
From OpenStreetMap Foundation

OpenStreetMap is an open community, and you are encouraged to get in touch via open community contact channels where your questions can be answered by many smart people, and these answers are open for others to benefit from. The OpenStreetMap Foundation has limited volunteer man-power to process enquiries, but we can be reached with the following:

Contact us
Legal and licensing enquiries [email protected]
Press/Media enquiries [email protected]
Map mistakes/Disputes/Vandalism Please read I've seen a problem
Closing your OpenStreetMap account Please read How can I close my account
Membership enquiries for individuals [email protected]
OSMF board, officers or individual board members Please read Officers & Board

Mailing address

Name & Registered Office:

OpenStreetMap Foundation
St John’s Innovation Centre
Cowley Road
United Kingdom

A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales.

Company Registration Number: 05912761

VAT Number: GB413387210