Operation Endgame

Operation Endgame

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О нас

Добро пожаловать на The Endgame.

Правоохранительные органы из разных стран объединили усилия. Мы долгое время провели расследование по отношению к вам и на этом не остановимся.

Это первый сезон Операции Endgame. Следите за обновлениями. Точно будет интересно. Некоторые результаты вы найдете здесь, а другие результаты наступят разными и неожиданными путями.

Смело свяжитесь с нами, возможно мы вам будем нужны. Для обеих сторон откровенный диалог будет полезным. Вы не станете либо первыми либо последними.

Подумай о своем следующем ходе.


Пилотный проект

Press release

Several botnets dismantled in largest international operation

During a joint action by international law enforcement agencies and judicial authorities several botnets that played a key role in cybercrime were dismantled. Four arrests were made and sixteen premises were searched worldwide over the past few days. Additionally, eight summons were served against suspects. Many national and international organisations in the public and private sectors also played an important role in this operation.

The operation enabled us to simultaneously take down these botnets and disrupt the infrastructure used by cybercriminals. Botnets are used for different types of cybercrime, for example ransomware. The dismantled botnets consisted of millions of infected computer systems.

Many of the victims were not aware of the infection of their systems. The estimated financial loss these criminals have caused to companies and government institutions amounts to hundreds of millions of euros.

This large-scale action is called Operation Endgame.

Operation Endgame does not end today. New actions will be announced on this website.

If you have information about the suspects in Operation Endgame, feel free to contact us

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