallas RallyTrump said that forces in Syria need to “scrap a little” and that Hurricane Harvey made Texas a “fortune,” though it killed over 100 people.
  39. maga
    Trump Posts Animated Video of Himself Dancing, Hugging FlagIt’s as if a pharmaceutical rep had remade the animated parts of A-ha’s “Take on Me” video.
  40. donald trump
    What If Trump Supporters Love Chaos as Much as He Does?There’s new evidence that a significant number of Trump supporters love the man precisely for his destructive, nihilistic, and mendacious ways.
  41. politics
    Struggling California Town Wants to Be ‘Sanctuary City’ for GunsIt’s an effort that combines “sticking it to the liberals” with true economic desperation.
  42. vision 2020
    MAGA Is Still Big Business for Trump CampaignThe fundraising strategy of turning political moments into opportunities to sell a T-shirt is hugely successful — and shows no signs of stopping.
  43. vision 2020
    Why Republicans Might Not Mind Losing the White House in 2020If Republicans hang onto the Senate in 2020 and have the power to obstruct, they might decide their future looks brighter without the 45th president.
  44. qanon
    QAnon Is Just the Standard Trump Train NowThe feverish conspiracy theory hinged on the conclusion of the Mueller report. Now that’s only the starting point.
  45. 2020 presidential election
    What Should Democrats Do When Trump Attacks Them Over Reparations?While Democrats should dispute lies about what they mean by reparations, they should not retreat from the moral reckoning the country needs.
  46. food politics
    Restaurateur Apologizes After Saying He’d Ban MAGA HatsJ. Kenji López-Alt tweeted that anyone wearing the hat to his popular Wursthall would not be served — and then reversed the short-lived policy.
  47. let’s get this bread
    Did a Twitter User Scam MAGA Fans Out of Thousands of Dollars?Who’s scamming who in this situation?
  48. politics
    These Prominent Conservatives Think the Bomb Scares Are a Liberal Hoax“Republicans just don’t do this kind of thing,” Rush Limbaugh said.
  49. love in the time of trump
    Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberley Guilfoyle Call Themselves … Donberly“Hashtag Donberly,” Guilfoyle declared on the couple’s romantic tour de MAGA.
  50. okay
    Kanye West Loves the Male Energy of a MAGA Hat“When I put this hat on, it made me feel like Superman.”
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